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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. It wasn't supposed to go that far lol
  2. Shoot me... I'll stand my ground, some take this politics stuff mighty serious
  3. I have no issue with those u listed... sorry but not sorry I have no sympathy for a grown man acting like a kid on the big stage... it's all poor poor pitiful me duping folks into feeling sorry for said individual... hell majority of any other candidate with a R beside their name is better than Biden, that being said glad we have choices on who to vote for... 45 nor 46 will get my vote in November
  4. Me personally I respect posters like @bullets13 @CardinalBacker they vote for a guy and can call out others in the party or the direction a party can be headed.... others on here fall "lockstep" with whatever happens and defend by all means is the mantra it seems... no need to call out names, it's probably you if your mad at this statement 🤣
  5. I recall prior to midterms the R's and the "red wave" would get America "back on track" etc.... they would end this and stop Biden from that blah blah blah, so what's the problem? It looks like a circus show from both sides and whoever can sit or stand with a straight face and defend it is a 🤡! Desantis would've been a slam dunk for the R's and he possibly would've got my vote... now they pick a guy who lost the popular vote twice lol (yeah I know that means nothing in grand scheme of things).. point being is the dude is highly unlikeable (I also know this doesn't matter) 👈🏾 just getting ahead of the deflectors... personally I hope the clown gets in there so ppl can see how ultra right the clown is trying to push America for... IF he wins in November you can bet he will be on a rampage for 4 years getting lil if anything done, will most likely spend his term for the same thing some of yall complain about daily, going after his opponents... but hey the D's do it right? So yeah it's cool if we do it SMH We're supposed to vote on policies etc while at the same time the person you vote for that made promises to change or fix this and that complains about his predecessor being the issue! It's all a joke What have R's done that's good for America since midterms? What have D's done? And please leave your feelings out of this and be truthful if possible!
  6. I agree with this, both sides major news outlets do this....
  7. I was waiting on someone to pull out the "fall in lockstep" line... lol D's going to have senate, house and presidency... I won't complain too much cause I ain't voting for any of these clowns... the ones that line up with my interests gets no attention
  8. IF they get the votes 3rd time has to be the charm 😂!
  9. I've come to the conclusion, your 1 sick individual!!! U expect me to defend this stuff? Show me defending Biden ANYWHERE! I'll wait 🤡
  10. SMH, glad to know you're anti 1st amendment! Sounds like you encourage more upper involvement to set "protocol"... when did I say anyone was immune to consequences? Guess I'd rather no 1 tell me what I can and can't do within my rights.. sounds like your for more government involvement.. again, hypocrits Last post on this subject for me, you and @Reagan enjoy
  11. Has to be one of if not the worst comebacks ever! Congrats... but to answer, I've never seen that happen and if they decide to do that then yeah the 1st amendment gives them that right! Or should your beliefs interfere with theirs? Yall folks are hypocrits
  12. Disrespectful or not, first amendment applies here... why is it the same ones complaining about rights etc being taken away have a issue with this? Hypocrisy at its finest SMH
  13. Who was forced to do anything?
  14. Just wait til Easter 2025!!! 4/20... I can already hear em now This probably will go over most folks head
  15. I'm most certain it'll be a 4 years of revenge tour....
  16. Having a debate about Trump or Biden is a waste of my time I honestly hope he wins so I can get on here and read the replies of what is to come the next 4 years.. talk about a #### show... it'll be all that and more
  17. Can you not stay on the topic U started? If Biden is dangerous or more of a threat how can you not see Trump pretty much did the same to Hillary? U expect me to go down a rabbit hole with you on this, I'm on topic and your defending "your guy"! Clown 🤡 world we live in Do I really need to waste mine or your time listing things that you'll defend like you do on every topic on here... your 2nd in line behind Reagan.... defend the indefensible, have fun
  18. The president is chosen before you even cast your ballot IMO.... it's all a game, thanks for playing
  19. You do realize from your own article that The former president did almost the exact same thing to Hillary right?
  20. Best D I can think of is Manchin, he stands up against his party but usually caves in R 🤔 I think Desantis but of course he got humiliated by his own party
  21. You expected it cause you limited it to "policies".... im speaking dangerous in general
  22. I didn't realize the ballot only consisted of 2 candidates? New news to me This 2 major party BS has the world screwed up, all the quality candidates get overlooked! Simple as that
  23. Policies only or dangerous in general? Hell if we're going off policies alone, damn near every person with a R beside their name running for president says the same thing... policies alone isn't the only thing that can label someone dangerous... Debt Attempt to overturn a free and fair election The Bible debate, dude is un Christian and I'll take 1 step ahead of ya yeah so is Biden but let's stay on topic if possible For starters, he said this Bible was inspired by the Lee Greenwood song, God bless America. Sorry to have to tell you this, but the Bible is inspired by God. Period. Secondly, he said this is the only Bible he endorses. Again, huge red flag. These are just my opinions though
  24. The fact that folks freely vote for dangerous folks is alarming! We can do this all day, I'll choose to vote for neither
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