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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Does it really matter? I don't think so. Racism is not the only sin. A person can go to hell for stealing, for lying, for cheating. They can go to hell for murder. A person can go to hell for blaspheming God. The list goes on and on. When a person dies the second death, and is burned and consumed in hell fire that is the ultimate punishment. It doesn't matter what sin you commit to get to that point. That's why I dont'focus exclusively on racism.
  2. The alt right leaders extol Hitler on a regular basis. Farrakhan is definitely not alone in that respect. Racism does not surprise me. I grew up around covert racism. Sometimes it was open and right in your face. It is like poisonous snakes. You don't see them everyday, but you know they are out there. Racism permeates american history. Manifest destiny, the trail of tears, slavery, jim crow lynchings, certain dubious immigration practices. Farrakhan is a product of american history and culture. I don't follow him. I don't condone what he says. I'm not surprised either.
  3. Farrakhan speaks his mind. There's a lot of truth in what he says. I haven't fact checked him, for those clocking what I am saying. In some respects Farrakhan and Trump are alike.
  4. Guns and rampant mental illness. That's not a good mix. I often think to myself that people should put forth an effort to maintain balance in their lives. Easier said than done. Guns are everywhere. Cameras are everywhere. I was at communion practice tonight (friday night). While the choir was practicing, and the deacons and elders were practicing for church tomorrow (actually later today) a tech was installing more cameras.
  5. I'm thinking after next season, or the next he will retire. That's just me guessing.
  6. I feel confident in the one I participate in. Man, I thought I knocked that out of the park. Oh well. It is a straight forward text, but people see and hear what they want to see and hear. I do, and I will.
  7. It means everything, if it's the right movement. I'm just a layman. I don't pastor a church. I deacon some. The true followers of God are always in the minority. There's the broad road and there's the straight and narrow road., etc. What tactics? You asked me to explain 1thess 4:16, 17. I did.
  8. You got to know what you believe. There are a lot of wolves in disguise inside the church. The adventist movement is one of the fastest growing church movements in the world. Scores of people all over the world are joining this movement everyday.
  9. 16" For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout," Nothing secretive about that. That's loud "...and the trump or trumpet of God. " Nothing quiet or secretive about the blowing of a trumpet. Again that's loud and boisterous. "The dead in Christ shall rise first" The dead who are not in Christ remain in the grave for another thousand years. The living dead are destroyed by the 'brightness of his coming." There is not 7 years of tribulation, where evil people get a chance to get it together. further study on this topic.
  10. Nothing you post has anything to do with intelligence. Mostly it is hate baiting. I don't claim enlightenment. Most of the stuff I post is centuries old. Nothing is new under the sun. The discovery of the usa, the us constitution, they were both based on stuff I've mentioned.
  11. The illuminati aka the Jesuits control the film industry. It is all garbage, even the academy award winning movies. Same goes for most popular music. The same powers that control movies set up Sunday as a day of worship. Sunday worship has serious mark of the beast implications. Also the same powers fabricated the pre trip, secret rapture false theory. That's all it is is theory. I thess 4 is one of the noisiest sections of the bible. Jesus went through the tribulation of the cross. Paul went through being beheaded. All the apostles went through tribulation. As did all of the Patriachs. Post trip is the MO of heaven. Now, all of a sudden they come up with this rapture non sense. Don't take my word for it. Do your research.
  12. Your pastor is fleecing you out of your money.
  13. Do you have anything better to do than to clock my posts here?
  14. this dude is baiting me constantly, calling me all kinds of names. You need to regulate that boss.
  15. u only run into me here, thank goodness. So how would u know?
  16. most of the guilt tripping race baiters, hate baiters here claim to be Christians. Why single me out?
  17. Take me off. I got better things to do.
  18. I never called you are anyone else a practicing racist. that's a lie. You're sick. I do call you stupid. Having anything to do with you is a waste of time.
  19. I ain't apologizing for...you can go to hell. Your ass is psyho.
  20. Let's just agree not to agree. Winning some mythical argument with you or anyone else here is not going to gain me anything. I no more trust or believe anything you have to say now than I did when I first posted here.
  21. I listen to Farrakhan occasionally. He's a good orator. He always goes off on some strange tangent that loses me. Basically I leave him alone. I have no intention of being a muslim. i try to respect their rights, but I have never had a desire to be one. Which is ironic because I liked Malcolm X. X, before he became a muslim was leaning toward becoming a 7th day adventist christian. He should of become an adventist preacher IMO. One of the main reasons I keep my distance from the nation of islam (NOI) and farrakhan is because of the way they treated Malcolm. So, when someone throws farrakhan at me that rolls off my back real easy.
  22. I would ask you to translate snowflake. It is a term I don't use. Better yet, I don't want to know.
  23. I don't pay much attention to Farrakhan, or who he associates with. There's Arthur Jones, an anti semitic who will represent the GOP in a congressional race. He probably hates blacks too. I haven't checked, lol. I don't sweat him either. Still, you're talking about symptoms. Jesus is coming back. I don't think this world is going to be here all that long. How long is long? I don't know. So I am not surprised at anything or what anyone has to say.
  24. you kick hate it comes back.
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