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Everything posted by smitty

  1. smitty


    Where does this leave all the different decisions put out by these "illegal" appointments to the National Labor Relations Board?  They should be rule invalid!
  2. I'm sure Jimma Carter thanks the Lord everyday for obama.  Now he won't be the worst President in history!
  3. It is something that those who passed it exempted themselves from it.  First clue that's it bad.  It has laws, fines and taxes.  Some of these laws were postponed -- ILLEGALLY -- until after the next election.  ANOTHER sign that it's not good.  Other than the military, what has the government done that has been a success?   Everything I can think of, is debt ridden and would be out of business if it was in private business!
  4. And you know the BOLD part how?   
  5. You mean like when you couldn't answer a question on the football forum?!    ;)
  6. ONE of many obama's good friends!   [Hidden Content]
  7. Both can be stated.  But -- Ultimately "who" is the correct answer. 
  8. One of the most profound statements I've read: "Laws don't legalize anything. To think that they do is to assume that all things are illegal unless made legal by law. The opposite is the case. All things are legal until made illegal by law. The principle here is that laws exist to suppress rather than to expand freedom. " ~Unknown~  
  9. smitty


    I guess her Bible for news, SNN (Socialist News Network) gave her some wrong info!      ;)
  10. What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.  Let's see how the IRS like's there own medicine.  LOL!!   [Hidden Content]
  11. The Bible doesn't say anything about being forced through government coercion.  It should be left to the individual, churches and families. 
  12. WOW!!  It's amazing how far-left liberals are never happy.  Some don't even like where they live.   :huh:
  13. Blue, since you are a client, do you honestly think they would state the truth about the economy?  It starts off by saying "The Outlook."  Just look around, what evidence is there that the economy doing anything?  The stock market, true, it's going up because the Feds continue to print money, and it has to go somewhere.  Record numbers of welfare, unemployment benefits, and food stamps ought to tell you something!
  14. smitty


    The Supreme Court slaps down the man-child, wanna-be King...    BAM!!   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  15. You know the answer and it flies in the face of what you believe!
  16. Weren't you ever taught not to answer a question with a question?!     :rolleyes:
  17. So, you are saying that chemical weapons are not WMD?   
  18. What bothers me, BigGirl, is that these scandals do not bother you.  Law breaking and all!
  19. Who creates wealth?  The poor?  The government?  The rich?
  20. Well, I think we should try a true CONSERVATIVE candidate on the GOP side.  The last two wasn't for sure.  Romney had a templet to beat a week 1st term President and couldn't/wouldn't do it.  History is a great teacher. 
  21. More VA shame laid at the feet of obama...   [Hidden Content]
  22. BigGirl, the Congress actually passed a law exempting  Congress from anything to do with obamacare.  Why?  If it's so good, why pass the law??
  23. Most excellent!  So, how do you square what you see now with what the Constitution says?  In particular the 10th Amendment? 
  24. When will those on the far left accept the results of the collapse of the big-government model that's know as liberalism?    [Hidden Content]
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