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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Too early. Trump does not like to lose. Also, his base is crazy and stone loyal. He will do or say anything to win, anything. I got to see it to believe it. Until then I am keeping quiet.
  2. If BLM has done something wrong then go get'em. The police, FBI etc never hesitated to chase down black groups labeled terrorists before. Same for black leaders they deemed dangerous. They got all this state of the art surveillance now. Facial recognition, voice recognition, etc. They can find a particular knat from out of space, and tell you what he or she ate for breakfast. So find BLM. Bring em to justice. Back in the day the police, FBI etc could hunt down black individuals and groups with deadly accuraacy. Their spy equipment was paltry compared to now. They hunted down and were complicit in the death of Malcolm X. They knew exactly who or what MLK was doing. They chased down panther Geronimo Pratt. They planted a spy among Fred Hampton's group. Their spy drugged up Fred with sleeping pills. When Fred was totally knocked out the Chicago PD busted in with no warrant, no nothing, and filled Fred full of bullets. Well, at least he didn't feel it. So if BLM is running wild the powers that be need to do what they do so well. They don't need my say say. Never needed it before. Why should this be any different?
  3. For the record God will judge whether individuals are saved by what they do with the light given them. So if someone is in a particular denomination, and they are living up to all they know, it will be favorable for them in the judgement. If a person has been given much light but they are not living up to what they know, that will be frowned upon. Maybe they don't go. So saints from all churches can and will have a chance to go to heaven.
  4. Hard to answer that question. When your time is up, it is up.
  5. If Geo Floyd was geeked out on fentanyl etc then why did 3 cops put their knees on him, especially on his neck? The guy is crying for his life. Bystanders are begging the officer to take his knee off his neck. Several cameras are filming the whole thing. It does not look good. They should of performed first aid. But they did not. Not a good look on the officers part, to say the least. The rest is history.
  6. I mentioned that the current pope stated that Jesus sinned. Which he did say that. All that denomination crap came from Hagar or what ever his name is. The pope promotes himself and an international leader. Actually he is both a church leader and a political leader. So what he says matters, whether it be ecclesaticl or secular. Denomination ain't got nothing to do with it. If he doesn't want people to comment on what he says then don't say it.
  7. I never mentioned deomonations butt head! You did.
  8. Eric Phelps is baptist by the way.
  9. What makes you or this board or anyone here so important that I got to answer?
  10. If you weren't so stupid I would read your posts.
  11. If you didn't spend so much time on this board playing silly games you could see it for yourself.
  12. "Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents." The Pope said Jesus needed to beg forgiveness of his parents . You only beg forgiveness if you have done something wrong. Ergo the Pope is saying that Jesus sinned. There are all sorts of quotes where he insinuates that Jesus is less than perfect. Besides that, you twist and manipulate words. That's the MO here. Which is why I don't answer. You just side around, feeling all pious & holy because you consider yourself conservative and above reproach.
  13. I might, what's it to you?
  14. If the Pope did not want people to know he said that Jesus failed at the cross, or that he sinned then he should not have said it. I can't read his mind. I did not make that stuff up. It is common knowledge.
  15. That is an understatement.
  16. The controversial quote from the current Pope saying that Jesus Christ sinned, that quote is common knowledge. It made headlines all oVER the world. It did not happen yesterday or the day before. That came out a few years ago. I checked a few catholic publications and they never denied the quote was made. They put a spin on it, but they never outright denied that it was said. Nowhere did I state that catholics killed Christ. Where did you get that from? I don't think the church existed then. The Roman government was involved, that is history. You took it upon yourself to denigrate Don Lemon. I suggested that Don Lemon got his idea that Christ was not perfect from the Pope. Maybe he is a catholic. IDK. The Pope did say that Christ was a sinner. That is common knowledge. Read the news. That particular truth is out there.
  17. higher standards, morals, scruples. There are scores, thousands of damaged former choir boys who would beg to differ.
  18. As soon as I hit the send button I knew there would be replies like this.
  19. There are all sorts of anti adventists out there. I've seen stuff like that for the last 20 years or more. I know this: you gotta study and believe what you know. If you are truly trying to follow Christ you are going to run into opposition. They said Jesus was in league with the devil. Said he was a false messiah. They killed him for it. The same will happen to his followers.
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