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Everything posted by clamy13

  1. I understand that Motiva is working on getting back up. Yesteday they were telling workers to come back and that they would be working 12 hour days. A small step maybe?
  2. If that is the case why doesn't Orange County lift the mandatory evacuation? I agree you need people to rebuild and community to do it BUT at what cost? That rebuilding process can't happen till there is city/county/goverment support and services and it seems that we are hearing by having more and more people in cities it makes that process much harder and longer to get done. I just don't think the county officials thought it all through....they say one thing and do another. (at least in Jefferson County). Just my thoughts...
  3. Here is what I don't understand. The area is still under mandatory evac. Yet, daily people return to the area, you hear stories of how cities are having a hard time getting things up and running because the systems are still running without power and for you to stay out. So, why are they allowing people to come in. After Rita they allowed nobody in until it was safe to do so. Why is this time different? With water still standing in some areas there are greater risk of disease, with water not being cleared as drinkable and useable yet, there are health risk. Why is this a "better" storm then Rita. People complaining because they can't get help, I think we were told to leave and last I checked we have not been given the all clear to go back, if you decided to stay you were told you would be without services and to be able to live on your own for 10 days. We are only in day five. So...is there a bigger problem occurring because people are allowed to go back to their homes?
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