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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. I didn't know anything was amiss with the Silsbee b-ball team, or the overall sports program that needs cleaning up, other than the fight. The last few years I manage to watch 4 or 5 games per season & I don't live in town. I haven't actually watched a football game in years. I did see a Silsbee high school baseball playoff game held at UH field. This was 3 years ago. So I am not privy to the subtle nuances of what actually goes on.
  2. Gulp, championship forfeiture? I hope not. Or maybe make a star player sit out a few games at the start of next season, if they do that kind of thing at the high school level.
  3. There won't be any banks or bank accounts if N Korea is provoked into bombing Seoul S Korea and all the world markets collapse.
  4. So, according to you and those like minded, "the truth" is anything that comes from Breitbart or the Trump administration? That is very narrow minded way to think.
  5. Don't drop your guard because someone is also black. Black or white, It's a spiritual issue. The most dangerous black guy I've met in my lifetime is that guy I look at in the mirror every morning.
  6. Yep. There are some very sick puppies walking among us.
  7. Congratulations Coach Sigler. This is a well deserved honor.
  8. I am sure your interpretation varies wildly, but I can't control your intepretation.
  9. Aren't these acts condemned by every Christian church? And were any of the acts done in the name of Christianity? I'm not following your equivalency theory. And your last statement seems to infer that you think many believe that all evil in the world can be laid at the feet of Islam. How did you arrive at that assumption? Who are these people that think that? Many terrorist acts perpetrated by extremist Muslims are condemned by moderate Muslims, and yet it doesn't do any good. They are all villified. Just read the posts in this section of the forum. Again I don't have to infer anything. Just read the stuff posted here. It speaks for itself.
  10. The devil, satan, is not going to let racism go away. Racism is a subset of sin and evil. As long as there is evil in this world there will be racism. People may mollify it, modify it, what ever, it will still be around. Read the chapter "Why was sin permitted" in the book Patriots and Prophets by Ellen G White. That is basically how it all started.
  11. It has been said before, by me, and it bears repeating: apostate christianity is just as evil and pernicious as islam. I mean they won't cut you head off..wait a minute it was sunday school thumpers who did a number on Emmitt Till. They won't drop a terrorist bomb on ya...wait wait, they blew away those four girls in an Alabama church, on Sunday, with a bomb. They bombed the central black section of Tulsa Oklahoma. There are too many mass lynchings post slavery, perpetrated by so called good protestants in this USA. When Columbus set sail for the new world on the nina, the pinta, and the santa maria from Spain, know this: nothing happened in Spain back then, and probably now, without the consent and imprimata of the catholic church. And yes I believe in Christ and christianity, but I am not stupid enough to believe that all the evil in the world can be laid at the feet of islam. Far from it.
  12. This move is positive if it has the desired effect on N Korea.
  13. The battle is not against muslims per se, it is against satan himself. Eph 6:12. The adversary is manipulating all people groups and religions. All the muslims in the world could be done away with and there would still be hatred, mass murder and confusion.
  14. The perpetrator of the Orlando massacre was born in the USA. As was John Wayne Gacy, as was Ted Bundy, as was the Columbine shooters, and on and on. Immigration had nothing to do with that.
  15. I'm guessing the 10.1 was a handheld time, and the 10.3 was FAT. Or, maybe they didn't use fat at all.
  16. For the record, coverage of the # 1 team, and coverage for the # 1 team that won state, well the difference is like night and day.
  17. The young kids feel the vibes and catch that championship aura. Hopefully the situation perpetuates itself.
  18. it is a different feeling this off season. Usually I am discussing this and that way to get better. Thinking about how Silsbee matches up with this team or that. This off season, none of that. Going to miss the outgoing Seniors. Michael MCCain and Bruce Newton's tenacity, especially on defense. Willie Jones III post play. Hard to replace that. The young guys will have to step up, and I am sure they will. This happens every year though. A whole lot of teams would like to have what Silsbee has coming back. I don't follow hs baseball or track that hard. Not even football. I don't put much attention into the NCAA tournament. TBH not even the Rockets. High school basketball, especially as it relates to the Silsbee Tigers. That's my favorite sport and team to follow.
  19. I never said I knew when. Per Jesus only God knows when. But, in Matthew 16:3 Jesus Christ scolds the people around Him, and it applies to our day, for not knowing the signs of the times. Check it: Matthew 16:3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? The signs of the times are happening all around us.
  20. The answer is not Trump. The answer is not the Pope. You won't find the answer is Breibart, Fox news or CNN. Jesus is coming back soon.
  21. 12 year old boys are enslaved in the congo by european cocoa farmers. All the major chocolate manufacturers are behind this: hersheys, nestles, all of them. Same thing with your smart phones, and digital cameras. There's a precious metal that is found in the congro area. Children are forced to work in the mines 12 to 14 hours a day.
  22. As I mentioned I am a christian seventh day adventist or sda. So is Dr Ben Carson. I first heard of Dr Carson twenty + years ago. Back then he was the favorite son of black seventh day adventists and adventists in general, who knew of him. No one outside of SDAs knew of him. Dr Carson never spoke much in and around the church at large. There are other black SDAs who are just as talented and educated as Dr Carson, who did preach. They got in trouble for it. I am thinking particularly of a Dr Eric Walsh. Adventists preach a very bible based,, straight forward message. It is not a very popular message but a truthful one.
  23. Stuff happens in the heat of a game, especially the state title game. The game last year.. I was watching the first playoff game in Livingston, when that guy for Huntington sent Braelon Bush tumbling at least three times. B Bush had him beat each time on a break way layup. Instead of letting the play go the player charged into Bush while he was in a vulnerable position. That kind of stuff happens. The refs don't see everything, unfortunately.
  24. Houston Chronicle writer Matt Young wrote an article where he talks about how physical Silsbee's defense was against Brazosport. He interview B'port's star guard Rossow who says he was knocked down several times and that his shirt was ripped in the first half. I think that writer picked up on the LCM debacle and tried to further slime the Tigers. That pg, Rossow is small and thin, yet he drove into the paint with reckless abandon. He scored a lot of points that way, and he probably hit the floor a few times. Braelon Bush gets knocked down 4 or 5 times every game. No one writes anything about that. If Rossow plans to play at the next level, and I think he should, he needs to put on 10 to 15 pounds. Silsbee's defense is mild compared to what he will face at the next level.
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