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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Left & right, liberals and conservatives have a lot more in common than they realize. Left/Right is not the ultimate line draw in the sand. The majority in both camps are lined up to receive the mark of the beast.
  2. Dems did n't tear apart the black family. It was the result of slavery imposed by racist white bigots.
  3. Adams & McCain showed me something in that championship game against Carter. They were both going inside, hitting the boards and playing defense. They did what they had to do to win that game. Along with Martin, Bray Bush, Langdon, the whole team. Gonna miss Kalon Barnes, as I've already stated. I think Silsbee could take some Ls during the tournaments then put it all together for another run. They could really use some height, but then they were short last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Can't let that stop anything. Thankful for the height they do have in Adams & McCain. Height that can play inside and outside. Hopefully it is enough for a 3 peat.
  4. Being called an uncle tom or being called a snowflake. Some people only see the evil and hypocrisy that they want to see, which is why there are problems.
  5. One of their top players coming from football is Christoper Martin. I can't think of anyone else but maybe someone new is going to show up.
  6. There were two types of sabbaths. Now there is only one, the seventh day sabbath. The ceremonial law and the ceremonial sabbaths were abolished at the cross. The weekly 7th day sabbath, which is part of the 10 commandments was not. If the 7th day sabbath was abolished at the cross then Jesus Christ would not have prophetically warned against fleeing on the sabbath during the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Also, the apostle Paul kept the sabbath well after the cross as stated in Acts 17:2.
  7. Not my predictions. Read your bible son.
  8. The sabbath is on the 7th day. If it is not then easter Sunday is really easter Monday.
  9. Ezekiel 46:1 1"'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened. Per Ezk 46:1 and other places, the 7th day was the sabbath, the other 6 days were working days.
  10. If you feel thet the bible is not the word of God you can always go the the koran.
  11. I was harangued about how I felt about chic fil a. You wanted to know what I thought. There it is. I feel they are put on a superiority pedestal because they close on the first day of the week.
  12. I've seen people on the right say and print things just as bad or worse. This country is headed for another civl war.
  13. Yates has been tamed, at least for now anyway. Those communications department quips are stale.
  14. If a person unknowingly worships on sunday it will not keep them out of heaven. Obeying God is a kingdom issue. If you know not to kill it is not legalism. If you know and keep the true sabbath it is not legalism either. Legalism is obeying man's laws. Sunday worship is a man made law.
  15. Find Sunday in the bible. It's not there.
  16. Per Matt 24:14 the gospel, the real gospel, will be preached in all the world, even in N Korea. The Lord may very well use 45 to get this done. Then the end will come.
  17. He came away with more verifiable nuclear concessions that's for sure.
  18. 45 could... on himself and u sycophants would agree with it.
  19. Kim Un played Trump like a violin.
  20. Syria is a precursor of what will happen in a lot of places everywhere.
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