It's amazing how this makes you wary. But when obama stands behind Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorhn, Frank Marshall Davis, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko, Saul Alinsky, Rashid Khalidi, etc, etc., this doesn't bother you!
It's amazing how time has a way of erasing/changing history. There's not much difference between bil'sl and obama's philosophy. Remember, after 40 years, the Republicans won control of the House after two years of the clinton fiasco. But, to his credit, and to save his Presidency, he worked with the Republicans. Meaning he HAD to move to the right. And guess what -- it saved his Presidency. Imagine that! But, obama just doesn't have it in him to do what bill did. That's the Chicago thugocracy coming out in him!
Over 200,000 new jobs were net created. WOW! Sounds impressive, right? Well not so fast. The Wizard looked impressive until the curtain was moved.
Now, so facts: The civilian workforce participation rate is at a 36 year low of 62.8%. 500,000 "full time" jobs were actually lost. Over 700,000 jobs were actually created. BUT -- those created were PART TIME jobs. Remember when it was said that obamacare would be a reason for the creation of part time jobs and obama and the left laughed? Well, it looks like it's happening!
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BigGirl -- I'll ask you again: "BigGirl, curious about something: If a woman wants birth controls and abortion inducing drugs, why don't they pay for it themselves? No one is denying them access to any of these. Help us out here, why the outcry?!"
PAM, stop the talking points and tell us ONE accomplishment hillary had as Secretary Of State. I know you are learning. But you need to have both sides of a situation to make YOUR OWN decisions of who is right and who is wrong.
You are right and wrong. Wrong: The TEA party stands for the Constitution. Show me where they don't!
Right: It's hard to beat a barack-A-Claus. You know, when you promise to give the "Low Information Voter" any and everything.
BigGirl, curious about something: If a woman wants birth controls and abortion inducing drugs, why don't they pay for it themselves? No one is denying them access to any of these. Help us out here, why the outcry?!
Socialism/communism needs the taxman. They can't function without it. Why do you think the left-wingers are so opposed to moving tax day to election day?!
Not one letter. Not one complaint!! Again -- political correctness at it's goofiness. More proof of obama's continued silliness and juvenile behavior...
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Quinnipiac found 45 percent of voters say the country would have been better off if Romney had been elected President. Well, DUH!! Or WD ;)
Read more: [Hidden Content]
It's funny how things come back around eventually. This recent Supreme Court decision concerning religious freedom was sweet poetic justice. And, it drew out hypocrisy at it's finest. This was not a Constitutional ruling. This was a "statutory" ruling. The sweet irony is that obama was being sued for violating the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act." But, I wonder who signed that into law?? Well -- Bill Clintonista in 1993!! The House and Senate voted for it unanimously! One major hypocrite? Hillary Rodman Clintonista! You should have heard here whining about the decision. Why can she get away with it? Because she knows there are a lot of "Low Information Voters" out there that does not have a clue!! ;)
obama is nothing more than an empty-suit, community organizer, Chicago-style politician. Can you deny any of it. Put down the kool-aid talking points for a second and think about it.