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Everything posted by smitty

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Jim Rogers, famous billionaire investor said, "I am a little bit skeptical about the U.S. stock market and most stock markets mainly because what is happening is that we for the first time in recorded history we have all major central banks around the world printing huge amounts of money. (...) So we are all living in an artificial ocean of liquidity which has been rising pretty dramatically for several years. I know its artificial and in my view it is a terrible mistake. But when this ocean dries up we are all going to suffer and suffer badly."  Since there is not any economic growth under obama, this is the reason why the stock markets have been going up.  Sure, it's good in the short term but it's gonna end ugly.  Printing massive amounts of money to keep interest rates low CANNOT last forever! 
  3. Steve, these are the lost souls that would elect a "nothing" like obama and keep trying to say he's doing a good job.  It's gonna take a while to get out of this mess!  But it took us a while to get out of the jimma carter mess.  But it was done by a conservative.  Not moderate or liberal!
  4. And obama as well as hillary Rodman clinton.  A video!?  Now that's an out and out LIE!  
  5. Better late than never...   [Hidden Content]
  6. PAM -- a lie is when one makes a statement that one knows is not true.  Bush had information that Saddam had WMD's.  Clinton and AlGore had the same info and believed the the SAMETHING Bush did.  If the intel is wrong, that does not make the intel receiver a liar!  Let's not revise history. 
  7. smitty


      I wish that's all it was!   In other words, I wish it was that simple.  But, what's been said has been the sad truth!  
  8. It doesn't go well when asked about her accomplishments...   [Hidden Content]
  9. smitty


    Steve, what recovery?  Where is the economic growth?  True econimic growth is not what obama has planned for America.  Let's face it -- what does a community organizer know about economics?  One of my post was about the Highest Sustained Tax Rates in the history of the US.  You cannot prosper in this climate.  Also putting as much people on welfare as possible is NOT an economic recovery.  But -- when when you have certain plans for America, you get more of the later and less of the former!!  And what are those plans?  Well -- Get-Even-Withism!   Think about it:  Again -- obama's book, The Dreams Of My Father, what were his dreams?!?!    The answers are there!!  We are seeing them played out now, unfortunately! 
  10. More proof that a big, out of control government does stupid things.  The right thing that should have been done is to fire these people.  But, you give bonus', I guess when you are stuck on trying to strike back at the man!   Remember, the buck ALWAYS stops at obama!!   [Hidden Content]
  11. smitty

    Benghazi !

    Why do you think they needed to blame it on a stupid video?!
  12. But, Hippy, this presumes that this was ABOUT upholding the law.  Again, harry reid and son, I feel, was up to their neck in this for personal reasons.  And it wasn't about the rule of law. 
  13. smitty


    Interesting.  The question is, why is obama concerned about violating the constitution concerning only muslims?     :huh:
  14. smitty


    “A nation…cannot survive treason from within…the traitor …wears the face of his victims…and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly…he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared…….” Cicero, 42 B.C.E.  
  15. This is how you get rid of bad policies.  You get rid of bad politicians!    If we keep the House and gain control of the Senate, it is my understanding that they may be able to withhold funding for obamacare!
  16. Interesting!
  17. All I can say again is -- WOW!!   Socialist heaven!!   [Hidden Content]
  18. Should taxes be paid on Social Security payments?   Thoughts?
  19. Typical government bureaucracy:  Do as I say, not as I do!!     [Hidden Content]
  20. What really happen at the Bundy ranch...   [Hidden Content]
  21. I see none of our liberal friends here are touching the "bold" sections.  
  22. Truth?  You talking about obama?
  23. All it takes is a catalyst to get the correct conversation going.  First the states take over the land. And, second, sell the land to private interest as much as possible.  Again, "why" do the Feds want to own/control so much land (80% in Nevada) in America? In the communist manifesto, karl marx stated, "The theory of the communist may be summed up in the single sentence, Abolition Of Private Property."   But -- Americas' founding father, John Adams, stated, " Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist."   [Hidden Content];
  24. How can he grow a pair when he doesn't believe in doing the right thing as for as America is concerned.  His "right" thing is dictated by how many people he can put on food stamps!  That's his mentality!  That's why are in the shape we are in at home and abroad.
  25. Can anyone list Hillary Rodman Clinton's qualifications to be President?  Any accomplishments? 
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