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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. Thanks to the stimulus packages brought to you by the last 2 presidents
  2. He definitely tries, I give him/her whatever the hell it is a D for effort
  3. Seek help is all I can say! Get a GF or BF or something...
  4. How else can you explain running after everyone of his posts? Bet you like Pete booty plug huh
  5. Think he has a crush on you, he finds his way back to you after every post
  6. Glad I ain't get duped into the cult! Feels good to think on my own
  7. O the irony
  8. What makes you think I watch CNN? Had BLM or antifa done what those terrorists done on Jan 6th I'm sure ppl would be singing a different tune
  9. I honestly thought your reply would mention something I posted but instead you tap danced around it! Bob and weave lil fella, don't touch those questions
  10. Haven't read to much of his posts, I'm guessing you don't agree with him cause he don't tote 45ths jock like you huh? That's the vibe I get on the 3 you mentioned you've debated, don't think like you or like bankrupt dude and all of a sudden here comes your liberal battle cry ive seen you post time and time again.. 🥱, tucker Carlson and Sean need to train its sheep better
  11. @InMAGAWeTrust was right bout you being lonely!
  12. I'm curious why you keep coming back for more, says more about you than me! Write a book about me, then respond after every post lol... 🪝 line sinker 🐟 🐠 🎣
  13. Speaking from experience?
  14. I'll give you props for conceding, some in the gov should take tips instead of throwing fits and causing insurrection and all... 3....2....1.... now defend and you'll get your answer you been seeking about "defend at all costs"
  15. See you did it again, writing books and getting lost in your own delusion! If you think I'm going to break down everyone of your posts and write a book back to you your sadly mistaken... I'll keep mine a few sentences so you don't get too lost and run for help... I'd hate to loose this big fish I caught, us liberals as you call me sure know how to get under them "cons"ervetards skin... unfortunately you bring me back to my high school days you were to easy 😘
  16. 🥱, after reading the book you just wrote I agree with the others on here now! You say the same #### over and over you can't even get a like from your own cult on here... sad Yeah I've read your posts you defend at all costs, all you do is scream liberal straight out the tucker Carlson handbook.. you can go back and color now, your boring me with these long responses that have nothing of value in them... I'm your huckleberry, not sure how much mods on this site let you get away with but we can do this til they come crying if you'd like... I'm all game, put your hand down and you may speak now
  17. Lol keyboard warrior! 🤣 I doubt I'd get bullied by anyone, if that makes you feel better and give you something to talk about at the local diner with the GQP club then go boasts bout it... jokes on you tonight, after you read this comment respond like a good 🐑 you are! I'll wait, it ought to be a dandy and well thought out
  18. Reading a few topics I see you defend at all costs... sad way to live, let's get back to square 1 what makes me a liberal? Going through topics and reading I've concluded your a "cons"ervetard and racist lol how's that sound? Remember lipstick on a pig? See how dumb that sounds? This is the logic I've dumbed down to dealing with you
  19. Don't tap out now! We making progress, a spade calling a spade When's the next insurrection? I want to attend and meet you, be labeled a patriot when we're done
  20. Quick question?
  21. SMFH! Good comeback My community reputation on smaoky is 5 times yours on here 🤣
  22. Smoaky is alot more fun than this site! Sensitive crew over here, all I see is Liberal rant from the same ones! Boring, just glad I got a fish to bite... seems others ignore, you keep coming for more.. sound like my wife 😘
  23. Not even sure to laugh at this response or prey for you! Think I'll go with the 2nd choice! That bro was down right dumb! Expected though, GQP is made up of a bunch of old ppl so I can see sitting around the local diner with the other clowns have done a number on you, now ill prey for ya.. your turn
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