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Everything posted by Gasilla

  1. If the WOS Freshman learn to play defense between now and then, it should be a big game between them and BC.
  2. From what I'm understanding. The model represents where it will hit going it's current speed (8 mph). Speed up and it will go further South, slow down and it will go further North. I think they are beginning to get a better idea what it's going to do.
  3. That bellyaching and pi$$ing and moaning about being a smaller school is probably why the Kville program is still not there yet. Nederland is well over twice our size and we have played them more than anyone else in our history so quit crying and buckle up for safety. ;D
  4. Armed I am. I don't play. My sig suggests the opposite... ;D LOL... Where ya been Kvillecheer?
  5. With this latest prediction, I would think they will hold off on the evacuations. What do you think Coop?
  6. The Wunderground models are pretty encouraging too. The GFS model in particular has it hitting somewhere around the Texas/Mexico Border. I know everyone is shell shocked still from Rita, but storms have been coming in South of us for as long as storms have been tracked. Plus, this one is coming in from much further South than Rita did. Also, there were different weather circumstances when Rita hit. ...and no, I'm no Weatherman, I just play one because I live on the Texas Gulf Coast... :
  7. :o Tell us how you really feel! LOL
  8. I think the main point is that there is no way to predict until it gets well into the gulf.
  9. That is just plain not true. We have a ton of athletes walking the halls that DON'T play football.
  10. dude i totally agree, hence this page. GO WILDCATS Kirbyville will put up at least 40 points on Newton this year. Y'all have one stand out player and that's Alfred! A certain key player from Newton was sitting behind me at the kville and jasper game saying dang kville looks good i don't believe we will beat them telling a friend from Newton Well then, it's settled. Kville wins!
  11. I can't find where anyone placed any fault on Moody for the kid getting injured. Where are you getting this from?
  12. That's a good point, Hooks has been here for 28 years and people know what to expect. I've always felt that the LCM community will have to give themselves, body AND mind to a coach before they will ever get one they feel is worth his salt. I'm not saying that Moody could have been that coach. By his actions last week, I have to feel he probably isn't. However, that program will never be where it needs to be if the parents and community don't relinquish some control. JMO
  13. Yeah, I have to agree with you and Stangchain, I think this one is just wishful thinking.
  14. um, the Cats are better than last year. Mustangs are NOT better than last year but they still better than Kville at this point. if wos think they just gonna run over kville they gotta 'nother thing coming, rather IKE hits or not. You cant get big-headed early before district starts. 8) scooter, I got news for you, the Mustangs are MUCH better than they were last year at this time. In every facet of the game. Now, understand, I'm not guaranteeing a win because Kville is talented, but don't underestimate where the Stangs are.
  15. I don't think they are equal in speed. I also do not think Kville has the edge in special teams. Remember, we ran back a punt last night too. Kville with the edge on big plays... come on man. : ;D
  16. Whaaaa,whaaa,whaaaa. Shoulda coulda woulda. Score was 48-7. Sorry you couldnt win 100-0. The Bear fans were just cheering for their team. No doubt the Mustangs dominated the game. Just take the win. You should be more worried about the penalties and turnovers. I am sure that will get taken care of by the coaches because those kind of mistakes will get you beat when you make your playoff run. Anyway, good luck to the Mustangs who have a very talented team. Thanks G n B!
  17. Coop has said all along that it will be Monday before they have a good idea where it's going. I see that there is a front dipping down into the Texas Panhandle. I hope that thing gets here before Ike, but not to soon before him.
  18. Yes it was Ethan Sonnier. He broke both the fibula and tibia in his leg. I would like to ask everyone to keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery. I sure hope he isn't a senior. I'll be praying for him.
  19. What the? Stang, you know better than that... Don't even mention Ike! :'( ;D
  20. If they had gone for it on 4th and 2 and didn't make it, ya'll would be complaining, "Don't we have a field goal kicker this year? If we had kicked a field goal we would have put it out of reach!" That's just football. Sometimes things don't go your way. Kville made the play when they had to and Jasper didn't. 'Nuff said. Beat me to the punch, Gasilla. ;D Yeah, Jasper fans need to quit complaining about Brooks and thank their lucky stars he chose to come back. I saw what this program looked like from top to bottom 2 years ago. If he hadn't come back, the Jasper program would be in shambles.
  21. If they had gone for it on 4th and 2 and didn't make it, ya'll would be complaining, "Don't we have a field goal kicker this year? If we had kicked a field goal we would have put it out of reach!" That's just football. Sometimes things don't go your way. Kville made the play when they had to and Jasper didn't.
  22. Sounds like it was a classic case of some kids reading to many headlines and thinking they were a little better than they are right now.
  23. Man... with this little bit of cooler air we got, it just doesn't seem like we should still be worried about hurricanes... :
  24. The guy on TWC says it will enter the Eastern GOM then turn North up into the FL Panhandle and AL.
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