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Everything posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. Please seek help. These are public servants and political parties, not sports teams. So tired of this peanut brain logic of having to “pick a side” when both sides suck
  2. Give it up dude.. trump had 4 years to #lockherup, and all he did was scam the taxpayers and his clueless voters and you.. thinking the accountability is coming soon?? Talk about lessons unlearned
  3. Another shameless plug for your stupid twitter account lol smh
  4. It’s always the poor people and financial illiterate who tout trump giving up his salary. Dude made millions from ripping off his common folk worshippers via campaign donations, and made even more money funneling government business to his real estate properties. Not to mention his entire family on payroll, and Kushner securing a cool couple billion (literally) from the Middle East Anyways, almost wasting your breath trying to debate with these redhatters. Truly, absolutely clueless people
  5. Lol.. Trump said he’s going to drain the swamp, but this time he’s serious! #2024
  6. Yeah democrats suck man. I get it, we agree lol Next question
  7. That’s it, I’ve had ENOUGH. Im packing my bags and headed back to VIDOR TEXAS so I can make $9/hr and have my methhead neighbors steal my push lawnmower.
  8. 1) Don’t care 2) Don’t watch CNN 3) Not ever moving to San Francisco
  9. There’s a sucker born every minute 🤦‍♂️
  10. You are always at least 3 steps behind in every topic Take a deep breath and let me explain it to you - Team D is pushing this episode of TDS, so rile up the sheeple (like you) into voting for Trump, so that Biden (or anyone else) has a much easier chance of winning 2024. Trump is a disaster candidate and everyone but the sheeple know it. Team D wants to help Trump get the Team R nomination, as Team D knows they have a very real chance of losing to anyone else including desantis.
  11. Imagine still believing everything main stream media sells you.. even after they’re on record for lying to help drive viewership number$ To each their own!
  12. These guys spend more time and effort defending Trump, than they do bettering their own lives lol
  13. I remember the first time I believed everything I read on the internet (twitter)…
  14. … yeah, looks like they just crossed the Mexico border. All the way from China. Come on twitter man you can do better than this lol
  15. The real reason he wants Trump to win in 2024 is for more corporate socialism - More Trump bucks to pay off his business debts - More PPP scam loans to pay off his business debts A true fiscal conservative wouldn’t have put themselves in his position in the first place.. but true fiscal conservatives don’t exist anymore. These guys love free government money just as much as liberals do lol
  16. We’re effectively arguing about who is the bigger idiot and less corrupt every 4 years.. TLDR - doesn’t matter
  17. Dude how many times are y’all gonna keep falling for this stuff..
  18. I get it man.. you’re on payroll so you have no choice but to worship and shill for some dude who doesn’t even know you exist lol
  19. As long as the red hatters keep worshipping political teams like sports teams.. it’s not gonna get any better
  20. you’re preaching to the choir about how much Biden sucks. But if you guys vote trump, all it does is guarantee another biden victory And that’s a fact jack (🤣)
  21. This buffoon will single handedly hand a landslide win to Joe Biden, again... but y’all cheer him on anyway. Going to be another 4 years of nonstop crying and tears 🙄 Stop the foolishness and craziness, and just be normal for once..
  22. You never know what you’re talking about, then get mad when people who do know what’s going on try and discuss it amongst others here.. or get mad when people don’t blindly support political parties as if they’re some sort of sports teams, and call them “fence riders” Maybe if you pick up a book for the first time in 50 years, you can be a “know-it-all” too.
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