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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Wow. HJ has a principal named Patrick Brown. I just saw his picture. My opposition has softened.
  2. Silsbee coach Terry Cylley # 20 on an all time coaches list. Never heard of him before just now.
  3. Basketball in Bridge City. Wow. There is a thread on here about how Orange county basketball is on the come up. I didn't read any of it but maybe I should have. I've been checking out BC scores this season and I've noticed an upward trend. It is a good thing. Dist champ is not a given. Could be a battle. Success breeds success. District games used to be boring for Silsbee. Not this year.
  4. PA Memorial won a championship. It was a beautiful thing. PA Lincoln closed 25 years ago. You really haven't seen Port Arthur basketball. The Lincoln Bees had teams scared from the suburbs of Houston, to Dallas, all the way to El Paso, and all points in between. What you're seeing now is PA basketball lite.
  5. HF is on the up, for now. Maybe it will stay. Closing Ozen helped. Tigee is a good coach, one of the better in the area. Time will tell. He's had his share of luck. Ozen talent came his way. And if you have a 6'10 250lb post on your team at the 4A level you should have at least 1 championship ring as a player. Can't take that away. Navigate the way to a ring & his legacy should be set. That's a lot of basketball dribbling but he's young.
  6. Way too early to trip. The football playoffs are not over. Still dealing with covid and the holidays. should be some interesting district match ups. Then legacies are made in the playoffs. A win right now? it counts for something but otherwise meh. HF has come a longs ways though.
  7. Man coach is doing his thang, closer to retirement. got 2 championship rings, accolades. They archive that stuff at the UIL you know, not here, thank goodness. Meanwhile, in regards to basketball, u & will still be here perfecting your trolling skills.
  8. That was an anecdote I remember. I am glad things have progressed along those lines. I think that event occurred in 1958, '59, maybe '60. It should be mentioned that Silsbee schools integrated relatively early, like in 1963.
  9. The earliest Silsbee game I can remember I was 3.5 to 5 years old. It was played at the old Waldo Matthews gym. It was Waldo Matthews vs. some other PVIL school. That was the first basketball game I ever saw. I didn't know what I was watching. Me & my lil heathens spent most of the game harassing this gay trans type guy named Robert. Looking back I am thankful he didn't go wild and kill one of us. True story. That is what I remember. At the time I didn't know anything about Silsbee High School. That was a parallel universe.
  10. I saw Silsbee last year on the Wednesday before thanksgiving. They had players our for football. They didn't look too good. It was bush and everyone else. I kept up with them on Texan stream, this msg board, etc. I could tell they got to be a better team than what I saw. They lost in regionals to that Waxahachie team. They prolly would of met Yates in the regional finals, but covid19 caused everything to get shut down. That Dallas Soc FFA would of probably won it alll, but you can never really know.
  11. I'm just speculating, but it is probably hard to schedule a game the week of thanksgiving. Dec 1st is only 8 days away.
  12. I was expecting to see the Tigers make some slight progress in this game.
  13. A good head coach is a prized possession. I'm not talking about any particular coach. You have to evaluate a coach over his or her total career. A lot of variables go into winning and winning big. You have to have talented and motivated players. There is no such thing as born basketball players. You can't lift weights and run sprints to get the. A player has to spend time learning muscle memory, stuff like that. Science is built on math. Probably statistics, genetics, economics. What I'm trying to say is if a high school program is consistently blowing out the opposition year in and year out. Decade in decade out you can be sure something sideways is going on somewhere. I am not calling no names, or even what sport. Just call them the usual suspects. So, if a prominent program goes down that says that program is pretty much walking straight. If and when that program gets back up, (throw if out, when) the fans can truly appreciate that.
  14. This is the real boogie man: "The Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II" sees himself as the one capable of (if not ordained to) bringing in World Government. Through his new Catechism he declares, "It is the role of the state to defend and promote the common good of civil society. The common good of the whole human family calls for an organization of society on the international level." And from his perspective, the "common good of civil society" is Roman Catholicism, embraced by the rank and file; defended and enforced by civil authorities; subject to the will of the Holy See. The Pontiff’s goal for ecumenism plots towards world government in political, economic, and social life. This is the way his predecessors on the Pontifical Throne also expressed themselves. For example, Pope Paul VI in his 1967 encyclical on the topic of "The Progress of Peoples" in an entire section titled "Toward an Effective World Authority’’ proclaimed,
  15. Here you go:
  16. The big light skin bro for memorial, where is he now?
  17. What injury is Miller out with?
  18. Bush too would of made a difference in that game, but he was in the 8th grade.
  19. I've been following basketball, high school basketball, Silsbee basketball for at least 55 years. I have yet to see a coach, even some considered 'a good coach' (for some that's a euphemism for deeper & uglier issues) take a team lacking in talent to anywhere significant. Good coaches and teams with lots of talent generally gravitate together, like beans and rice, BBQ & potatoe salad. It just works that way. Would to goodness basketball forums and people who post to basketball forums who actually know basketball worked that way, but that is not always the case. Enough of that. I've seen or heard of a lot of good Silsbee coaches: Dan Montgomery, Fred Williams, Travis Williams, coach Green, Sigler. They were all good coaches IMO. Coach Sigler won two state championships. Is he the best coach of them all? Maybe, maybe not. As someone posted his record speaks for itself. Also I've experienced Silsbee basketball teams being on the short end of some hard defeats and downright blowouts. They got blown out by FB Bush in the FB tournament. Madison blew them off the court in a playoff warm up game. Some big school beat em bad in the SA tournament. Wagner did it too. It BEs that way from time to time. Sometimes you have the shotgun, other times you're dodging the pellets, figuratively speaking. I drove out to Humble/Atascosita and watched HJ play Yates in a playoff game a few years ago. 'Good coaching' lasted about a half a quarter. After that I couldn't hear myself think. The Yates fans were making too much noise. Stuff like that happens in hs basketball, or any basketball. There's an often quoted bible verse that is really not a bible verse: This too shall pass.
  20. YOU still worried about the liberal/socialist boogie man. Meanwhile the real powers that be are laughing at you. They don't need to fight some rural guerrilla war. They got the banks. they got the federal bank. Two thirds of the SC is there's. a Good 30% of the legislature is theirs. They got you is a Hegelian head lock and you don't even know it. They got Biden, they got Pelosi, AOC. Pense. TRUMP, whether he knows it or not. They're just waiting for one good knock out punch, one good calamity to panic everyone so that they will give up what few vestiges of personal freedoms and democracy is left. When that happens they totally got you. They hate the US constitution. They are on record many times stating so. The U.S constitution will be totally repudiated. It is almost there right now.
  21. I watched Silsbee beat Ridgepoint in that gym next to Hightower. That was the year they lost to Lincoln in the championship game. Tre Grubbs had the ball & he was squared up on this guy, about to drive to the hoop. Sigler & several on the bench were were saying "go head and take em Tre" and he did. That was rigepoint first year as a high school. If the Tigers got on the dance floor with them again it would be much harder. Whole lotta athleticism is flowing thru those FB and Brazoria county suburban sub divisions. That gym is kinda high up. Lots of stairs. At the top of the stairs If you look out over the expanse all you can see is a sea of new rooftops.
  22. At the beginning of the season I will say, usually to myself, I am going to this game and that. When the date comes up for some reason or another I will miss that game. The LCM vs Yates games caught my eye for none baseball reasons. I've never actually been on to Little Cypresss Mauriceville much less stepped foot on their high school campus. I drove over that big bridge & I saw a sign that said this is Bridge City, and another that said this is LCM. That's about as close as I've been. I feel like I know them just the same. They were always district rivals even back when I was in school. The name LCM brings back memories of a simpler time, if that makes sense. Now I've been living in Houston, officially, for decades. I say officially cause I was always visiting Houston even when I lived in Silsbee. H town then was a 2nd home. We go to church off Scott St out in South Acres, which is further South from 3rd ward, almost in Pearland. On the way home we usually drive straight North on Scott. My wife loves Frenchy's chicken, so we stop there from time to time. Yates campus is right near there. I've only been in that school once. That was before they rebuilt it. So I had that game picked out more for sentimental reasons.
  23. Like I've hinted at before Wheatley is now a soccer school.
  24. Yep. "Morale" is the word I was aiming for.
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