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  1. I think he legitimately is
  2. Unwoke and Reagan are easily manipulated.. bet they donate to these cons
  3. 3rd grade comeback, nice
  4. Don't forget S hole countries!
  5. Damn your a crybaby... Twitter don't bother me, you snowflakes do
  6. I assume you 2 sit together at the brainwashing seminar?
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Not at all. Politics doing what it does best, divide and conquer Just like your duped by the bidens crime family nothing will happen to none of them. Does that mean their innocent? I'm sure this flew over your head due to it not being via Twitter form
  9. Sheep are easily duped
  10. DeSantis can win, Trump can't! Point blank period. If R's are dumb enough to gamble him again they deserve to lose. I'll be voting DeSantis, and I guess I have TDS for picking the better choice...
  11. Not my fault that I'll vote a more professional Republican but not pick the lower candidate.. clown world you Twitter nerd live in. What's trending?
  12. Boom we have a winner! Only shot he got is D's being dumb enough to nominate Hillary. Other than that no chance
  13. Where did I say vote Democrat? You care enough to respond that I'll vote DeSantis but not Trump.. SMH new lows from the once great party...
  14. It's DeSantis or a Democrat in 2024. If you think Trump wins your a fool. I'll vote DeSantis in the primaries and if he doesn't get it I'll write someone in (waste my vote)
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