Actually you did pretty much state that obama's not in charge, of this situation at least, when you said it wasn't his fault that one of HIS agency's did something.
No reading disorder here. Maybe that's the problem, I do know exactly what you said.
It's about purely political correctness. And striking back what's been traditionally America. And as anyone has seen, this is what obama's all about. He said, elect me so we can fundamentally change America.
PS -- So, you are telling us that if obama DID NOT agree with the patent decision that he COULD NOT have stopped it?? ;)
PSS -- The US Patent Office is a division of the The Commerce Department. The Secretary of The Commerce Department is APPOINTED by the President. SO YES -- this has his finger prints all over it!! ;) ;)
PSSS -- Dang, Buddy, you are wrong on politics and wrong on football! :D (Just teasing)