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  1. Porter was not a good football team IMO. Any coach other than King and that score is 63-0...at halftime
  2. Yea Forney is gonna run it up regardless...
  3. He doesn't have the Qb the others have...
  4. Nawl these boys were holding holding
  5. Timberview has literally been holding every play
  6. Hopefully no team this year sticks to the "game-plan"...🤞🏾
  7. Defense...
  8. The QB we have been critical about for the past 3 years had the best game of his life against his team/school. When Longview took PA's best shot early and weathered the storm...they folded from the 2nd qt til the end like another poster said they would. A talented team they are no doubt but in the mold of them mid 2000's Dallas Carter teams. So think he should not be impressed with his team/school.
  9. Doesn't matter...Longview Qb prolly would miss the wide open DB's too...😐
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