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Everything posted by smitty

  1. So says bernie sanders, socialist Senator from vermont.  When asked about reports of multiple deaths related to long wait times at the VA healthcare system, Sanders told CNN: “People die every day.” But, this is about a bill requiring accountability at the VA.  It passed overwhelming in the House.  But -- DEMOCRATS blocked the bill!  I bet obama called those that voted to block the bill and congratulated them for doing so!   [Hidden Content]
  2. Let's use obama's tactic;  This was acutally done by a low level employee at some state office in Avon, New Jersey.
  3. So says a stupid democratic rep.  Oh yeah, obama's for sure gonna call this guy and profusely congratulate him!  Heck, obama might even make him dictator of Florida.    [Hidden Content]
  4. You will not see the words "separation of church and state" in the Constitution.  I'm sure it's taught that way but...
  5. Blue, the Bible says it's un-natural!  That's all I need to know.  But -- putting that aside, just think about it!
  6. They are both not normal and un-natural.  So, how can you say one is right and one is wrong? 
  7. What did you expect from this judge?  He's a homsexual AND appointed by obama!!  Enough said!
  8. More lies from the lying machine...   [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Westend -- I just heard today on the news that that the US, obama, did NOT issue a statement condemning this situation.  Where is your info that they did?
  10. From the article: "The “Y.M.C.A.” racism claims stem from the mother’s belief that the Village People member dressed up as a Native American is offensive."  So it gets banned!   LOL!!  This school will be getting a congratulations call from obama.  More LOL!!   This is funny.  You can't make this stupidity up!  But I hope it continues for a little while.  Because, the left WILL over play it's hand and things will swing back to reality.  It always does.    [Hidden Content]
  11. But -- it looks like it is!     [Hidden Content]
  12. How did Bush hurt you and this country? 
  13. I'm sure a call from obama congratulating him/her will be forth coming!   You know, anything against traditional America!
  14. So says obama...   Jeez!   [Hidden Content]
  15. obama stands SILENT on this atrocity!  Not a word!  Hyprocrisy at it's finest?  Maybe our liberal friends here can explain?!   [Hidden Content]
  16. Rice's Benghazi story collapsing.  Wishes it would just go away!    [Hidden Content]
  17. Watch this video!  You will see why America is in the shape it is in today.  These "college students" are quick to answer one question.  But -- when it comes time to answer a substantive question, well, it gets ugly.   This will show you where their concerns are and where they are not!  And the "are not" part is why this country is sliding fast in to the abyss.  Electing hillary based on what these morons think is important, well, it would then be hard to stop the slide.      [Hidden Content]
  18. BigGirl -- I didn't realise you were a connoisseur of the Orlando Sun.  Interesting...
  19. Why are the Democrats so scared of this committee investigating Benghazi?  I thing are many reasons why.  But one main reason, I think, is that Trey Gowdy is a honest man.  He is a former prosecutor that NEVER lost a case.  They know he's going to get to the bottom of this situation...   [Hidden Content]
  20. Westend, did you watch the video?  Trey Gowdy says the Ambassador asked for additional security weeks and months before the attack.  And was repeatedly turned down.  I can only guess to continue the facade that terrorism was no longer a threat.  He also asked a question: What was the Ambassador doing there the night of the attack?  He stated that even the British had left.  And, I guess, one more important question is: Why there no one has been brought to justice concerning Benghazi?  Curious what you think about this...
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