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Everything posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. Bad dog still out here picking sides like sports teams lol This dude is beyond lost and clueless. Truly a sheep
  2. Party of small government and business-friendly policies, folks
  3. Unwoke is just here to try and gain followers for his 2nd business, his Twitter account. I don’t think he’s legitimately that stupid. Just trying to make a quick buck off the ultra suckers like Reagan/smitty, Lum raider and traitordog
  4. Tucker Carlson and everyone at Fox News are on record saying this is all complete bull.. and you SUCKERS believe it anyway. LOL 🤡🤡🤡
  5. The low IQ brain MUST pick a side! There is no brainpower for critical thinking
  6. Imagine boasting about your commitment to (i) main stream media and/or (ii) trump Such an insanely successful cult you hillbillies managed to tricked into (suckers)
  7. Oh look, Trumptards routinely flip flopping on hating/loving main stream media, AGAIN.. currently, it appears you love main stream media. Like an absolute SUCKER. How on earth do you hillbillies keep falling for this crap
  8. I saw Tucker speak at a conference before. He is actually a very smart guy.. who just happens to cater to really dumb Fox News viewers. Cant blame him. He’s a millionaire and his followers are broke hillbillies who are convinced the #1 watched channel somehow isn’t main stream media. (I know, stupid right?) A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
  9. .. This isn’t the “gotcha”you think it was lol
  10. it’s going to be a disaster for GOP in 2024 if trump gets the nomination.. and the trumptards won’t have anyone to blame but themselves. Literally anyone else beats Biden but they’re in a cult and too just too stupid to see the bigger picture here and then the next cycle of fake news, stolen election, grifting and “donate to save America” continues.. bunch of absolute SUCKERS who keep falling for this BS
  11. Sounds like major coping and I’m really not trying to be rude or facetious here Trump only won (once) because democrats were stupid enough to elect the most hated woman of all time in Hillary Clinton. Anyone else and trump gets smoked at the polls. just like 2020 and 2022..
  12. You love this guy don’t ya? Can’t stop talking about him lol
  13. When in doubt, post a comment saying “WHATABOUT”
  14. Y’all are really debating about which country has better military propaganda videos huh.. lol
  15. ITT - bunch of people trying to deflect from the topic at hand. Pedo creeper threatened by a newer, younger, more polished, and less idiotic politician who’s poised to take his spot.. so he calls him a pedo instead lol
  16. It’s a big ole uniparty, and you (and me) ain’t in it! This crap is just another distraction to polarize, divide and conquer. And it’s obviously supremely successful, if the rhetoric on this forum is of any, albeit small, indication.
  17. Meanwhile team republican comes in every single topic with “the LEFT” and “hwatabout”
  18. Yup.. would’ve otherwise never heard about this. Trump mudslinging Desantis is free PR for the democrats lol
  19. This is the trillionth whataboutism reply on this forum lol. Everyone knows Biden is a creeper man
  20. So trump is the “LEFT” now? Jesus Christ you guys are absolute lunatics lol
  21. Another “accusation is a confession” from god emperor trump. Dude was BFFs with Epstein and conveniently made sure Epstein got suicided under his watch. Not to mention all his creepy dressing room shenanigans with those little girl pageants, and his “if ivanka wasn’t my daughter” hypotheticals. Super creepy Trump is scared and threatened by Desantis
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