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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Whatever dude.
  2. Calling for some high stakes meeting with Korea. Planning to leave if the meeting doesn't go your way. Nuke toting Korea gets offended. Boom!
  3. The same group that sank the titanic in a successful effort to set up the federal reserve bank, also assassinated JFK and Lincoln, probably others, essentially created Hitler, started WW I and WW II, was largely responsible for the civil war etc, on and on. right now they are setting up, a cashless society so that there will be no buying or selling unless a person has the mark of the beast.
  4. I can't answer for some.
  5. You read it with your mind closed and blinders on.
  6. I am through with starbucks.
  7. Any calendar you go by the 7th day is the sabbath, just like Sunday is always Sunday. Everything is negative and confrontational with you. and who are you that I have to win some argument with here? People like you rely on the ad hominem attack because you have nothing logical to add. What's my prize if I win this argument? Nothing. Nothing to gain from winning some studid tiff with and internet psycho. So I don't engage. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.
  8. I don't like you. I don't respect you or what you post, or text. I don't consider dialoging with you relevant in anyway. I didn't lecture you or anyone else on this back water thread on anything. The information is out there. Read it for yourself. If you want to take it that way so be it. I expressed my point of view. I don't think like you. I never will think like you, thank goodness. I don't really care if the 6 or 7 regulars laugh at anything I post. I've never met any of you in person. Hopefully I never will. Running into you here is bad enough.
  9. One good ICBM fired either way & all that goes up in smoke.
  10. Which day you go to Church will not determine whether or not you go to Heaven. Those times of ignorance God winks at. But for someone to willfully disobey God's word, the 4th of the 10 commandments? It could keep you out of heaven. Not my call.
  11. Just get them in the door...God will take it from there. (you catch, HE cleans) 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Arrogant? Know it all? All you have to do is read the bible. It is in there.
  12. I am allergic to non sense. My bad.
  13. Guess who else has good "free" wifi: popeyes chicken. Get my usual 2 piece, dark, spicy, red beans & rice. Then sit and surf. Can't beat it.
  14. In the black man surviving in the USA 101 class they teach you to buy something when you are in an establishment. Maybe they skipped that class lecture.
  15. I like chic fil a. I've heard they have controversial views on this and that, but that # 1 order, the chicken sandwich with fries & lemonade is on the one!
  16. Seventh day Adventists get called a cult, and worse all the time. Not by the media,, they totally ignore us, or get the story wrong.
  17. I bring my laptop to work and surf the net at lunch. I usually go to McDonald's and at least buy a $1.00 drink. On a few occasions I went to the starbucks further down the road. Again I buy a beverage and surf for 40 minutes or so then go back to work. No wifi at work. How this event went from zero to go to jail that fast is beyond me. I just posted a link, I was not a witness to the incident. I say find a clean Mc Donald's get an a la carte drink, or a big mac and call it a day.
  18. That's just one incident. There's another recent event in Michigan where a school teen got lost in a upper middle class sub division. He knocked on a front door to ask directions and they shot at him. I am too pre occupied to supply the link at the moment.
  19. I don't know the history of the NAACP but their first office was probably opened in NYC. before any of us were born.
  20. Worshipping on Sundays has serious mark of the beast implications. When they enforce Sunday worship it will be the mark of the beast. They are working on enforcing it now.
  21. Food stamps and other provisions have never bankrupted this country, but republicans site it so often they believe it.
  22. Christians by definition follow Christ. If a group or an individual calls themselves christian but they are not following Christ something is wrong. If Christ says zig and you consistently zag are you really & truly a follower of Christ? Abortion is more like a political football. People cry about it, but once the baby is born they snatch formula out of the babies mouth, to build a wall or something. Or deport their working parents and leave the babies and children to fend for themselves. All you have to do is follow the money and you can tell exactly how much somebody really cares.
  23. ...didn 't just support Hitler. They put him into office, hand picked.
  24. People have disappeared over this information. I don't want to be one of them.
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