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  1. Ax dem der admins if de're still sittin on dat der hurricane RITA relief money...while deir students are sat in a dilapidated school...or if dey used it to pay deir coaches in 2020. Cause, you know, I don't know nuffin. Peace out, mat. Haha
  2. Dey change dem burnt out lights on dat gym marquee mighty fast - PROPS. (me rollin my eyes...) But me, I don't know nuthin
  3. Sorry...I thought this was a band thread
  4. I don't know nothin man. I'll just be spending week one at Bug Tussle, LOUISIANA with a functioning stadium. Y'all enjoy the magnificence of THE BUTCH.
  5. It's looking great. They struck bedrock today. Admin was hoping for some mineral rights. Unfortunately, they'll have to stick to the tax base of the Orange Grove and Dominos. They starting a Gofundme for fresh jock straps and admin parking garage. The new band complex will wait until 2030. BOJO!
  6. LCM admin just approved completion of the new field. Will be ready by 2025. The admin restrooms have been fully renovated tho. They have an attendant to "powder the nose" of those who need it. Taxpayers are demonstrating because the turf is an irresponsible overreach. The band has retained a full-time orthopedist for their shin splints. Things are out of hand. Please send thoughts and BOJO.
  7. Most big city schools have to travel to home games. And then there are those smaller schools that have newer campuses, but were too cheap to build a new on-site stadium. Not ideal, but it's workable. But then there are the schools whose admin is so inept, they couldn't get turf installed in time, hurting their students - yet I guarantee you their new admin parking lot will be on time and spectacular. These are school districts that I would not send my children to. Their administrators are incompetent, ineffectual, yet...narcissistic?
  8. Marshman...LCM's admin has always been reactionary and non-visionary. They messed up when they inexplicably PAID their coaches. Much to their shock, the Bungling Bears won in year ONE! After admin finished spitting their playoff popcorn all over themselves, It took them months to craft an appropriate, apologetic, bowed and scraped written statement to the taxpayers regarding the next step - doing to do what should have been done ten years ago - bringing the stadium in to the 21st century! (It only takes 3 or 4 vocal complainers in the community to make the LCM admin soil their hip waders - Yes, I see you nodding.) It took until May to publish their tearful, Bidenian plea. One of admin's creative justifications for turf? The band students shouldn't have to practice on hot asphalt. The LARGEST STUDENT ORGANIZATION AT LCM just happens has been suffering from heat stroke and shin splints...FOR DECADES NOW...TRAGIC...AND BRILLIANT. (Administrative negligence...noted. And let me know when they stop practicing on asphalt, tee-hee.) Anyway, so yeah, it's late. TEN YEARS LATE. Maybe one day admin will grow a pair (ahem) and do what needs to be done - when it needs to be done - without fear of the opinions of the treehouse dwelling Sleestaks. In the meantime, who's up for some Thursday night games at the Butch? Butch - Now there was a visionary...SHAZAM!!!
  9. Ain't nothing out there now - scorched earth
  10. Any idea if they'll have a scoreboard?
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