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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Planned Parenthood at it again.  500 Million of our tax dollars goes for this.  They also abort over 300,000 unborn children a year.  Again -- NOT what I pay taxes for!!  But what they are doing in this video is sick...   [Hidden Content]   Later, Planned Parenthood was approached with this and they later said they fored the employee doing this.  But, calls later to the same clinic found the employee still working giving out same instructions.   Typical liberal response -- they LIED!   [Hidden Content]
  2. I see you still haven't answered the question.  I thought you'd be all over this one!    ;)
  3. Only things in the "middle of the road" are yellow strips and dead armadillos!      ;) 
  4. I bet at one point you thought Ted Cruz would not be a Senator from Texas!   TEA party all the way on this one. BTW -- what do you have against the philosophy of the TEA party?
  5. Either lying or an administration that doesn't have a clue!      [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]    
  6. Why would a private industry have to bail out a government entity?  All they have to do, and are doing it, is print more money and tax more people.  Example:  The Postal Service.  How much per quarter do they lose?  If it was a private industry it would have been bankrupt a long time ago.  But, when you have the power of taxing and the power of the printing press (computer entries now), inefficiency is prolonged.  Just another example that private industry (UPS and FedEx) can do a better job. 
  7. You can presume right that I know the correct answer to who and why it was done.  Now, if you what to squabble over semantics, let me make it easy for you:  Who was the first to "take money out of" the Social Security fund?  And have been "taking money out" ever since! 
  8. What?!  With the massive increase in welfare payments and food stamps, poverty is soaring?!  I guess with the "War On Poverty", poverty's winning!  So, tell us again how socialism is wonderful?! 
  9. I was for certain that BigGirl would have stepped up to the plate and, POP, knocked it out of the ball park with the correct answer.  But...
  10. Explosive new report that further indicts obama as a habitual lier!  But, I guess some are still clinging to the video story!   [Hidden Content]
  11. I think Blue blindly stumbled on to the truth.  BUT -- as liberals usually do -- he totally misunderstands what's going on and why the kids are crying:  The kids are seeing their future, when they realize that they are going to have to pay for obama's massive debts, it makes them want to cry!  And they ARE going to have to pay.  And that's a fact!
  12. And Hillary Rodman Clinton is not extreme??!!   Her and obama are from the same Saul Alinsky belief...
  13. obama's excuses blown away by Congressman!   [Hidden Content]
  14. Whatever happens will be owned totally by obama!  Just like when the radical muslims took over Iran, it is owned totally by Jimma Carter!
  15. I know who AND why!    ;)
  16. How about this:  obama follows the teaching of that infamous community organizer, Saul Alinsky (Hillary Rodman Clinton worships at the same alter).  Ol' Saul wrote the liberal's Bible, Rules For Radicals.  He dedicated this book to the original community agitator -- Lucifer.  NOW you've heard it all.     ;)
  17. Raid:  "An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables."   And the education never stops! 
  18. Inflows into the Treasury doubled under Reagan.  Who controlled the House And Senate? 
  19. It becomes ambiguous when one knows the answer but don't want to say because it'll indict a socialist icon!   ;)
  20. Time to impeach?   [Hidden Content]
  21. Which President was the first to raid the Social Security fund?
  22. HaHaha!!  The guy that wrote that article says his Facebook name is "Left Of Liberal."  This guy is so far left that everything looks right to him!  Come on, BigGirl, using this is like using Nazi propaganda to say "why Hitler's not a bad guy!"    PS -- I thought you were against BIASED articles??!!   :rolleyes:
  23. WOW!  He's telling the enemy when the war is going to be over.  It's usually over when somebody wins!  Of course he prolly doesn't know or understand that!  So, now all the terrorist have to do is wait and continue on with their terrorism after the date obama say it's over.
  24. Could the Jews negotiate with Hitler?   Meaning we all knew how bad his policies are or would be.  So, why negotiate with someone who wants to destroy this country? 
  25. :rolleyes:
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