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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. MLK was attacked in every way possible. Personally I don't see anything marxist in his speeches and writings. He did notreach legendary status until he died. While he was alive he endured opposition from all sides, including the U.S. government. J Edgar Hoover was almost constantly wire tapping and hiding in MLKs closet, when he wasn't busy getting his freak on in his own closet. J Edgar was a classic case of that.
  2. As I and others have stated time and time again ad nauseam black people, native african americans are not monolithic in their thinking. There are maybe 40 million blacks in this country. It is impossible to get that many people to think as one. Some will go this way, some will go another. It has been that way from the beginning. Some wanted to run away, others wanted to stay on the plantation and kiss the master's rear end. Malcolm X has a great talk on that topic. Me personally I listen to both sides, more than you think. I do so because I know neither side has the complete answer. In many respectss those on the right talk out of both sides of their mouths and so do those on the left. As for blacks calling conservative blacks uncle tom, well, name calling is going to always be a factor. It is like a white woman or man being called a Ni@#r lover for going out with, or marrying someone black. Perhaps I am generalizing but the 'uncle tom' comments here is just as much a generalization, if not more so. People are so prone to claim some sort of superiority just because they can hide behind a computer screen and lob bombs all day long.
  3. I put only so much trust in human beings whether they are black, white, left, right, democrat or republican.
  4. If Prez Obama had done some of this there would be rioting in the streets.
  5. Hillary is not the antichrist. As much as you hate her, she is not. Neither is Obama. Neither is Trump. So exactly who is the antichrist? There's your answer, straight from the bible.
  6. The mark is not a literal thing. It is symbolic. Literal things like RFID chips, etc. may be used to impliment the mark of the beast, but the real true mark is symbolic. It can be shown from the bible that the beast of Revelation & the little horn of Daniel 7 are one and the same thing, namely: The Roman Catholic Church. The roman catholic church freely and openly acknowledges that the mark of her authority is Sunday Worship. The mark of the beast itself will be enforced Sunday worship.
  7. What President Obama is expounding is more than communism. It is the one world government, the new world order. Trump is doing the same thing with his upcoming trip overseas. American government & american religions, most of them, have been co opted by the powers that be long time ago. It was only a matter of time before Trump joined with them.
  8. The question was asked how do I perceive Mr Brown and Mr Martin will be ultimately judged? I never met them. I only heard how the media portrayed them. I've never set foot into the state of Missouri (Brown). I visited Florida (Martin) three or four time, briefly, while I was enlisted in the US Coast Guard. That was at least 30 years ago. Travon Martin wasn't born yet. But the all knowing, almighty God knows them. He knew their every word, every thought, every action. He also knows all that about the people who slayed them. He knows all that, and more about all of us. So He is infinitely more qualified to be the ultimate judge in these respective cases, and in all cases, including mine and yours. Therefore I defer all ultimate judging to Him, to God. I feel certain it will be done right.
  9. Far be it from me to presume the perogatives of God. I got enough to be concerned with on my own plate.
  10. Very much out of the bible.
  11. I do know there's a school of christian thought that most people don't know about. IMO it offers the clearest insight into what's going on in this world. I allude to it from time to time hoping that would pique someone's interest. The all might God knows the beginning from the end. He never does anything without telling the prophets,or a true prophet. So there is prophetic insight out there. I am not that prophet but I know some of it.
  12. That's for God to decide.
  13. American justice is only so effective. The ultimate judgement is the one that really matters.
  14. Race and politics are closely related. They are like 1st cousins. A lot of blood has been shed by black people in their efforts to secure the right to vote. Besides, I'll say it again, and again and again President Obama is out of office. He got paid for a speaking engagement. Live with it. Bush "read my lips" got paid. Clinton got paid. Trump made 1.5 million for a speech once. Obama get $400k and all of a sudden it's a big deal. Politics u say? Yeah the politics of skin color. That is the only difference that matters. That is why you and people like you and so obsessed with president 44 after he has left office. I mean someone from Lumberton or Evadale tell me what is and what isn't a race issue. Come on man. Sell that to the marines, they might buy it.
  15. Getting so called 'called out' and trying pass a law revoking his pension are two different things.
  16. Obama must of said something against wall street. I wasn't paying attention. Now he makes $ 400k for a speech, and many on the right are in an uproar about it. Teflon coated Trump railed again Hillary having wall street connections. And how he was going to 'drain the swamp' of of fat cat insiders. Then he turns around and fills his cabinet with the same type of people. I don't get it. I mean people, like you, rail against Obama, call him a hypocrite. Meanwhile Trump is one of the most mis guided hypocrites of all time . and You don't see it, or you refuse to see it. Amazing.
  17. "Self righteous christian" is just a hackneyed phrase which lies around and is a convenient club to whack someone over the head with. I bring up religion because it offers the best insights, the only insights as to how to solve the world's problems. People don't want a christian solution. Or they want Christ to solve their problems on their terms. That's not going to happen.
  18. Racism is not going anywhere, unfortunately. It didn't start with President Obama, it didn't end when he finished his second term. What we have now is more people, like yourself, who stick their heads in the sand and pretend it is not there. As long as there is a devil, there will be racism, and sexism, and the haves vs. the have nots, etc., and on and on.
  19. Paraphrasing the good Pastor's sermon today: quit worrying about Trump, and Obama. Only Jesus' soon return can help this world. I find it amazing how much people are obsessed with Obama. He's out of office. Move on.
  20. I my mind I was winning. It is politics no doubt. The topic of ex Presidents is political. Those guys have been paid hefty sums for speeches for a long time. Now that the first and only black prez is getting paid six figures all of a sudden it's an issue. Come on man. Anybody with an open mind, a rare thing in this forum, can see that.
  21. If it walks, talks, quacks, and acts like a duck it's a duck. Only we're not talking about ducks we're discussing racism. Dismiss as a 'card' or whatever, it is what it is.
  22. Trump spent his whole campaign talking about 'draining the swamp' and reeling in Wall Street. Then he turns around and appoints billion dollar wall street insiders on his cabinet. You conveniently ignore all that and focus on dems.
  23. Bush I and II got six figures for speeches. Reagan made $1.08 million one year alone for speeches. Bill Clinton made a lot of money giving speeches also. Which leads me to believe President is being singled out because of the color of his skin.
  24. Just because your team has the ability to beat a district opponent by 50 pts or more, there is not reason to harp on it. That's childish and immature. I saw that a few times this past season. I spoke on how it may cause problems and it did. Just the same, I love this forum. Folks get carried away sometimes but overall it keeps me informed. As many know I am a big time, long time Silsbee Tiger basketball fan. I only read about the football team, but I very seldom see a game in person. Whereas I try to attend 5 or 6 Tiger basketball games a year, which is not easy to do living in Houston. Speaking of Houston, I have wondered to myself as to why don't they have or start a forum like this in Houston? I quickly came to the conclusion that would not be a good idea. Still, I am glad there is this forum. Let's keep things in perspective folks, and be mindful and respectful of others.
  25. We live in the digital age no doubt, but political preference is more analog than anything. It is not like you pull the switch and the impulse is no 0 you're right and 1 you're left. Having said that you just can't execute these prisoners for crimes that don't merit that. That would be barbaric. If you deport them back to their home country, maybe they continue serving their sentence, and maybe they don't. So fed prison is the best place for them. That's the price you pay for being a top rate first world country.
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