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Smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider - Why Do You Hate Our Country?
smitty replied to EnlightenedChosenOne's topic in Political Forum
Thanks for straightening him out. We don't hate the man. We hate the man's policies that are destroying this country. It should give young people a lesson on why socialism/communism hasn't worked any where in the world. -
Enlighten me.
Smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider - Why Do You Hate Our Country?
smitty replied to EnlightenedChosenOne's topic in Political Forum
I love this country. That's why hate what this man-child is doing to it. Show us where the positives are that this socialist President has created. -
Libralism is housed in the democratic party now (not like it used to be). Conservatism is housed in the Republican party (not like it used to be). If you had the views you described and claimed to be a Republican, you would be a RINO. Think about it: With these views, why not party with the Democrats who house these views?
Smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider - Why Do You Hate Our Country?
smitty replied to EnlightenedChosenOne's topic in Political Forum
I see you added something to my statement. Misinterpret this: A President takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and then blatantly violates it. -
Smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider - Why Do You Hate Our Country?
smitty replied to EnlightenedChosenOne's topic in Political Forum
Not sure what this has to do with what I said. :huh: -
Smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider - Why Do You Hate Our Country?
smitty replied to EnlightenedChosenOne's topic in Political Forum
Before I get into this further later, I'll ask this: If you believe in the Constitution, how can you call this hate for your country? But, when you have a so-called leader that has disdain for the Constitution, this some-how equates to love for your country. Explain! -
Reagan was a Democrat. But -- he said he didn't leave the party, the party left him! That's all you need to know!
I'll buy that. You are not a moderate but a liberal. I consider myself a conservative. This tends to be the Republican at this time.
BigGirl -- where are you?
LOL!! Some are so far left that everything looks right to them. So... But to your point about elections, If we would have had true conservatives as our candidates the past two elections, there would not have been an empty-suited, man-child as President. Especially the second time. The templet was there. But "moderates" have their own way of thinking. That's why they usually lose. "Moderates" couldn't even beat a totally unqualified community agitator!
Moderates have no beliefs of their own. Otherwise they wouldn't be called moderates. They go whichever way the wind blows. Answer me this: Can you go to the library and find books on the "Great Moderates" in history? Again -- even the Bible talks against being in the middle of the road. That ought to tell you something. Well, to some of us anyway! ;)
The Clintonistas have supported estate taxes for a long time. But -- that doesn’t mean they want to pay it. Typical liberals. Liberals/Socialist always think they know what's good for "OTHER PEOPLE" to do or pay, but never themselves!! [Hidden Content]
Come on, 77, you know there are tons of gullible people -- low information voters -- out there that will believe this bull corn. How do you think an empty suited, man-child like obama got elected?
Where's the link? PS -- I'll read your article then I'll tell you something you prolly don't know about the debt. ;)
Steve, you are right. It's a disguise. Usually trying to hide their leftest views. Not sure if I have heard here someone say "I'm a moderate" and have "right" view. No reason to be ashamed on the right! ;)
A moderate wets his/her finger and sticks it in the air to see which the winds is blowing. Meaning moderates are followers. Never a thought of their own. Even the Bible talks against being in the middle of the road.
smitty replied to jv_coach's topic in Political Forum
Hummm, maybe not so crazy after all. It may very well be orchestrated! [Hidden Content] -
Fox News -- Fair and Balanced!
Steve, one can't be made a leader. You are one or you are not one. It can't be taught in school. As you pointed out by your examples.
The first three men to walk the Earth was Adam, Abel, Cain. The first three men to walk on the Moon was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Pete Conrad. As you can see, both firsts had two names starting with an "A" and one starting with a "C." Is this Providence or coincidence?
obama got a free ride (no vetting) and look at the mess we are in. The public needs to know that they are unqualified BEFORE they get elected. But these are their babies. They are not going to admit the truth about these left-wing empty suits because it will indict them that what they also believe in is a total failure!
Americans are finally realizing what we knew all along! Empty-suited man-child! Not ready for prime time! [Hidden Content]
Obama Calls Out ‘Millionaires’ to Pay for Student Loans
smitty replied to LumRaiderFan's topic in Political Forum
Really?! LOL!! I always think it's amazing how liberals are so free with "other people's money!" -
Let's ask BigGirl. Maybe she can tell us. Hey -- BigGirl!