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Everything posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. “We were duped” - How Santos raised money from wealthy GOP donors
  2. The MAGAs lost.. and now will re-brand the 2024 rallying cry as “Hope and Change” 🤣😭
  3. Yeah it’s caving to the RINOs. I personally wanted the swamp to be drained, but looks like 2 more years of status quo. Here’s to hoping 2024 is different
  4. The holdouts, who we thought we the REAL conservatives, caved and voted for McCarthy. The uniparty wins again.. man I thought it’d be different this time. Maybe in 2024 (lol)
  5. Yup, and you keep falling for it. No different than liberals. Uniparty. Univoter. Tribalism.
  6. Yeah he’s on someone’s payroll. For sure. No different than the liberal shills on websites like Reddit. There’s a whole industry dedicated to manipulating and driving online rhetoric.
  7. Yeah the media sucks, we get it. I agree. Almost everyone agrees. I don’t know how many times we have to beat the dead horse here
  8. Now how on earth do you jump to this conclusion, from his post? Just another big brain post from baddog..
  9. Source - trust me bro
  10. 9/11? Next post will be shoehorning BLM and transgenders into the discussion somehow.. Another day at SETX politics
  11. Obstruct, project, deflect Textbook response for the trumptards
  12. If your brain isn’t big enough, just say that
  13. Pretty sure this guy is on someones payroll to defend Trump and the GOP. Like it’s his legitimate day job or something. Who on earth has the time and energy to post here literally every single hour.. every single day? Anyways.. more crying, coping and rationalizing from the Trumptards.
  14. Lol just can’t help themselves huh..
  15. Conservatives are never consistent in their argument.. I thought you all wanted these people to do nothing? Because from my POV, Kamala has done nothing. Would you rather her push for a bunch of ultra liberal mandates and policies? Hard pass.
  16. interesting take. Why do you think trump is pressuring for McCarthy to get nominated then?
  17. This implies he’s still running, lol. No more 90 year old dinosaurs, PLEASE
  18. TrumpTards always hating on Pelosi, who has been supremely successful in keeping her party in line for decades. Meanwhile, GOP is a 24/7 circus with the latest act being the TrumpTards holding the entire platform hostage. More rationalizing. More cope. No wonder TrumpTards got BTFO by sleepy Joe in the general and midterms. All part of the 2024 master plan 🙄
  19. If McCarthy is part of the (I) uniparty and/or (ii) democrat party… Then what does that say about Trump supporting him and calling for his servants to vote accordingly? Does trump want to maintain status quo?? All part of the 4D z-axis very stable genius mega master plan in 2024 I’m sure. It’ll be different this time. I know I said that a billion times before, but I was just kidding then. I’m for real now. #maga2024 #staytuned
  20. GOP truly has no one to blame but themselves. Go full TrumpTard, then act shocked when everyone else votes anti-Trumptards. People are tired of the nonsense. Democrats handed 2022 on a silver platter and GOP STILL f’d it up somehow. Massive incompetence across the board
  21. Lol keep coping, sucker Definitely mega mad based on how many emojis you used
  22. Unwoke - stop the uniparty! Trump - support the uniparty candidate! Unwoke - 🤡🤡 Let me guess.. all part of the 4D mega genius master plan in 2024. Like I said earlier, you are an absolute SUCKER
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