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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Dre is off or this would be a blow out.
  2. That shoulda been a non call.
  3. You are correct. These IOS screens are trickery. Got the stream on apple TV.
  4. Who hit that last shot for Silsbee?
  5. That Hudl camera misses a lot of dunks and stuff. Better than no camera at all though.
  6. I'm guessing someone needs an FCC licenser to do play by play.
  7. Race, racist, racism are derivatives of the same root word but they have different meanings. If I say race is a factor in a lot of things that is not a racist statement. I don't sit here and discuss what you like, the music you like or how you view your culture or history. If an episode of Hee HAW comes on, I may look for awhile or or I might change right away. I personally love the Song Lift every Voice agree with me or politely ignore it. But to sit here day after day, week after week, year after year crying about my culture and my interpretation of my view of my history, to me is asinine. And then you got the gaul to call me racist. I am backing off this platform, again. I got better things to occupy my mind with.
  8. The only source of good, of peace of eternity is God. No one on the Right or the Left can give you those things. I love this country but this country can't give you those things. This country and all the statues and idols will be torn down. Whole cities will disappear. This earth is not but 6k years old. 10 thousand years into the future those statues won't matter. And if anyone follows a mind set that is counter to God they won't be around either.
  9. you spend too much time on this board, but we've discussed that before.
  10. Being locked into a mindset or an ideology has become a stumbling block and an idol to many on the left and on the right.
  11. That's the thing. My problem, one of them, and it is your problem as well, is your white supremist mindset. That was the problem with James Madison, and many like him. You think that the only voice that should be heard is yours. You think that the only history is history how you see it. And that. really is not the case. There is an alrighty God. I think He is close to shutting this country and this world down. He is going to burn it up and start a new one, a new earth and a new Jerusalem. And whites and blacks and everyone else who is not clued into His program and to His word are going to be destroyed. Permanently. You guys spend too much time on this board. It is not healthy mentally or spiritually.
  12. History has impact. If a person or a nation doesn't know their true history it is not a good thing.
  13. I was tryna be nice. Race is a factor. it always is.
  14. Quit being ignorant. James Madison's dad raped his black slave women and had a baby, a slave female. That's not an accusation. That's not just black history. That's history. American history. It happened, quite often at that.
  15. It is not a color issue per se as much as it is a spiritual issue. Besides, the Africans complicit in the slave trade did not force you to enslave people against their will you did it because you wanted to. That's history. The thing that gets me is some of you don't see the cause and effect. Some holler there should be one unified voice. There has never been a unified voice.. Probably never will be. Do what you can when you can but...For every action there is a re action. As a result some call a song the black national anthem. I don't call it that, but I understand where that thought pattern came from. And I've seen pictures of lynchings. they had cameras back then. Mind you this is post slavery. Lynchings happen now. Prosperous black communities were bombed. Ranchers are being terrorized right now. Lakes are drying up and people are finding towns that were ransacked and covered over in man made lakes and reservoirs right now. Look at the happy faces in the crowd at lynching pictures. Black slave owners weren't there. Technically slavery was abolished. if they were there they would have been hanged too just for being there. Those photos tells you all you need to know. And not just certain groups are capable of this kind of evil.
  16. Did I mention a race or a color?
  17. Why people like you, lynched, castrated, summarily punished, sold babies from their parents. President James Madison raped his half sister who was a slave, sold her and the baby away. Besides some call the song the black national anthem, some just call it Lift Every voice.. It really ain't your issue to resolve. So get used to it.
  18. Jacksonville ISD or high school has a nice video communications set up. Their announcers are homers, but nobodies perfect.
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