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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Bold part.  Based on what?
  2. I believe it was Brown And Root that the Johnson's were joined at the hip with.  BigGirl, did you Dad mention this?  PS - Yes, LBJ was a sorry individual.  
  3. Interesting.  17 trillion is what they want to talk about.  But, it's actually over 100 trillion dollars in unfunded government liability.  So, we would be interested in learning why you think the deficit is more important than the debt.  Educate us...
  4. If you are a Constitutionalists, then welcome! 
  5. Deficit going down and the debt going up.  Hummm...   Why is the deficit going down?  It's not what you think...   [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. Check the debt clock...   [Hidden Content]
  7. Not a problem.  I agree with everything Steve says.  Why wouldn't I?  They don't call us "RIGHT" for nothing. I know it's tough to deal with the fact that Russia (communist) had Socialist in it's name.  CONNECT THE DOTS!!  If Communist Russia thought they were Socialist, then you gonna argue with them?   Meaning?  There's not that much difference between the two.  They are both evil.  PS -- It's amazing obama hired an admitted communist to be in his administration.  I'm sure there are many more in the administration that are in the closet.    :huh: 
  8. "Haha better start making names for Hillary."  This is a supportive statement concerning hillary.  Hence the question.
  9. Right, Steve.  It's amazing how liberals here are so far right that all they can do regurgitate their socialist talking points.  All the libs have to do is connect the dots.  But when all they can say is "democrats good Republicans bad", well, connecting the political dots may as well be Quantum Physics. 
  10. HA!  Now we know you are a flaming liberal.  Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg is as about as competent as Sotomayer and Kagan.  They are 99.9% wrong on every decision made. 
  11. And the hits just keep rolling in!   [Hidden Content]
  12. 100 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.  We just learned we lost 500,000 more full time jobs.  Also, the work force participation rate is 62.8% (shameful).  One doesn't have to have a degree to understand something's wrong.  But, the only ones that usually have a problem with understanding this is the "Low Information Voters."   But, the education continues.   :)
  13. Man, why you want to lie to BigGirl like that?!   I guess it's a liberal thing!   Hopefully she can put two and two by the correct answer I gave her.   :P
  14. BigGirl -- A teaching moment.  U listening?   Russia was/is communist.  Let's look at it:  USSR   Union Of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.   BigGirl, let me ask you -- What is the third S stand for??!! 
  15. BigGirl -- with all due respect to you and your Dad, it is not personal with the President.  We have said that before.  It is strictly his policies.  I'm sure he's a good family man.  But -- his policies or not what made America great. 
  16. Honest question:  Why do you think Hillary would make a good President?
  17. PLEASE -- give us something that he's actually done good/positive for America...
  18. ??       :huh:    Explain!
  19. Yes -- Let Freedom Ring!!
  20. What's really important, is how may full time jobs were lost.    [Hidden Content]
  21. LOL!  Your typical response when you get busted.  It's been stated here before that facts tend to bore you.  As with most liberals.  Why?  Because if they dealt with the truth then they would not be liberal, now would they?!  It's been said that for a lot of people their historical perception is from only when they were born.   ;)
  22. Who's the President?  Maybe he's secretly catering to his mother's side?   :rolleyes:   [Hidden Content]
  23. Getting it and actually getting it is two different things.  Read your history.  bill had to Triangulate to save his Presidency.  Knowing that he was a lefty -- do you HONESTLY think Welfare Reform would have been passed if the Dems had all three branches?  NO!  the GOP pulled him dragging and screaming.  Read your history.  THEN you will get it.   ;)
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