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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. I was almost shot by HPD. It probably would have been fatal. And truthfully it was all my fault. Let me tell the story, but first I got to set the scene. I was working at a dps office in Houston. We were shut down for renovations, for the 2nd time. I could go into details about the renovations but it would take too long. I didn't have a car then so I decided to go to the office that was the closest or easiest to get to by bus. Then I bought a small 6 cylinder ford ranger pickup from a dealership in that area. We had too many workers for that small office so they split us into three shifts. The good shift was from 730 to 430. The 2nd best was from 8 to 5. The worst shift was from 10a to 7pm, We all hated that shift. The public didn't know we were open. It was totally dead. Anyway it was on a Friday. As soon as it turned 7. I jumped into my truck, glad to be off glad for the weekend. I had a good stereo head unit & Jimi Hendrix was ripping thru machine gun. I turn at a corner without stopping much. It annoyed me that I would fail some person for not stopping at a stop sign. My decision would get over ruled to keep the public happy. So I figured I would drive like that too. If you can't beat em join em. Wrong. I started going North, then I turned at a stop sign going East. Wide open street, nobody around, or so I thought. Music is loud, Jimi is doing his thing. Then I noticed red & blue lights in my rear view mirror. OH Oh. Two of three times a day I would help fire men, and police officers with their license renewals, etc. I enjoyed doing that. I thought we were all on the same page. Truth is they don't pay attention to who you are, no more than you do them. Nothing racial. They just wanted to get their license done and get out of the crowded office. Same with civilians. Anyway, the LEO had me pulled over and he said over the loud speaker for me to get my license out, etc. I had this brain freeze of an idea that I would get out of my truck go back & talk to the officer, let him see who I am, that guy at the dps office, and this would all go away. Instead he yelled at me in a panicky loud voice: get back in your truck!! I didn't even look at him. I knew he had a pistol pointing at me. I was real close to getting plugged with a. 9mm or a 40. So I got back into my truck, and was glad to be in there too. I could hear him on the radio getting information, checking me out. Finally he came up to window and asked "why did you get out out your vehicle. Only thing I could say was I did it because I was stupid. Those were my exact words. He asked me where I was coming from. I told him I worked at the dps office down the street. As soon as I said that I could feel the tension easing up a bit. Then he said if you work for dps then you know you have to stop at a stop sign right? He had me on that one. So he wrote me a ticket. He could of lit me up good, but he wrote it in such a way that I could take defensive driving and get it all forgotten eventually. And that is what I did. For the record, in case someone is keeping score, he was not a white cop. He was Asian, probably Vietnamese.
  2. HPD seldom patrols in my neighborhood. Technically I am just outside the city. The line of demarcation is blurry. Usually all you see around here are constables. That is how I know they have some sort of task force or viigilence going on. Can't say that I blame them. Just doing their job. We are experiencing some strange things. Usually ugly incidents will blow over and people will move on with living. Two weeks of protests etc is unusual. They had riots and protests on a national level over the Vietnam war and just after the killing of MLK (yes I am that old) but those only lasted a few days. Nothing like this. Also, the police station getting burned down in Minneapolis and the one getting shot up around here, I don't recall that happening before.
  3. I know a few troopers but I don't know anyone at HPD. More than anything I was trying to get off with just a warning and I did. Those stop sign tickets cost about $200.00. My budget is tight right now. Those rolling stops or California stops are always troublesome. When I was living in California briefly they called them Berkley stops. I conducted lots of road exams at DPS. On several occasions I failed a person for rolling thru stop signs instead of stopping. Some of them were young teens. They would go back crying and the supervisor was more on their side than on mine. But LEOs will ticket you for those stops, if they feel like it. It is a good thing that they got rid of surcharges. With surcharges I routine ticket could end up costing a person close to a thousand $ dollars.
  4. Hey. I just drove to the local Krogers & I got pulled over. I came up on a 4 way stop and sort of rolled stopped. 95% of the time that kind of stop is okay. But they HPD are practicing zero traffic tolerance probably because somebody shot up a HPD police station in the SE. They gave me a warning. They were nice. I was even nicer.
  5. A possible blm / Geo Floyd rally in Vidor? Nah. Just the idea is way out there. What will 2020 come up with next.
  6. Race & racism is just one thing to be wary of. Evil is colorblind. it permeates every color and culture. Someone who will sell drugs to you so that you will get hooked and they can make a profit is not your brother or friend. Also many black people intrinsically know that the life of another black person is relatively cheap. So, they can take you out, for whatever reason, and they get locked up. Get out early for good behavior. Meanwhile you are gone. The bullet didn't care what the color of the finger was that pulled the trigger.
  7. I will say this: I've worked in a police type environment.. I speak in the past tense because I retired at the end of May. I miss it, but gotta move on. I would be remiss if I did not say that I have had police officers help me, white police officers at that. I am in agreement with Romans 13. God ordained LE. If there wasn't some type of restraint society would be in total chaos. Police have a hard job. I had a chance to become an officer once. But I know me. I'd be sitting in prison right now for over reacting & blowing somebody away. So, I salute what police do.
  8. Like I said, just about every day or night. [Hidden Content]
  9. 1. They happen almost everyday. There have been some questionable things that have happened in just the last 8 to 10 days. But if you don't have a smart ph video to prove that it happened it gets swept under the rug. 2. They got pictures of that guy in a KKK uniform. He is not a cop, but he's stopping a guy in the middle of the street so he can summarily execute death. In Brunswick GA. Sounds like mentally imbalanced southern white male vigilantism to me. That is not racism on my part. That's basic American history.
  10. That's a good part of what I am sick of. A bunch of endless sniping. If I cared I'd have to trace back to find where I am accused of lying. As for me being racist, I don't think that I am, but if that is your conclusion so be it. I don't value you or your conclusions and opinions about me or anything else.
  11. I am tired of this topic. Nothing will really change. The things like what happened to GF happen just about everyday, every night. All I can say is do what's right, be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. Stay prayed up. Racism is a subset of evil. Satan is not about to let one of his prized tools of destruction fall by the wayside. When he is destroyed evil will be totally destroyed. As for GF and his short comings, dude is dead. He paid the ultimate price. He can't feel. Kicking him around now is a waste of time.
  12. Read revelation 13, with emphasis on verse 11. Also read America in Prophecy aka The Great Controversy.
  13. That's the riot I was talking about. In the early 90s, not early 60s.
  14. I did not think a riot would break out. Before the turmoil started someone I know on FB mentioned a possible uprising. I said to myself nah, that is not going to happen, but it did. I have to throw out all my North & South of the mason dixon line stereotypes. Apparently they have just as many social issues as anywhere else. Culturally Minnesota is more Midwest than North. Maybe that has something to do with it.
  15. Rioters have been shot. Have any been shot in the act of looting? I don't know for sure. I know during the LA riots in the early 60s the asians in korea town were firing off AK 47s at would be looters. That is about a mile or so East of where my dad & his wife lived., on the other side of Santa Monica frwy, aka I - 10 in LA. I know that area well. I was in Texas at the time.
  16. She was killed by Mohammad Noor a Somali American officer. I doubt seriously if he called himself black, at least not before he was convicted and sentenced to 12.5 years. I knew he was not going to get the same sweet deal Jeronemo Yanez got, the officer that shot & killed Castile Philando. The officer that put his knees into George Floyd's neck has been charged with 3rd degree murder as well. Will he be sentenced to 12.5 years in prison? I have my doubts. Time will tell.
  17. The closest thing I've seen was an upheaval at Lamar U. It was like in the spring. The new thing that was sweeping the nation was streaking, or taking your clothes off and running naked. It was laughed at then. Try it now and society will call you crazy. Anyway, I was a junior in high school. I drove over to Beaumont as soon as school was out. I had a feeling something was going to happen there regarding streaking. Sure enough there was a big crowd on a main part of campus. I think it was on University at E Lavaca. I parked somewhere that I could get back to quickly. There were all these prosperous middle class college kids. When a streaker would run by they would all cheer him on. Mostly it was guys who actually ran naked. The girls would strip down to their bra and under wear. A main attraction was this all American looking co ed who was up on the roof of a 3 story dorm. She was in her bra and panties and the crowd was urging her on to take it all off. She was thinking about it. Just then two or three Beaumont PD black & white patrol cars showed up. In the back seat of each car was 2 or 3 more BPD officers. They pulled up, and didn't give much warning. They got out of those patrol cars swinging batons. One officer cracked this one guy in the forehead. Blood gushed everywhere.. About then I backed off, found my vehicle and mashed off headed for home. Survival 101: I knew if they didn't hesitate to crack that guy upside his forehead they would have done the same to me.
  18. A riot is a serious situation. It is not a game. I've never seen one except on television. I would not participate in one. When I was 19 I would like to think I wouldn't then either. When I was 19 I quit my good paying job at the Easter paper mill and shipped off to coast guard boot camp. That was enough adventure for me. As for the guy that got shot and killed at the pawn shop for trying to loot, well, he got what he got. That's the chance you take.
  19. The first stimulus check I got some shocks and struts for my car. When the 2nd comes I plan to get the brakes done.
  20. Man that officer killed that man by putting his knee on his neck. Anybody this side of a 'neck troll on a backwater msg board can see that. That's why they fired him. And if he didn't kill him he is stupid for keeping his knee on his neck. Perception is reality. But he didn't care. He has done similar and got away with it so many times before until it didn't matter to him. He was just sitting there, staring into the camera, with his knees still on the guys neck. While the guy is begging for his life. Officer just sitting there, knees down, hands in his pockets. Cool as ..Bwana. in a uniform.
  21. It is much deeper than FBI statistics. Before it is all done your thoughts will be judged. Your words will be judged. The hairs on your head will be numbered. This will be done on an individual basis. Nobody is really getting away with anything. They just think they are.
  22. New victim, maybe a new thread. Minneapolis police kept his knee on his neck until he died.
  23. The church won't be opening today, despite what the potus had to say, or maybe because of it. Stream broadcast on FB as usual. It will probably reopen 6/6.
  24. Mr. Arbery is dead & gone. Throwing more dirt on his grave is useless. He cannot feel it.
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