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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. Your last sentence is a bold face lie and you know it!
  2. The fact that he actually believes that is all I need to know
  3. I'm proud African American
  4. It's 2024 u can come out the closet and admit if your a racist! No skin off my back Really not sure why you run on here and quote me in anything that has to do with blacks My final conclusion is your a sick individual
  5. I didn't vote for neither last election, so u can miss with that nonsense...
  6. Biden and Trump are some divisive it's ridiculous! I'll say it again I can't believe we as American voters are dumb enough to run the table with these types of losers for the past 8 years.. incredible "Lets keep electing clowns because they put on a show better than the last clown" SMDH
  7. If it helps you any.... im black and aint voting for Don the Con!
  8. @LumRaiderFan no comment? Only a reaction? Figured, wont waste anymore time with you
  9. @Reagan is just as guilty as dividing us as any politician in office! Beginning to wonder if hes a "racist" Why do you quote me in all this nonsense when im rarely on this site? I have a life outside of politics, u should get one
  10. U just answered your own question! "One bogus charge after another" you do realize that there's a possibility the clown could actually be guilty of some of the things he's charged with right? Do me a favor and list the crimes you think he's guilty of... Me personally I hope the clown wins so I can watch yall crawfiah and come up with every excuse on why nothings getting done.. sorta like the red wave during midterms! R's going to do this and that... Now it's "I'm OK with gridlock" cue up the talking points U expect the same results as 4 years ago 🤣
  11. You constantly say "I don't like the guy" but have defended his every move! In your eyes his mouth is the only thing you don't like... everything else is fabricated, and everyone else is the problem SMH
  12. America is doing bad with a 80 year old man at fault! So what do we do? We give the country (2) 80 year Olds to pick from in the upcoming election! Lol clown voters @LumRaiderFan
  13. Since when do we care about minimum wage or low paying job folks? When that discussion is brought up its always that's not a career or whatever! Now we're worried about them lol... can't have it both ways
  14. Cant speak for others but I'm not suffering, and if I'm being honest in the last year I've done better than I ever have thank God! I know that's not everyone's situation so I can only speak for myself... but I'm also no scared to work and don't look for for government handouts or to make it better for me JS
  15. But ppl are suffering lol... maybe he won't use this money to pay off folks What a joke lol
  16. I doubt it even though it is late in the game R's didn't help the country by giving us a better candidate for 2024.. they throw out the same trash no 1 outside of the cult liked D's should throw out something better JMO
  17. So you say you like neither party, then blame voters for not voting on "your guy" when neither party is good? Makes alot of sense... either way we agree both spend too much and that's about as far as it goes.. yall have a good Saturday, got better things to do then deal with politics
  18. In this day and time, it's safe to say I want no part in neither of these parties! And why is that? @LumRaiderFan can answer that! Blame the voters
  19. You speak like R's don't do anything to the D's! Give me a break Democrat, republican, you, me! No 1 is above the law point blank period Meanwhile go support your felon.. don't 4get to donate
  20. I like Manchin! He don't walk that straight line and do whatever his party wants.. we need more of him
  21. Well that's a good thing right? Means they weren't out to just get Trump I'm sure you know it's rare you get away with things... it eventually catches up to you.. if it had been anyone else yall wouldn't give a damn but he's the closest thing to God in many on the rights eyes.. SMH
  22. Anyone who enters politics no their playing with fire! Anything you've done will be brought to light, so stop complaining and defending the indefensible
  23. Or don't do the crimes you know? No 1 is above the law
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