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Everything posted by TxFan

  1. Suits you to a T! Wear it proudly
  2. Also, I ve hired on in the last 2 years not saying he's the reason our business is booming but we're doing great our employees are doing great and looking to grow more... ✌
  3. Good numbers, hopefully it keeps getting better... If jobs aren't created its Biden fault Jobs are created Biden gets no credit Who thinks like this? SMH
  4. Na don't dodge your obsessed with another man.... Funny thing is you post daily bout a dude who isn't in charge and doesn't give a damn bout you.... 2 + years later lol Comedy gold
  5. Man your obsessed with that dude SMH!
  6. We finally agree, imagine the big names on that list! We already know who associated with him
  7. What'd I miss
  8. So massive nothing has come to fruition as you call it! Speaking of nonsense on Twitter seems you pick it right up... hook line sinker Sheep 🐑 bahh
  9. Explain what? Because someone posted it on Twitter doesn't mean your right Sheep led to the slaughter house SMH!
  10. R's have control of the purse, let's see how many of those you were right about
  11. Either ultra right or RINO in their eyes... no common middle ground anymore
  12. 2 bad candidates, lose lose whether you like it or not... 3rd times the charm though right? Ask beto
  13. Well blame the right for chosing someone unable to win.. pretty obvious at this point I know plenty independents and moderates that voted R previously not present though
  14. Yall act surprised and blame one side for everything while at the same time saying he was the best choice at the time (meaning it wasn't that great of a choice). R's could've nominated something better and won, same with midterms! Blame can be put on R's as much as the D's From the looks of it 2024 won't be any different... hard head makes a soft ### is what I was taught!
  15. More like 155+ mil... lose lose situation
  16. It's ashamed that there are folks out there who think this way! (I understand your joke) generally speaking
  17. More taxes, imagine that... which side is pushing this?
  18. McCarthy shoots down national sales tax bill as GOP members balk - MSN [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  19. Probably so
  20. Whether anyone likes it or not, if 45 wins the nomination and D's chose anyone besides Hillary and Biden they win!
  21. No need for 2 jobs I run 1 right and don't depend on government to bail me out or save me! Prices rise we still make it, you should really read up on how to run a successful business. Damn does everything go back to 45 with you? I haven't spoke of him and you keep thinking folks are ate up with him.. you may need to take a look in the mirror and see who needs that prescription, it's everyday with you ppl. Think for yourself for once Twitter dude
  22. You'll never be debt free in this country! Another clown statement by Twitter dude
  23. Went back and read the response, did I say no business was affected by covid? I'd be a fool to say there weren't any affected Keep working those 2 jobs Twitter dude, I'll keep building mine... if you'd stay off here and Twitter you may be more successful!
  24. Msg me for pointers 🤣
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