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Everything posted by smitty

  1. Let me first ask you one question.  And I don't have this answer.  But could find out if you don't: How much is the total money paid out for extra-curricular activities?  [quote name="mat" post="1011257" timestamp="1305481506"] [quote author=smitty link=topic=84302.msg1011214#msg1011214 date=1305466402] Since you are concerned, you might want to educate yourself on all candidates.  Then we'll talk.  ;) Throughout these discussions here, I have always stayed focused on the students.  That's why I'm against passing bonds that build 10 million dollar stadiums and gym-atoriums.  And any other extra expenditures that do not educate one student.     PS - Being responsible for/with taxpayer dollars has now become an "extreme" view?  Learn your history also!!    ::) PSS - Also, the queen of these bond issues also got defeated in her attempt to gain a school board seat.  Excellent! Now we can concentrate on education instead of keeping up with the Jones'!!!! [quote author=mat link=topic=84302.msg1011206#msg1011206 date=1305465076] Your sole focus on the tax payer’s dollars does not benefit the students or the education system. I don’t know the history of the incumbents or the elected but while I’m all for fiscal responsibility, your extreme view is not good for NISD.   [/quote] [/quote] As I already stated, I don’t know the candidates history but I do know much more about certain topics than you realize. The last NISD consideration of a bond was to address some needed necessities and the price was very small in comparison to the first try and other districts bonds. There was no new stadium or other nonessential needs. You have twisted my “extreme” comment. I stated extreme in reference to your always anti-bond campaigns. You seam to be in it for the students and “education” as long as it doesn’t cost you a dime more. Answer this oh wise one.  ;)   The state will cut district funding, the facilities are in poor condition, district department budgets are getting cut, employees are getting laid off and every bordering district has better facilities than NISD. How do they pay for needed improvements? Not keeping up with the Jones. FYI – the only thing saving NISD is that PNG has not allowed open enrollment. [/quote]
  2. Of course we do!!  Don't you know that always makes you a better football team    LOL!!!!    ::) [quote name="bobbymcgee" post="1011245" timestamp="1305479240"] Nederland needs a new big football stadium with field turf, a two-story press box and a fieldhouse with a natatorium in it [/quote]
  3. Since you are concerned, you might want to educate yourself on all candidates.  Then we'll talk.  ;) Throughout these discussions here, I have always stayed focused on the students.  That's why I'm against passing bonds that build 10 million dollar stadiums and gym-atoriums.  And any other extra expenditures that do not educate one student.     PS - Being responsible for/with taxpayer dollars has now become an "extreme" view?  Learn your history also!!    ::) PSS - Also, the queen of these bond issues also got defeated in her attempt to gain a school board seat.  Excellent! Now we can concentrate on education instead of keeping up with the Jones'!!!! [quote name="mat" post="1011206" timestamp="1305465076"] Your sole focus on the tax payer’s dollars does not benefit the students or the education system. I don’t know the history of the incumbents or the elected but while I’m all for fiscal responsibility, your extreme view is not good for NISD.   [/quote]
  4. Bellaire and Cox, 2 pro-bond incumbents, got defeated in Saturday's election.  Good day for Nederland I.S.D!!  This should send a message to the other board members that it's wise to treat tax dollars a sacred! 
  5. Come on, trece, don't you know they are playing along with their fellow muslim -- b. HUSSIEN obama??!! Don't believe me?  Here's from the horse's mouth!!!!    :o     ;) [Hidden Content] [quote name="trece balas" post="1009520" timestamp="1305243330"] [Hidden Content] Relatives of bin Laden's want proof that the terrorist leader is dead and are calling for an investigation into how he was killed, according to Jean Sasson, an author who helped one of bin Laden's sons write a memoir. [Hidden Content] I Omar Ossama Binladin and my brothers the lawful children and heirs of the Ossama Binladin (OBL) have noted wide coverage of the news of the death of our father, but we are not convinced on the available evidence in the absence of dead body, photographs, and video evidence that our natural father is dead. Therefore, with this press statement, we seek such conclusive evidence to believe the stories published in relation to 2 May 2011 operation Geronimo as declared by the President of United States Barrack Hussein Obama in his speech that he authorized the said operation and killing of OBL and later confirmed his death. I found other various posts online, but nothing on foxnews which i was hoping for.  I did also find, however, several new articles where Bin Laden's son is now saying that the killing was illegal, and that he might even sue :).  Again, if his dad died ten years ago, why would he be so distraught about how he was killed and his burial at sea. [/quote]
  6. They used the muslim burial thing as it fit the hoax.  When I heard he was supposedly shot in the face and within 4-5 hours dumped in the ocean, well, the first thing I thought was this is a con game.  Then they said they would not release any photos as to not "spike the ball", so to speak.  THEN -- he starts to brag on the campaign trail about killing bin laden.  It all falls into place as a ruse... PS -- And you are right about cover-ups.  the Kennedy assassination is one.  I'll throw out another one for you:  How about Watergate..  I'm learning things that this was NOT what the official reports said it was.  I've had questions about Watergate in the past.  And what I've learned recently, answers those questions to a tee!! [quote name="baddog" post="1009891" timestamp="1305306603"] I was a longtime believer in Bin Laden being crushed in a cave by a daisy cutter bomb in Afghanistan. He was always an in-your-face type and I never saw him after that mountainous campaign. Supposedly, they got recordings from him, but for me that was iffy at best, as far as positively identifying the voice on the tapes. So, for me personally, he was dead. I do, however, believe now that he was killed in the recent raid. Too much involved to be staged....but then the Kennedy assassination comes to mind. My biggest problem is.....why did they have to follow Islamic protocol burying him within 24 hours? After all the man hours, countless lives, collaborations on strategies, and worldwide manhunts initiating the invasion of at least two countries,  we finally kill the SOB. Are we really that afraid of offending someone? Give me a break. [/quote]
  7. So, you agree this is the only reason they conjured up this hoax?  To try and get him re-elected?  Now you are learning!!    ::) [quote name="trece balas" post="1009740" timestamp="1305291471"] [quote author=smitty link=topic=84192.msg1009722#msg1009722 date=1305287487] [b]I don't believe anything that has been reported lately bin laden.[/b]  But, we see now why obama did it.  He's starting to use it on the campaign trail.  Awful fishy!! [/quote] ;D [/quote]
  8. I don't believe anything that has been reported lately about bin laden.   But, we see now why obama did it.  He's starting to use it on the campaign trail.  Awful fishy!!
  9. Davis would be a good QB coach for somebody.
  10. Anyone know where UT's ex-OC, Greg Davis, is now?
  11. Although it's not a pretty sight, if the money's not there, something has to be done.  [quote name="shermdog" post="1001974" timestamp="1303704473"] Better look at what the house is wanting to do with HB 400.  It will run off older teachers and scare new graduates from teaching.  I have already heard people say they will get out ASAP if this bill passes.  Young kids are watching and changing majors.  Nephew is seriously considering changing with all the uncertainty.  HB 400 can reduce your pay, increase your class size, hold you more accountable and give you less money to work with in the class room. This bill will do more to harm education than help it. [/quote]
  12. Where was he prior to this?
  13. Pat Fishcer was the DC under Danny Malone while at PN-G.  Also came back and coached 1 year again at PN-G.  Good DC!
  14. They have more power than you think!! [quote name="speechless" post="999423" timestamp="1303224522"] Smitty, a school board's job is not to hire/fire people they are there to set the tax rate and go off the recommendations of the superintendent [/quote]
  15. You are missing the big picture.  A school COULD drop all extra curricular activities.  Remember, football is just a game.  Kids are there for an education.  Schools are at the mercy of the tax payers.  That's why we MUST elect school board members.  So, fair and advantages mean absolutely nothing!!   PS - If it still bothers you, let's have the State require that schools can only have 7 HS football coaches.  Now, every pne has the same!!    ;) [quote name="mat" post="999244" timestamp="1303172212"] [quote author=smitty link=topic=82980.msg999153#msg999153 date=1303158505] Good!  So have the board tell the district you will only have 6-7 coaches on the HS level and 2 each for 8th and 9th grade.  They can be whatever teachers they are... [quote author=speechless link=topic=82980.msg999124#msg999124 date=1303154123] Did you know that most coaches are History teachers which is a core subject? [/quote] [/quote] Maybe a good idea in theory but when your team has six coaches and you're going against teams that has had ten coaches all season you will be at a disadvantage. And then when your team falls short people will want to replace the AD, OC, DC etc. The same folks at say there's to much emphasis on athletics. [/quote]
  16. This is why you have elected school board members actually making the decisions.  If they don't/won't to do their responsibility, then you elect someone that will.  Now it's plain and simple!! [quote name="dawgnut" post="999322" timestamp="1303209357"] Most administrators "need" to keep their job and since the fans "want" a successful football program they get more coach's. Plain and simple, the law of supply and demand. [/quote]
  17. Good!  So have the board tell the district you will only have 6-7 coaches on the HS level and 2 each for 8th and 9th grade.  They can be whatever teachers they are... [quote name="speechless" post="999124" timestamp="1303154123"] Did you know that most coaches are History teachers which is a core subject? [/quote]
  18. Ispeak, you get an "applaud" for having common sense!    [quote name="ispeakjive" post="999104" timestamp="1303149561"] Smitty, I never thought I would say it, but you are almost spot on with what you have posted on this thread.  I don't think that anyone on this board wants to see athletic budgets cut, but with the problems coming, you are going to have to cut and sacrifice somewhere.  Athletics are extra-curricular, just like choir, band, etc.  Those areas should have to share the burden of cuts as well.  And, whoever said that bloated administrative budgets should be first is absolutely correct.  All administrators not directly involved with students should be looking at minimum five to ten percent cuts - Butch's should be more like forty to fifty percent.  I used to coach and no one respects what those guys and ladies do more than me, but you have to cut the "wants" (athletics, band, other extra-curricular activities) first before you even think about cutting the "needs" (core subject teachers).  If a coach teaches a core subject, he or she should get priority.  But, I think that most athletic staffs are going to have to learn to do more with less for the time being.  It's unfortunate, but probably necessary right now.  Most of the districts in this area have very competent and able athletic directors and asking a high school football staff to make it with nine coaches instead of ten or a middle school staff to make it with three instead of four should not greatly impact what the kids are learning.  [/quote]
  19. Slow down, Mr. socialist!  LOL!!  TEA stands for Taxed ENOUGH Already.  Doesn't say anything about no taxes.  Read the 10th amendment to the Constitution and get back with us.  Plus, while you are at it, was there any taxes in the Constitution before 1913??!!    ;)  Wait, 1913, this is when the seeds of our problems started.  But that's a conversation for another time.  [quote name="True Blue" post="998867" timestamp="1303087585"] No I have the clue Its the rest of you Tea Party fools that need to get a Clue. You dont wont to pay any taxes But yet your the first to call when the house is on fire. Or the big bad wolf is at the door, and you need the law.. [/quote]
  20. Teachers have unions in Texas?  Plus, tenure should NEVER be allowed in any school in the US.  Let the apologist tell us what to do with a BAD tenured teacher!! [quote name="True Blue" post="998758" timestamp="1303069684"] [quote author=mat link=topic=82980.msg998672#msg998672 date=1303048143] [quote author=smitty link=topic=82980.msg998661#msg998661 date=1303036794] So, let's deal with reality.  In the free enterprise, private industry -- you know, what we call capitalism, people get laid off all the time.  INCLUDING older people with 20-25 years of good experience.  So, why should a school district -- that should be highly efficient with taxpayer's dollars -- be any different??!!   This is called the real world! [quote author=True Blue link=topic=82980.msg998400#msg998400 date=1302972533] OK let me get this stright, You wont to force out the teaches that have been there for 20 to 25 yrs?? This means that a person that has spent their whole life doing one job will now have to go back out in the open job market, with only teaching experance, and find a new job??? Now remember these people are only 45 to 50 years old???  Thats what you wont??? You must be very young or just a fool. [/quote] [/quote] You can’t legally target specifically older, longer tenured, teachers for layoffs. [/quote] Well you say that now, but if the Rep.party has their way and bust the Unions.They would be able to replace anyone that they wonted. [/quote]
  21. You are right, bonds can't be used for salaries.  The point, again, I was making is that bonds are paid -- one way or the other -- with tax dollars.  Don't pass the bond issues.  But use the money that THAT WAS GOING TO BE USED TO PAY THE BONDS, if needed, to keep some teachers.  Step up and increase  the tax rate if the board really thinks it's necessary.  But before that, you make sure you are highly efficient as possible.  [quote name="Tiger90" post="998673" timestamp="1303048426"] Bonds are not to be used for salaries.  Bonds are monies voted on by the tax payers that are above and beyond the regular property tax.  Regular property tax rates are at maximum allowed by law in nearly every district.  So no monies used to pay a bond can not be used for salaries. In regards to those who say get rid of those with 25+ years nearly every head coach around here has close to that if not more. So are those folks wanting the hc/ad fired as well?  Lots of misinformation out there.  The best one is the 1:1 ratio and how in the 70s it was a 5:1 teacher to nonclassroom personnel.  The state did not even keep record of those extra folks until the 80s. The ratios have been consistent for many years. [/quote]
  22. Give us a little insight to why this has happened. [quote name="AstrosDawg07" post="998942" timestamp="1303097739"] For those that don't know, Owens has fallen out of favor with many here in Tyler over the last few years.  [/quote]
  23. So, let's deal with reality.  In the free enterprise, private industry -- you know, what we call capitalism, people get laid off all the time.  INCLUDING older people with 20-25 years of good experience.  So, why should a school district -- that should be highly efficient with taxpayer's dollars -- be any different??!!  This is called the real world! [quote name="True Blue" post="998400" timestamp="1302972533"] OK let me get this stright, You wont to force out the teaches that have been there for 20 to 25 yrs?? This means that a person that has spent their whole life doing one job will now have to go back out in the open job market, with only teaching experance, and find a new job??? Now remember these people are only 45 to 50 years old???  Thats what you wont??? You must be very young or just a fool. [/quote]
  24. Bonds have to be paid by tax dollars in some form or another.  This money could be used to hire another teacher.  Or make NECESSARY repairs to existing schools.  Priorities, people!! [quote name="Tiger90" post="998524" timestamp="1302991720"] Stadiums and new schools are bonds not the root or cause to the crisis.  If you want some incite check this site out www.texasisd.com. The financial situation is based on a 2006 property tax rollback followed by a then new business tax that did not meet projections and backfill the property tax cuts.  Strayhorn predicted and warned Perry in 06 that there would be a 26 billion shortfall and she was right.  This is not on the back of school districts but rather Perry and the legislature.  My prediction is a special session and further tapping of the rainy day thus allowing the newly elected legislators an opportunity to save face. [/quote]
  25. Looks like bone-head decisions are made everywhere now-a-days!!  Mike's a good man.
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