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Everything posted by TxFan

  1. Seems like it's saying treat them both the same, same accountability... You wouldn't understand though
  2. Didn't read the article, my dad votes D and don't believe in killing babies, sorry your point is mute.... yeah there's D's out there for abortion but not all Your attempt to link all D's as baby killers is laughable at best
  3. So pretty much in a state like TX the moms SOL in your instance?
  4. Have I said anything about that dude? Abitual liar
  5. Also, do you know any baby killing D's? I know plenty of D's and none are openly baby murders... more of a talking point and votes
  6. [Hidden Content] You're for food stamps, government living, help for the mom?
  7. Cool story
  8. It'd be nice if D's stop with the abortion BS, and the right quit with the pro life til birth...
  9. None of these ppl will be locked up... you agree nothing will happen to Bidens, just the other side doing the same thing the left did.. all a show
  10. Imagine a US attorney, appointed by the last administration clearing Biden... epic meltdown
  11. D's have wasted all of time and money, looks as if the R's will do the same... anyone with common sense knows these ppl won't be held accountable
  12. Why wouldn't I? I don't pledge to either of the 2 major parties Neither are for me
  13. Man it'd be nice to see both locked up.... In a cell together
  14. It's mind boggling
  15. Does everything circle back to Trump with you? I haven't mentioned that name once on here
  16. How does this help the economy? SMH
  17. 3 lies?
  18. @Unwoke post a link saying one over the other can have classified documents.. your weak man... 2024 can't get here quick enough, tired of all these old ppl in office Back on topic, you've obviously accepted defeat, repeating the same sentence... don't blame you
  19. Ummmm nice comeback... sound of defeat AGAIN!! #WEAK
  20. I can do this all day your weak bro
  21. Twitter nerd, we're still waiting on links... imagine being a old dude on the internet all day posting others opinions, sounds 🤔 boring
  22. Wait til 2024 when the D's hand 45th consecutive losses! The epic meltdown will be a sight to see If R's get away from 45 they can win if not they lose... FACTS D's have a shot if they choose anyone but Biden and hillary
  23. Twitter nerd is ultra Maga triggered!
  24. I'm good on my end, D or R ill make it... don't depend on government to save me, too bad you've made it known you won't survive much longer lol
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