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  1. Does anyone know about Deweyville?
  2. Now I am getting conflicting reports from West Orange. I've heard water in the yards but not in the houses around Houston St in WO. Not sure what to believe. News stations are doing a good job, it's just frustrating because it would be nice just to see what has actually happened. I'm sure everyone feels the same. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.---my new motto
  3. So sorry, meant feet. Hit the shift button when I shouldn't have. (Guess it was a little wishful thinking on my part.)
  4. This is what I have heard and have seen pictures to verify, just don't know how to post them. Around South St., water is up to the rooves. McArthur is whitecapping. On Irving St and WOS High school area, there is approximately has 3-4" of water. Also, 6th St area, the water is to the rooves. Still don't know about WO Police Station or Fire Station.
  5. Trust me, you dont want to see it!!!! We have children stuck in attics and on roofs. WHY DIDNT THE PEOPLE LISTEN!!!!!!!!! GET OUT MEANT GET OUT!!! anyone with a child currently on their roof should be charged with child endangerment. I agree.
  6. Does anyone know about the Pinehurst area, near Robert's?
  7. Thank you for your quick reply. We live on Austin, next to the fire department.
  8. Has anyone heard about the West Orange area, particularly the area around the police department and city hall?
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