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Everything posted by smitty

  1. smitty


    Buddy, don't tell us you think this 9-0 decision had to do with whether or not making recess appointments is legal or not.  But, other other hand, yes, we claim when a President breaks the law.  You should too!!
  2. When a former Clintonista advisor and very liberal, Lanny Davis, calls for an independent prosecutor, well, you know it must be bad news for obama's IRS...   [Hidden Content]
  3. smitty


    NEW, this article is a prime example of appealing to the "Low Information Voter."  This silly article does not say anything about the actual Supreme Court decision.  It's trying to fool it's readers.  The decision -- 9-0 -- had NOTHING to do with the right of the President to recess appointments.   I hope you do realize that! 
  4. Steve, she knows that it's actually over 100 Trillion debt in unfunded liabilities.  But she won't admit that either.  Because it blows to smithereens her whole big government is great world.   ;)
  5. Liberal hypocrisy at it's finest!    B)    [Hidden Content]
  6. Stop drinking the kool-aid.  I never said a Presdent's name.  I said government.  That's why the kids were crying.  To the tune of over 100 trillion in debt! 
  7. Remember, those kids were whining because they just realized who is going to have to pay off the debt the government has created.   THEM!!      ;)
  8. Where do you see anywhere where it says "stupid?"   We'll wait for your answer...
  9. It takes two to negotiate, don't you think?!  
  10. Yes, Lumraider, forget that these "feel good" programs will eventually bankrupt any government entity.  These liberals care more than anybody.  So their hearts are in the right place, they say.  Forget about it ruining the state or nation...
  11. smitty


    From Ned in a reply to this article:  "The Senate was in "pro-forma" session when President Obama made the appointments. The Constitution empowers the Congress to make its own rules, including when it is in session. Historically other Presidents, including GWB, respected the Senate's "pro forma" sessions as valid and didn't try to make appointments during those times. How often other Presidents made recess appointments, or how often appointments were filibustered or blocked in some manner, wasn't part of how all nine Justices looked at this case."
  12. Well, obviously it did happen.  This is what also happens when there are a lot of "Low Information Voters" out there.  You know, the base of the democratic party. 
  13. smitty


    I say highly corrupt and equally ignorant.   ;)
  14. Incredible!   
  15. More like:  I don't "understand" Nash for a number of reasons.     :)
  16. Steve, even a liberal can be ashamed of who they voted for!    
  17. LOL!!  
  18. Buddy, stay focused.  I never said a party.  Conservative and liberal is a philosophy.  One knows the tree by the fruit it bears!     B) 
  19. I guess so.  I "forgot" you were a "conservative."     :rolleyes:
  20. Hope you get the treatment you need and deserve.   
  21. A liberal trying to defend a liberal makes for good entertainment!     ;) 
  22. Come on, baddog, these are the "low information voters" that obama and the democrats rely on.  It's proven here everyday!  
  23. I think maybe I all too well noticed the point that was attempted to be made without success!     ;)   B)  
  24. smitty


    Or "is!"    :D
  25. It's answering a question with a question.  Yours wasn't a question!  Stay focused!   B)
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