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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. He didn't take any shots?
  2. Is Chism from near Keene Tx, just outside Fort Worth?
  3. My leader is Jesus Christ. Next my pastor and other thought leaders in my religious movement.
  4. Rev 13: 11.
  5. Prophecy states, if you know where to find it, that the united states will repudiate every aspect us constitution It is happening right now.
  6. Silsbee is a talented team. They have a rare opportunity to do something very special this season. Still, this team has a lot of negatives, like poor free throw shooting, streaky outside shooting, allowing circumstances & the refs to take you out of the game, etc. They should be able to handle district. Still they have to play the games. In the playoffs though, if one or more of those negatives show up in the game, and their opponent is motivated & gets on a roll, they can get sent home. Hopefully this doesn't happen.
  7. The principal that has made America great is not conservativism, but it is the separation of church and state. The conservative religious right is trying to tear down the wall of separation between church and state. The result will be tyranny and persecution.
  8. The two early techs on M MCCain could be somehow related to the goaltending call in Silsbee. Can't prove it. Refs network like everybody else.
  9. I don't think so. I don't hate muslims. I just don't believe like they do. Besides, there are various types of muslims. There are shiites, and sunnis. Orthodox and nation of islam. I have talked to orthodox african american muslims that don't care too much for Farrakhan. Black people disagree on this and that all the time. As mentioned we are not monolithic in thinking. No one else is either. Who really knows what the top 1 percenters and large corporations do with their money?
  10. Contrary to popular opinion all blacks do not think or act alike. We are not monolithic. Some are liberal, some are conservative. like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams as someone has pointed out. I voted for President Obama. I don't agree with everything he as done or said. As for islamophobia concerning the LGBT community, you have to take that up with muslims. I am a christian.
  11. Farrakhan is a false prophet and sensationalism lover. As for welfare robber barons like Trump & various other corporations have been on welfare for decades.
  12. I am not trying to justify anything. I am saying heinous wrong deeds are everywhere. Some draw outrage, some don't. A big, burly police officer grabs a 100lb girl and slams her to the hard concrete floor in NC and you don't hear a wimper, much less outrage. Four knuckle heads in Chicago do something stupid and people act like this has never happened before. So called good, I would assume 'conservative' americans have been raping, and lynching and dropping bombs (tulsa) for years, decades. People are just very select in what they are appalled by. As for the 50 million to 150 million killed by christians, or so called christians study the history of Europe, or better yet the history of the church for the past 1900 years. A lot of that history has been re written or hidden but it can still be found. Read the book Keys of this Blood' by Malachi Martin, or Windswept House, or The Jesuits all by the same author. Look up Eric Jon Phelps. It is all in books, videos on youtube. There are 3 basic schools of prophecy the historist, the preterist and the futurist. The last two are smoke screens, created to throw you off from finding out what's going on.
  13. that's the same stuff you are doing.
  14. Lately? If you don't understand the past history you're not going to really know what is going on right now. I am no expert. I am reading and learning as I go along. I do know there is a well established school of thought that preaches, teaches, lectures and has written books on this subject. Most people don't know anything about this 'school of thought'. It is around though.
  15. It depends on what type of christianity you're talking about. There is the true church which is very small. Then there is the apostate church. Apostate christianity is more oppressive & has killed more people than Islam ever wanted to kill, to the tune of 50 million to as many as 150 million killed, slaughtered.
  16. I first heard of Thomas Sowell 35 years ago, while taking classes at U of H. Same with Walter Williams, both phds.
  17. If it quaks like a duck, walks like a duck, hangs out with similar acting ducks, it's a duck.
  18. Brings to mind the 2015 case of John JK Howard 18, who forcibly raped his african american team mate with a coat hanger. He should of at least gotten life in prison. But because he was white he got 3 months probabtion.
  19. I saw the hightower game. I guess during the course of the season the calls average out.
  20. Then be concerned with Center if they come out of region II. I don't see that happening though.
  21. Brazosport & Center are teams to be concerned about. Not worried about, but concerned. Brazosport is region IV. Save that concern for SA.
  22. I'm feeling mid season Silsbee euphoria right now. So yes I think they can win.
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