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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Does Westlake have all that height like last year?
  2. This is just my opinion. Strictly conjecture.
  3. I think he tried to transfer, but the district or the UIL denied it.
  4. Time will tell.
  5. They might go inside erry now & then. Everybody on that team likes to run, gun and press.
  6. That's your impression. The rapture, or 2nd coming of Christ will be the most tumultuous event in the history of this planet. It will not be a secret. As I've stated more than once, no man knows the exact time or date.
  7. I work for the state of Texas. I earn every dime I make. I've been cursed out, sneezed on. Lied on. I've dealt with a whole lot of mentally impaired customers. I do so with no protective shield in front of me. Every morning here lately, the line is wrapped around the building. I put away my cell phone. Facebook and other stuff is blocked. Tuesday I worked 10.50 hours from 745 am until 715pm. I put in an hour of overtime almost every day. I don't get paid a lot. I am thankful for my job just the same. One or two nights a week I supplement my income by delivering pizzas, at papa johns at that. The beauty of it is I don't have to ask anyone for anything. I earned it. Anyone who says differently is a liar. Also I've helped a lot of physically impaired people. These people need identification to survive. If you don't believe me try opening a bank account or getting basic human service without an ID. If you do not have an ID the police can ticket you or take you to jail. I could go on and on. I am well versed on this topic. I see and do it everyday.
  8. I saw on twitter that Kasen Harrison is playing for Silsbee. I asked one of the b ball assistant coaches about this in a dm and he said he had not seen Harrison at SHS. School has now been in session almost two weeks. But...if it is true, and he is on the team I definitely have no problems with it.
  9. Nothing is ever just the same. I'm not sure how it will turn out, just saying, it will tell you all you need to know. If dems take over and impeach, then you know maybe not many blacks flipped. If Trumps wins big, then maybe you got a good argument.
  10. The upcoming mid term elections will tell you all you need to know.
  11. No income tax, corporate tax breaks, industry subsidies, welfare. They're all the same.
  12. Those Evadale fumes are getting to ya homie.
  13. Also, the NFL is a financially strong institution. If it can fall, other strong corporations can fall as well.
  14. The Mark of the Beast is going to happen one way or another. I think it will happen faster if Pence is President than it would under Trump. Having said that I hope Trump doesn't get impeached.
  15. Did you see where the Dallas Cowboys all pro Center has been sick with an autoimmune disease called guillen barre syndrome, or GBS?

    Do you remember me telling you last November or there about about a friend of mine taking sick and dying?  That's the disease that took him out.  It is usually not fatal, so they say, but it can be.  I witnessed that.

    1. TxHoops


      I did.  But I didn’t remember that’s what your friend had.   Prayers for Frederick and his family.  

  16. People who back the protesters say boycott the NFL. People who are anti protesters say boycott the NFL. Meanwhile the only team I really care about, the Texans, have one of the better teams I've seen them have. I may watch a few of their games, maybe all of them. About five years ago I tweeted that the NFL would someday collapse and fail. I based that prediction on CTE head injuries, bible prophecy, worsening social issues in the USA and in the World in general. This was way before Kaepernick chose to take a knee. Dispite what I typed about watching some Texans games, I still think it will happen.
  17. Read the topics posted here. Lib mentally, lib this lib that, snowflake blah blah blah, that's all you talk about, like a broken record. But to each his own. Whatever makes you feel good.
  18. You all lump every one who doesn't think exactly like you into one big bag anyway.
  19. I don't remember saying anything like that. My thing is this: everyone is evil. We all have evil, sinful tendencies. So, beware of everyone.
  20. "Snowflakes", "Uncle Tom's" what's the difference?
  21. I wish they played some games in the Houston area. Games against PAM, So Garland, the DISD Coca Cola Tournament. The So San Antonio tournament. Seems like everybody wants to try the Tigers out, see what they're about. Statements will be made. The end results is the Tigers should be tough once they get to the 4A district games and playoffs.
  22. I am about to retire. I got 28 years or so doing what I do. I may look for a help wanted sign once I go, but other than that you can stick your help wanted signs and your food stamps where the... never mind.
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