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Catcher In The Wry

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  1. SETX14. Do you need a counselor? A proctologist? Or maybe Modica Bros. Because you got the brakes beat of of you!😂😂😂
  2. Mods if you kick me off for cussing, you have to kick this guy off for being stupid and not funny. You know I’m right. “Violin man.” 🙄
  3. LCM is “superior”. 🙄. Good Lord. LCM has been the definition of mediocre since 1994. BC literally wanted to play in YOUR district. Ask yourself WHY? LCM got one call which was OBVIOUSLY a penalty on LCM. The play was dead. Your coach lobbied the refs. THEN they made the call. Watch the video. Get out of here with your echo chamber “superior” bull.
  4. They opted to play in YOUR DISTRICT. What does that tell you!? That your some paragon of football!? They literally wanted to play YOU.
  5. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.
  6. How about you opt down bubba.
  7. BC is a a very good team. Even LCM coach said their QB is the best in the District. They got beat on an OBVIOUS penalty near the end zone that resulted in a free 6 points. They lost by 4 points. 4 points! But what kills me is that it’s clear that most people are bothered by their recent success. Good Lord, BC is winning and people say, “ohhhhh, well they’ll get killed in the PLAYOFFS.” Maybe the will. But that’s your knock!? Their knock is they opted up. Opted UP! In the same damn district that they’re in!
  8. Who is the playoff bi-district?
  9. Just a humble observation on "calling off the dogs"....BC QB only played 6 quarters in the first 3 games. But that wasn't District. Point being, when Smalley feels comfortable, QB goes to the sideline.
  10. I’m just picking with you bud. Please excuse us BC fans. It’s been a while.
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