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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Regarding Obama. I voted for him twice. He's just a man though. I put my trust in Jesus Christ. People on message boards have been villifying former President Obama & throwing it in my face for nine years. What they don't get is I know he has limitations, not the least of which is he was a black liberal in a rabid conservative, almost neo nazi america. He is also in league with the vatican. He' lucky he survived in that environment. Advantages he has over Trump is he is/was smart, urbane, cosmopolitan etc, whereas Trump is crazier than cat poop. But that's what you want. So be it. Regarding Saddam Iraq was a lot more stable under him than it has been since. He knew how to keep all those islamic factions under control, ie the shiites, sunnis and the rest. American style democracy will never work over there. Who knows what will work, this side of the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the world as we know it. Steve Bannon is on record saying he wants to destroy this country and build it over again. He's working hard on doing that. Ultimately I don't think he will succeed. He's just a man too.
  2. Assad used poisoned gas against his own people. He's a terrorist himself. I trust what he says about as much as i trust Trump.
  3. Grand opening of the new Delmar fieldhouse in Houston. I stepped in after work and watched a little of Yates vs BT Washington. That big post for yates, Mitch Sevelle (sic I'm sure) is pretty good. I couldn't stay long.
  4. Having a rally 30 minutes before a scheduled game in another town is not good.
  5. So was the american born muslim olympic medal winner detained at 2 hours at the airport because a conservative administration is in the white house? Nah, it was because of racial and religious hatred and bigotry. Quit fooling yourself. Own it. It's yours.
  6. I wanted Atlanta to win. It is only football.
  7. Racism and most aspects of the conservative movement are closely related.
  8. This is not directed at anyone in particular and is hypothetical but: mom & daddy drink and smoke weed the kids start drinking and smoking. On the internet the adults spend a lot of time on setxsports, myself included, the kids spend lots of time on twitter. It is one big cycle.
  9. Having a rally just before the game is scheduled is not a good idea. It sends out the wrong message. I hear ithe rally is now being held at the funeral home on 16th street. I didn't know that place (funeral home) existed until a couple of years ago. I grew up right next to that location. We played sandlot football in that field where it is located.
  10. Hand checking was used in the NBA by mostly guards who could put their hands on the opposing guard's body, slowing down his forward progress. Rules have changed and hand checking is no longer used in the NBA. I've watched Silsbee basketball for years. I first began watching the Tigers in 1969. I can remember watching a Waldo Matthews game when I was 4. I saw the great Wheatley teams of the late 60s early 70s. The Yates teams, Ft Worth Dunbar etc. They were all running and pressing teams. Opposing teams either figured out a way a strategy to beat them or they got run out of the gym. It was that simple. I have yet to see a Silsbee guard push someone in the face. They apply quick pressing defense and running offense. The other teams in their district most of the times can't keep up. There is a difference between hand checking and press defense. Teams have been using pressing defenses since the game began. If a team's guards cannot handle the press they need to work on their ball handling and passing skills.
  11. It doesn't fit. it fits somewhere else. Back during the campaign, when Cruz and Ben Carson were still candidates an article came out stating that she is adventist. I think Ms Cruz name is Sharon, but I could be wrong.
  12. Too much discussion about blowing out district opponents by this and that high score. They should of laid low during district because familiarity breeds contempt, jealous, & out right hate. Once they got by district the air would have cleared.
  13. LCM knew what they were doing when they were throwing shouders into people and undercutting them while they are in the air.
  14. Ted Cruz' wife is adventist also, js.
  15. So why not leave their best and brightest in place to influence their own country...aren't we doing them a disservice by pulling their best here? There is probably no way to estimate how much this country has benefited from the intelligence and brain power of ethnic minorities from the 10 40 window. They have probably contributed to every high tech innovation from the past 50 years.
  16. It goes without saying, but we're living in the age of instant communication. The internet, msg boards like this one, instagram, twitter, etc. Video is everywhere. Anyone can record anything. The ability to speak your mind is as close as a smart phone, & everyone has one, just about. i am old enough to remember when all this didn't exist. So, I can compare and contrast. You see athletes at the pro level get in trouble all the time about what they said, or for video of what they did. It is at the high school level too. Stuff you could get away with back in the day will get you in deep trouble now. I work in a public office. I am the only guy that works there. Everyone else is a woman. Many of the customers are women, from minors to very the old. There are guys that come around, state troopers, police officers, etc. But, they don't sit there all day and do what I do. I see and hear everything, & I do mean everything. Well, maybe not everything but a lot of suggestive things. 6'6" 240 lb trans, (to each his own), all types of couples, every type of ethnic group and religion you can think of. I've been cursed out more times than I can remember. Occasionally i slip up & say something I regret saying. I've spent the whole weekend reviewing in my mind something I said. People can report you to the highest levels in Austin. I work for the state, btw. But nothing happens. I've done it here too. My bad. The person let it slide, just as I've let some offensive things said to me slide. I try to learn from those mistakes and keep going. Wrapping it all up we all need to pray more. I am coming from a christian point of view. I am hoping & praying it all works out for Devon, and for the team as a whole.
  17. Obama is gone. No one person, no one political group can solve the problems of this country or this world. Clinton couldn't. Trump won't. That's why Jesus Christ is coming back.
  18. Then I wasn't talking to you.
  19. What you propose doing? Put em all in one spot and nuke em? That is such an enlighted approach. I hope you know this is sarcasm.
  20. I was thinking about going to that game. If I could of gotten on the road by 5:30pm I would have. But, I didn't and couldn't. Hopefully no one gets suspended for the playoffs, and there were no injuries. Also I hope lessons were learned, on and off the court.
  21. That is why you bring those young children here. So you can influence them. Those children are like blank slates. You either influence them or the jihadists will. It's that simple. Besides there are thousands of good, law abiding, peaceful muslims and middle easterners in this country. Many of them are highly educated: Doctors, doctors, more doctors, engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, teachers. What modicum of knowledge I have about advanced algebra and trig, and it is not that much, I could not have learned were it not for middle eastern tutors and teachers helping me out in remedial classes.
  22. There was a guy named Jeffcoat who played basketball & probably football for Silsbee back in the 70s. Maybe the coach is a relative.
  23. I don't recall condeming another denominaiton. I did say the catholic church intends to one day rule the world, and if you pay attention to what they say they will tell you so. Read the book 'keys of this blood' by malachi martin. There are other sources and quotes too numerous to mention.
  24. Sports: Majic Johnson grew up adventist. His mom is sda, his aunt is an adventist doctor. He sister graduated from an adventist university. track and olympic star Usain bolt grew up adventist. A kenyan runner who recently won the nyc marathon is adventist, and on and on...
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