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Everything posted by Right99JOH

  1. Pirate win and Rudy's sold out of kabobs... Great day to be a Pirate!
  2. IDK who will win between Vidor and Jasper but I know the fans will most definitely win.... Rudy's Kabobs will be in Vidor at the game selling their famous kabobs!!!!
  3. When a player off of one team has a meet and greet with the girlfriend/cheerleader of a player off another team 😁
  4. Say rings or championships one more time and we will all bow down to your supremacy. FDAI Another fun fact/s... NO one on the site cares about your rings. NO one on this site is going to kiss your rings.... So move along and bring your rings to elementary school show and tell... they may actually give a rats-butt
  5. Ohhh say it with your chest .... 🤣 Fun Fact: Having to tell others, brag of your achievements doesn't speak the volume you wish it did and at the end of the day, you're just a poster on a SETX Sports Forum 😉
  6. Keyboard know-it-all / warrior strikes again
  7. From you?.... Nah I'll pass. Keyboard warriors/know-it-alls terrify me. Having to remind or prove to someone how much better you are than them... only tells that person how much better off they are than you!!
  8. More times than not the loudest person in the room has the least to say... #alltalk "begging for my attention now you got it" ... is this John J. Rambo?!?! 🤣
  9. Attendance numbers will fluctuate from year to year no matter where the games are played. Teams playing College games Pro games Rising cost etc....
  10. Again, everyone save yourself the time... you can't have a convo, back-n-forth with this guy cause his word is the end all be all. He's coached at every high-profile school in the state and knows how each and every program and district operates. You say night he's going to say day. You say white he's going to say black.
  11. @CardinalBacker You can't have a conversation with @Coach_Izzy its his word only. He's the only person on the entire site that is knowledgeable about anything to do with high school football.
  12. Ladies & Gents.... Coach Izzy is the only person on this site who is never wrong!...
  13. Maybe this has already been said but one of the biggest narratives is MOMMY and DADDY.... $$'s-N-The-👁️'s
  14. Football IS king in Texas... period. Those schools mentioned above know what draws in the most money and a blind eye is turned when it comes to kids transferring.
  15. Easier to find 6 or 7 with larger numbers...smh
  16. Here we are again... you reading & commenting, wasting time on my misinformed garbage. BC is back.... back to the diamond.... baseball diamond 🤣 #trollwins #guitarmanissadman
  17. Must not be too much of a waste, since you felt the need to read and comment.... FYI next time be able to comprehend a sarcastic comment before getting your panties in a bunch #bckeptitinteresting
  18. You have to excuse some posters... not use to football success so they tend to be a little over the top with their post and comments.
  19. If I was the HC, AD, Parent, Players, Booster, Restaurant Owner, etc. in BC I would be contacting the UIL for NOT allowing BC to move on to the next round cause they kept it interesting!!!.... #nutsandbolts #BCthemostinterestingteam #thisisatravesty
  20. Score might be embarrassing. The kids might even be embarrassed but they are still lining up play after play.
  21. Replace that 2 with a 9
  22. Good luck in baseball cause football is over and being proud of a 3rd place finish in one of the weakest district in state is nothing to be proud of… always thought bc was a participation kind of school… everyone gets a ribbon… yay
  23. Everyone "always" gets beat. Even Mater Dei... Even IMG...
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