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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. Bet you wake up mad everyday 🤣! I'd be mad to from reading these responses lame duck
  2. Again, show me whining... I'll wait What was I called out on? All questions were answered.. that liberal talk is old news find some new material... bet your some old dude updating fox every second to find the new boogeyman... don't disappoint sheep
  3. What's that make you since you run back after each post? Can't get enough huh, like I said to easy! Thank god there's gullible ppl like yourself or I'd be bored
  4. What have I said that makes me a liberal? Let me guess? That I don't defend the past president? Or my site name? Which one offends you more?
  5. Hook line and sinker! To easy, I love baiting clowns in
  6. That's the world we've come to, if you don't agree with me or my side your a liberal! SMMFH
  7. Only thing fun these days is watching MAGA cry... that includes you, wipe your chin
  8. Who said I was a liberal? Smh
  9. It's dumbed down enough, it's made up of majority cult members! Enough said Got to say though, smoaky members have thicker skin than the sensitive bunch on here
  10. Who claimed someone is scared of me? Reading comprehension is fundamental! You call a response whining? Sad
  11. Figured I'd get something better from the site 🤡! I'm disappointed
  12. "Cons"ervatives seem scared of liberals for some reason LMAO! one boogeyman after the other
  13. You know nothing about me! I've posted just a few times and you think you have me figured out! 🤡 every topic on here your on your knees.. wipe your chin
  14. I was raised different I guess! You do you, I'd bet you wouldn't repeat that parent line to someone's face after they told you they're dead! I wouldn't, but after reading your posts on here your part of the cult and can't stay off your knees
  15. Exactly right! It's both parties doing the spending, it takes both sides to get things passed The last administration started the stimulus packages and this administration kept it going, its 45th and 46th fault were in this mess Ppl dumb enough to elect a bankrupt clown to save America LMAO.. now look at America's deficit
  16. What part of dudes parents are dead don't you get? If you don't do anything else at least refrain from bringing up his folks! SMFH
  17. Both suck! Too bad we can't find someone both sides can get behind.... all the ppl in America and we have too far right and to far left candidates! No common ground for the middle man SMH
  18. I created a account cause a dude on another forum told me bout this 1! Mods on here are just as bad as Smoaky mods, a few members say I think they're the same person under multiple accounts then come running the mods!!! No 1 has multiple accounts, I'm my own man not part of the MAGA cult, if you want to ban me for assumptions on yalls part go ahead
  19. Go back and chat with the poster who brought the 🤡 up
  20. 👌🏾
  21. Post of the year! I consider myself an independent, I see good from both parties... I'll refuse to vote for Don the Con, D's aren't doing good either... hopefully 2024 will bring out some new candidates.... D's will be dumb to pick biden or Hillary, R's will be dumb to pick the one term loser who couldn't win a 2nd term! Then claim fraud knowing this dude was trash and disliked... seriously can't make this stuff up
  22. And if I don't? My response was to another off topic post, why not tell them the same? Did I offend you 🤭
  23. Seems Twitter and tesla are taking a hit these days after he announced to buy it! 🤣
  24. Trump himself broke the law! New York resident voted in florida...
  25. If "cons"ervatives are dumb enough to elect that trash again they deserve to suffer another 4 years at the hands of a D win! DeSantis can win, Conald dump= no chance
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