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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. No one should be walking around with an AR-15 or an AK-47. No one. Especially someone who has mental problems. The only reason for those guns is to kill a bunch of people in a short amount of time.
  2. I first remember hearing about Kountze basketball back in 1969/70, when they won state. What's that? 49 years? During that time I've noticed they are usually up. I'm sure they have bottomed out before. Won 4 championships during that period. Sooner of later they will be back.
  3. I have never owned a gun either. I pray, stay away from bad places. Mind my own business. So far I haven't needed one.
  4. There must be some private high schools in Cleveland, Tx. Cleveland is close to Houston, and is bigger than Silsbee. Based on city population alone, they could be 4A, maybe even 5A. Okay, I hit the edit button after I did some research. They are 4A. That must have been a warm up game. Still, some other schools must be syphoning off Cleveland High Schools athletic talent. They used to be much more of a beast in football and basketball than they are now. Eventually it will turn around I'm sure.
  5. That is driving right into the teeth of school traffic.
  6. I think the new school came in 2000, which would make it 18 years. I could be wrong though.
  7. Alas, I have still never been to the new SHS. I mostly follow the boys basketball team online, and occasionally attending games when they play somewhere close to Houston.
  8. Monday the 19th should be a good day for me. I am still off that day. I could be lazy & watch Yates v Cleveland at Delmar. Or I could man up and drive up to Livingston and see Silsbee. I will probably drive up to Livingston, like I did last year.
  9. The single most impressive thing a team can do is win state. That team can knock off a bigger, ranked team and that would make a lot of noise. They don't roll out the parades, and throw the victory crawfish boils and do the on camera interviews and all that for just making noise. If a team wins state they don't have to tell everybody how bad they are. They will already know.
  10. In 10 years Jesus Christ could come back, or somebody, or several people, could have left to go to Him. Happens all the time. I've seen & experienced some Silsbee seasons that were lean on the playoff success. If it happens again, it happens. This is only basketball.
  11. Cross that river when it gets here. It won't be during these playoffs.
  12. Silsbee lost big time to both SA Wagner & to Duncanville, to ranked 6A schools. Those lose were disconcerting, but EC is not in the same class with those two teams, neither literally or figuratively. Not even close.
  13. I've been thinking about getting a game apparatus, like x box. I've been thinking like this for at least twenty years. I haven't done it yet, and probably never will. I can't justify the expense. I can barely pay for the internet and cable package.
  14. Many times I was alone somewhere, usually driving a long distance, and the only thing to keep me company was listening to RC Sproul on the radio.
  15. The whole movie actually.
  16. I don't think you can tell now, not until the last district games are played. Then there are potential tie breaker games to see who gets in. We probably won't know who the bi-district game is against until later this week.
  17. And what gives with deporting that guy in Kansas? The guy was a pillar of his community. Had earned at least a masters, or perhaps a Phd in Chemistry. He was teaching chemistry at the college level, raising his family, taking care of his wife and three children and the border officers or ice catch him on his front lawn and deport him. Those are the types of people you should want to stay. I don't know what kind of evil that is. Is it racism? Hyper jingoistic xenophobia? Or some type of combination of the two? Whatever it is it is jacked up.
  18. You can build a wall 40 stories high, and just as deep then deport every illegal alien in existence and there would still be problems in this country with drunk driving and alcoholism. There are probably a few alcoholics that post to this portion of the message board. Alcohol is big business. You can't watch a big tv event, especially sports, without seeing some advertisement for some liquor, be it beer or hard ale or whatever. Drunk drivers come in all shapes, sizes, age groups and colors. People drink when somebody dies, drink when somebody gets married. They drink when they are happy. They drink when they are sad. They drink when they gamble at the casino. They have a glass of wine with dinner after Sunday services. All those drunks are not illegal aliens.
  19. Some interesting copy and paste on the topic: The Guardian’s investigation into Central American migration patterns and the fate of those deported from the US to be returned to their countries of origin (13 October) correctly reported that “hundreds of thousands of Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans flee poverty and violence at home in search of a better life in the US”, but failed to point out Washington’s complicity in the circumstances giving rise to appalling murder rates such as those of the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula where there are 1,200 homicides a year. Six years ago, the reformist government of President Zelaya held out some hope for the poor peasant farmers of Honduras until he was toppled in a coup carried out by military officers trained in Georgia at the notorious School of the Americas, with the tacit support of Barack Obama and his then secretary of state, Hilary Clinton, who were carrying on a long tradition of US intervention and interference in the region. The aftermath of the coup and the fraudulent elections that followed it presaged a wave of repression where journalists, trade unionists and human rights defenders were attacked, tortured, murdered and disappeared. The World Bank, underwritten by the US, Canada and the UK, gave and continues to give cheap loans for large landowners to grow cash crops for export on lands stolen from small farmers who are simply left to starve. Power and wealth in Honduras reside in an elite who benefit from political, military and economic relations with the US and Canada, which see the republic as little more than a resource to be exploited by their transnational companies, with scant regard for its beleaguered inhabitants. Bert Schouwenburg International officer, GMB
  20. Things will start being very interesting as of Monday Feb 19th when bi district playoffs start.
  21. You need another hobby. Get off this message board & go out and breathe some fresh air.
  22. It's mathematically possible they could lose those two games, but that's about it.
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