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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. So are you saying the pandemic does not exist?
  2. That's because regional favorite Covid-19 has a suffocating defense, and everybody knows it.
  3. IDK. I was at home watching it on my tv and computer.
  4. If you give an agency that much unchecked power the results will be terrible for everyone good or bad.
  5. Tbh I don't totally understand this a much as I should. I need to read up and study more. I've tried to bring this up before. To fully explain it I would have to name names. Some get offended so I don't. If a person has a grasp of what is going on, and knows who the major players are that person and literally see it unfold. You don't have say anything against them. They will tell you themselves what there plans and goals are. Both bible prophecy and history sheds light on this. In the book of Daniel, rightly understood, the book of revelation, some of the epistles of Paul and the other apostles. There is a series of books on this.. It is called the conflict of the ages series. This thing can be traced all the way back to when Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. One key factor to consider is everything God does or says Satan counterfeits it. All those books in that series can be found online. The first is Patriachs and Prophets. The last book is called The Great Controversy. A second name for that same book is America in Prophecy. You are right, America is the lone secular super power. But there is another super power that controls America that is both secular and ecclesiastical. It is both a country and a super church. That is both a strong and, dare I say, deadly combination. I am not trying to offend anybody, but this is absolute truth.
  6. That is what the real powers that be want. Their goal is not to win in November & be the big shot in the WH for 4 more years. Their goal is total world domination. They are not going to come right out and say "hey we are going to take over the world because we think it will be good for you." They know you would rise up and protest that. So what they set up in a Hegelian thing to distract: left vs right, anarchist vs police. While both sides are duking it out they take over. You have thesis vs antithesis and the bi product is synthesis which is the NWO.
  7. The border patrol have been given very broad powers to do whatever they want. A person can be walking away and they can jump you, put you in an unmarked car, take you to a federal building somewhere, not tell you what you are being detained for. That kind of power is scary.
  8. It seems to me the local police can 'nail them" on their own without feds kidnapping people. Why the local police have been so weak in places like Seattle, Portland and even Atlanta is beyond me. Maybe u didn't put words in my mouth. My bad.
  9. There u go tryna put words in my mouth again. I don't like all the protests in Portland and other places. I don't understand it all. I wish they would go home and sit down. They are causing more harm than good. But the demonstrations, or keeping them from becoming destructive is a very difficult process, while trying to keep in place the right to protest in the first place. If you put down the protests and set up a totalitarian police state in the process, you have gone from bad to worse.
  10. I don't think this country would exist without the 1st amendment or the bill of rights as a whole. But don't worry, if you don't like it, be sure that the powers that be are working hard to get rid of it. It is hard to set up a dictatorship or worse yet a NWO with the pesky freedom of presss, and the freedom of assembly, the freedom of religion getting in the way. Along with those the right to bare arms will be taken away also.
  11. You have not really dealt with real encroachment yet. Neither have I. It is coming though. It is right around the corner.
  12. The word I was looking for was demonstration. which is protected in the 1st amendment, or at least it used to be..
  13. Who knows what the context or circumstance will be. They may decide to encroach on something you really care about.
  14. A guy says he was walking home from a peaceful riot and they jumped him. Doesn't sound criminal to me.
  15. Today their rights are violated. Tomorrow yours will be. This country is circling the drain. All that gibberish about land of the free & home of the brave is just a bunch of noise.
  16. Just because someone smears it as fake news does not mean it is the truth.
  17. Secret police in unmarked cars snatching/kidnapping people off the streets is not guts. That is total tyrannical thuggery.
  18. You can't go by narratives. People lie and embellish stuff to suit their purposes, especially on cyber message boards. Personally I don't think all caucasians are racist. I don't think all black people belong to BLM. I've had a lot of police officers help me when they could of by law done otherwise. Re: general Lee. I've heard good things about him and bad. God will be the ultimate judge, for him & everybody else. I did not sign off on pulling down the statues. I've met some cool white people. They are not racists. The racists out there need to fix that cause Jesus is coming back soon. There will be no racism in heaven.
  19. 27 Milly. Somebody wants somn. JS
  20. Maybe this is a way to influence Di Niro to come over to the other side.
  21. He knew / knows history from beginning to end. So He was aware we would have guns now. 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Sounds like guns to me.
  22. I person whose opinion I respect says that blm are indeed marxist. As far as blm making life harder for other blacks, what else is new. Been dealing with that ad nauseam. Ray Ray escapes. The other slaves that stayed get whupped. Ray Ray robs a convenience store. The innocent kid around the way gets shot. Rolling with that conundrum for centuries. Not trying to sound holy rolly, but the only true solution is to die knowing Jesus. I am serious. Don't worry about the one who can take your life. Worry about Him who can throw you body and soul into hell.
  23. I don't think the many social & racial problems in this country will ever be solved. Not by human beings. And even if by some miracle they were solved that is just one relatively small problem plaguing this world. The greatest prophet that ever existed, namely the messiah Jesus the Christ, stated that in the end times there would be myriad problems to be dealt with. And these are the end times. He talked about social unrest. Riots, kids with guns shooting up schools and killing their fellow students for no good reason. Famines and pestilneses. All this food and people are still starving to death. All this science and Drs and pestilences show up out o nowhere that science cannot handle. Wars and rumors of wars: china against the USA, Putin provoking war, china against India, India against Pakistan. Kim in N Korea does what he wants and he has missiles. A lot of these marginal countries have nuclear arsenal. One person fires a missile and we fire back that's it. We wipe them off the face of the earth and destroy the whole earth in the process. People are sitting around feeling all smug in first world suburban lavishness and they don't even know just how close they are to the edge of total destruction.
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