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Cu Chulainn

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Cu Chulainn last won the day on February 9 2024

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About Cu Chulainn

  • Birthday 03/17/1980

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    Newgrange, Ireland

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  1. Very close game until the 2nd half (mostly the 4th) when Orangefield came unraveled. Worse defensive effort I have seen out of the Bobcats in three years. This team has to get back on D and quit getting beat over the top when pressing. Offensively, non ball handlers continually turn it over and their shot selection is poor. Basic basketball, such as: defensive hustle, boxing out, and taking care of the basketball are the areas the Bobcats need to work on most. Whitmire will get them on point, but he shouldn't have to coach effort at the Varsity Level. We'll be at McNeese this Friday night at 6pm.
  2. Tough win against a very scrappy and respectful WOS Team. Traded leads with them all night in a very physical game. WOS did a real good job of limiting Scales's opportunities, while Thomas made them pay in a big way for leaving him open. Bobcats were able to foul out a few of the WOS players late in the fourth, and WOS had to start fouling to stop the clock. The lead grew to 10 by the final. Great work for both teams! Good luck to the Mustangs on the rest of their season!
  3. I appreciate your honesty and the vote for my son. Not saying you are saying this, but I am. I dont give a dern if they are a 19 year old senior or a 14 year old freshman, the best players in the district should go on the 1st and 2nd Team list and they should be placed on those lists according to their production, not how long they have been in the program or how it isnt fair that their 2-10 team didnt have anyone represented in the selections. This is Varsity Basketball, the best kids are named to the best spots and the awards should reflect that. I have said it before, but these are kids and we have a moral obligation to get it right. Last years voting was an absolute joke and lost a lot of credibility for what happened in that room.
  4. I appreciate you agreeing with not only on Whit deserving of COTY honors this year, but also on Perrault deserving MVP last year. What about NCOTY going to Courts not Scales last year? (I even had Kountze folks messaging me and apologizing for that one.) If you have trouble answering that, let me know if you saw either or both of the Kountze/OF matchups last year? Also, if you get a chance to look at last years picks, let me know if you even recognize some of those names you see as 1st Team All District picks? Why would EC (#1) and Orangefield (#2) be so misrepresented last year?
  5. I'll never take anything from Zane Wrinkle. He is a great kid and teammate that I think the World of. I'd call him our glue guy as well! Since that is the case though, was Mason Donald the glue guy for Kountze this year? IYO, did the Coaches get their voting right in the 3A District Meeting last year?
  6. 7 District Teams X 10 -12 players per team = 70 -84 players (Split it at 77 players est.) 77 Players - 4 Superlatives - 8 1st Team All District - 8 2nd Team All District = 57 Players that don't make it est.
  7. I agree, its very tough to define the criteria. I personally hate when they go by points because some players shoot it 30 times a game to get their points, while a real winner unselfishly leads. If two players put up near identical numbers and their records were identical as well, would it go to the more efficient player whose percentages were better? If a players team was stacked and he had more help, would his team be able to still win at a pretty high rate without him? Would his equal counterpart with less help be considered more valuable then? In high school, it seems none of that is considered, but at any higher level of basketball percentages and efficiency would most definitely be considered.
  8. I love your idea of a transparent District Meeting where there would be public record of votes and how players get nominated. It would end a lot of the bull we see go down.
  9. If your son is Perrault from EC, then I believe he should have been the MVP last year as well, which is what I mentioned in a previous post. He was the best player on the best team last year. I believe Ragusa had a shot at MVP, but we couldn't steal a game from EC last year, so in fairness, I believe it should have been Perrault from EC. If anyone ever actually read my posts and considered what I am saying, then they'd see that I'm not complaining about the coverage at all. Im just stating that you can watch how teams play certain players and it will let you know very quickly who is feared the most. Those are always your MVP caliber players. Other players benefit from playing with those type players because they get more open looks and weak side coverage.
  10. Honestly, yall all know how you throw backhanded shade at my son because you dont like me. It is what it is, he has worked his tail off to pursue a dream that he had since he was very little and that takes guts, which is something most folks dont have. I have worked with him since he could walk, so he was home grown which makes folks even more mad. Add to that, that I made videos like any proud Dad would and it made/makes pansies even madder. At the end of the day, if anyone was to ever ask themselves why they hate me and maybe him, they wouldn't be able to give an honest instance where we did them any wrong. We have always treated folks like we want to be treated, I have just told him to never worry about fitting inside the box people have designed for you. You do you with a good heart and let them adjust! The loudest boos come from the cheapest seats!
  11. Down play him all you want, its expected on here. I believe Wrinkle is a great player too and I have bragged on him all season. At the same time I have seen them every game and how defenses played them. They were a 1, 2 punch that will surely be missed. Teams picked their poison and gambled on the other all season. I would have been extremely happy for Wrinkle had he won MVP, great young man and great teammate. We will not replace him, we will only be able to try to find ways to make up for his absence. I dont agree Sells was more deserving, but that is why we are entitled to our own opinions. I stated the facts previously for why I feel the votes seem to always go to Kountze in some sort of way. I guess I could dig up OF stats from the year before Ghost was a Freshman to see who he replaced in the lineup as a starter and on the team, see where they finished in District? Playoffs? I wonder if they were real good players? I wonder if you all bragged on how great they are and how terrible we'd be without them? I'm not real sure honestly, but I know we had 29 wins last year 3rd Rd exit, 33 wins this year 3rd Rd exit. Ghost probably didnt have much to do with any of those wins though.
  12. Also, they went two more rounds. That is why the seeding game was so important and neither team wanted to flip the coin. The path at 1 was much better than 2. You either play Hitchcock 5th Rd, or 3rd.
  13. Voting happened before any Playin or Playoff Games the week District ended. District matchups are all that was considered. Kountze didnt win the DC. They won seeding for the Playoffs. Kountze and Orangefield split the DC as Co-District Champions.
  14. Orangefield's Coach Whitmire deserved to be Coach Of The Year. He was a new coach with a new team that lost 7 Seniors the year before. The same 7 Seniors that some on here referred to as the "Most Dominant Senior Class Ever In Orangefield". Most on here projected us to finish 3rd or 4th in the district after last season. Coach Whit did return Scales and Wrinkle the previous year teams 2nd and 3rd leading scorers but he didnt have the depth that Joubert had or any impactful move ins (legitimate or not) that Kountze did. With all of that being considered, Whitmire coached Orangefield to a their first Co-District championship since 1954, two big tournament wins, Orangefield's All Time Winningest Record (33-6), and the 3rd Round of the Playoffs (not known at the time of voting). All of this with 70% of his scoring coming from two players (Scales & Wrinkle). That is coaching at it's finest in Texas H.S. Basketball. Jaden "Ghost" Scales deserved to win "MVP" and not just "Offensive MVP". For all of the same above mentioned reasons, as well as putting up MVP numbers throughout the season on extremely efficient percentages and outplaying (Scales had 21 in the loss, 26 in the win) Sells in both District Matchups. The third Kountze/Orangefield - Playin Game was played after the District Meeting where voting took place. Even in that game, it was obvious who was believed to be the most dangerous player on the floor, and limiting Ghost's touches proved successful for Kountze because we didnt have enough fire power without him. With that being said, to me it is obvious who the most valuable player to their team was by how they were guarded and other teams chose to play them. Ghost was robbed again, just like last year when NOTY was given to Kountze instead of Ghost when he torched them in both meetings as a freshman when his counterpart's numbers were nowhere close to his. I can't honestly tell that story without also saying the MVP was given to Sells last year as well. So, both MVP and NCOTY went to a team last year that needed a Playin Game to make the playoffs. Perrault from EC (Best player on #1 Team) should have been MVP last year and Scales (2nd Leading Scorer on #2 Team) should have been Newcomer Of The Year - IMO Don't get me wrong, Joubert is a great coach and Sells is a great player, that I have nothing but love for. However, it seems they are able to have their cake and eat it too though. You can have a homegrown freshman (NCOTY) and move-ins (legitimate or whatever) that we all turn a blind eye to and watch you go from 4th to 1st, or you can be viewed as the best Coach and player in the District because you took your team so far without as much help. Watching the full swing of both arguments to benefit Kountze in the last two years isn't the easiest sell to me or many others on here and elsewhere. As always though, I am just the only one to say it. That's ok though, doing what is right is more important to me than doing what is popular. Congratulations to all of the kids and Coaches who were recognized this year though! The voting this year was much closer to where it should be than it was last year by a long shot.
  15. Yeah he was a killer then too and it didnt fit the narrative folks wanted then either. Glad you are happy he wanted to come back home, we are too! Plus, it lets yall move on to baseball as soon as Playoffs start for the other schools.
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