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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. Probably not very big. This is a showcase not a tournament. Each team plays a game then, win or lose, they are free to leave. Many of them will leave, and probably whatever fans they attract to the game. Some hard core high school basketball fans will stick around all day, but most casual fans got the holiday, black Friday and other stuff on their minds, besides basketball. Hopefully that is how it works out.
  2. China is not communist anymore. They have many millionaires & billionaires. I don't know what they are. A totalitarian socialist, capitalist society, best I can tell.
  3. As a world super power China has awareness of their image, public relations, etc. The cold war is over or has thawed, whupping the US image as the great immoral satan will only get you so far these days. N Korea would opt for that, but there's nothing to shop lift in N Korea, among other things. In short, I think they will let them go. No one knows who the other two players involved are, just the Ball kid.
  4. Do right. Cameras are everywhere.
  5. The opening showcase is just as big or bigger. I hope to get there saturday, tomorrow about 530pm & watch yates vs kinkaid. After that cy falls v Katy thompkins. Then top it off with Houston Sam Houston v College Park, which could be a blow out. I just want to see Q Grimes and that guard from Sam Houston on the court at the same time.
  6. I wanted to attend this, but I didn't know the time it started.
  7. I get that warm & fuzzy good feeling when the holidays roll around but I still believe they are of pagan origin. If it is in the bible I believe it. The gospel is in the bible. The story of Jesus miraculous birth is in the bible. But the bible does not set a date. God in his infinite knowledge & wisdom did that for a reason. He knew that is he set a date of his birth people would worship the date instead of worshipping him. So the devil, through paganism, set a fake date instead.
  8. I'd never heard of Holton Hill. I don't keep up with football except the Texans. Then I watched a recording of the UT game where Hill scored on 2 pick sixs. The fumble recovery for a td may have been in the same game. So I know who he is. Now this happens, whatever this is. Is it co-ed related? Who knows? Tom Herman got that 6 mil mansion much too soon. He is a snake oil sales man, but in that profession you have to be to some extent. I hope he can turn it all around. That Texas job is no joke.
  9. I haven't paid much attention to Eisenhower HS in the 2 decades I've lived in this area. Before there were not many parks and places where the children can run hoops in this area. I think the police & civic leaders are afraid if they put up basketball pavilions the thugs will hang out there. Theres some credence to that, but still the kids need to play somewhere. A year or so ago They put up a boys club in the area, over W Montgomery & Gulf Bank. The rise in Ike's b ball team is probably closely tied to that. They still need more parks in this area.
  10. 20 shot & killed today in a sunday baptist church outside of San Antonio.
  11. I can walk to Ike. It's that close. I may have to catch a few of their games this season. I think they have a set of twins playing for them.
  12. I've been there once or twice, when It first opened. 6400 sounds about right. Seating should not be a problem.
  13. 11/11/17 Campbell center, Yates vs Kinkaid at 5p (prolly get there at 530) Cy Falls vs Katy Tompkins right after that, then Sam Houston vs College Park
  14. Neither the Right or the Left. Article in the Adventist Review: [Hidden Content]
  15. Baptized paganism permeates most churches these days. Xmas is pagan. It has its origins int he worship of Nimrod and his son Tammouz. The birth of Jesus can be found in the bible, but it doesn't say when. Dec 25th is a man made false day of celebration, derived directly from the pagans. Easter is the same. Sunday worship is pagan. that's why they call it "sun" day. The worship of the sun is a major practice among pagans. Sunday is not the sabbath.
  16. I don't see Vegas as a conspiracy, but Kennedy Assassination yes, very much so. I've already posted my $.02 on this. Homeboy from Lumberton & others mocked it. Whatever. As the saying goes all roads lead to Rome. The RCC is behind all this. If you listen & read what they say, they will tell you that themselves. There's a audio clip on youtube of a Kennedy speech where he pretty much sealed his on fate. If youtube hasn't taken it down. Lincoln recognized the situation for what it was. They took him out too. While some waste time bickering on left / right issues they fail to see the real powers have both sides in their back pockets. They got Cali Gov Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi on the left, and many others. (Obama, Clinton) Yeah I said it. They got vpotus Mike Pense and many others on the right. They're running this Hegelian thing: thesis vs antithesis. The synthesis of that will be them running a one world government. Once that is in place you can kiss your personal freedoms goodbye. They hate the US constitution. They have gone on record as stating they consider it to be a pestilence. What they are doing in the temporal / political world they are also doing in churches. All churches, most of them, are uniting in a ecumenical movement. this thing is deep. A lot deeper than you think.
  17. I can't justify what rappers say and do. I'm not going to try. You can say something now and make a dollar off of it, and tomorrow it could cost you your life and your soul.
  18. Stuff comes off raw when you communicate on message boards. Stuff you probably would never say in person is said here. Also there is a lot of nuances of expression that are missing. It.s hard to explain.
  19. I threw my last post together just before I left for work. I didn’t have time to express it like I wanted to. And now I am at lunch, still don’t have much time. Plus I am using an IPHone 6s plus. I can’t address everything, but regarding the prophecy stuff I’ve shared here: man there is a whole school of thought that thinks the same thing & believes the same way. Not just schools of thought but schools, colleges, seminaries, etc. Men & women who are much more smarter than I am believe the same say about this as I do. I’m talking about PhD professors and such. Of course there are PHDs who are opposed to it. Not everyone with a doctorate is honest and/or tells the truth. History has been turned by this prophecy information. America this country came into being largely because of this information. Don’t take my word for it. Do some open minded research. People in high places don’t want you to get onto this. You won’t here it in most Sunday churches. A lot of it has been blotted out. People in high places, in top publishing houses are doing their best to block this. It goes all the way up to Satan himself. Let me get back to my lunch.
  20. Besides, the biggest terrorists are still angry white males: gave small pox blankets to the indians. Blew up women & babies in Okc and in Tulsa. Shot up too many high schools. Recently shot up a country & western concert in Vegas. And y'all talk about foul mouth rappers. They're rapping about you. They have assimilated your perverted and violent tendencies and it comes out in their speech.
  21. Sounds brave while hiding behind a laptop screen.
  22. I've barely driven in Cleburne. I was lost trying to get to Keene Tx. location for SWAU the only adventist university in this state. SWAU does not have a football team, praise the Lord, except for maybe intramural flag football.
  23. African americans created the genre known and rock & roll, for what that's worth. There are video clips of southern white conservative christians calling it race music and degrading to society. Same was said about R&B. Now it is rap. Were they right? Probably so, but secular music lovers don't care. Besides, it is really not about race. It is about being spiritually good and spiritually not good. People everywhere bicker and skirmish over relative non sense as if this world will continue on in time ad nauseam. I don't think that is the case.
  24. My step daughter recently got married, just had twins. She has an mba, works as a banker. makes at least 4 Xs what I make. There are success stories, just not enough of them.
  25. I'll stick this here. I doubt it fits but: I was looking at stuff on twitter & I noticed there is, or was a black football player on the Evadale team. More than one. The one I saw was named Will Farr. How long has this been going on? Wow!
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