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  1. It certainly helps the students that use them (doesn't guarantee wins though), helps get kids in the athletics program that are other wise just walking the halls too. People want to work in nice facilities and schools they can be proud of, prospective families moving in take them into consideration as well. Facilities are really important around the metro areas where families are choosing between multiple areas and schools districts that could suit them logistically. Its as much marketing as anything else. Probably not going to have drastic immediate results but can payoff in the long term.
  2. Its definitely not a huge issue, but it is policy. Its magnified because of the video taking of course, its makes it all seem a lot more deliberate regardless of intent. If they hadn't videoed then at most the probably get a reprimand from the DEC for not following procedure and no one ever hears about it.
  3. Just got a chance to watch and it appears it was moved, but they never formally submitted to the DEC so it wasn't correctly reflected in the DEC schedule. Not anything nefarious just didn't follow procedure correctly.
  4. The problem wouldn't be moving the game, its the not informing the DEC about it. There seems to be some clashing views on if the other schools were aware or not so I'm not saying they did or not. Just that it would be a potential issue in the case.
  5. Picking up on signs isn't the issue. Stealing signs during a game is fine or even from traded game film, that's why teams cover their play callers on the sidelines. The issue appears to be that they 1. Moved their game without notifying the DEC. Moving games usually comes with a stipulation that you can't go scout other teams in your district that week. My understanding is this might be a per district policy. 2. Attending and recording the game/signals. Which is against UIL rules.
  6. The whole root of my original comment was that a good grass field is best, but the standard grass field you find at the high school level really isn't that great because they require a ton of care and attention.
  7. School districts are much more capable of or willing to maintaining quality turf over maintaining a high quality grass field.
  8. A good grass field is the best but good grass fields are nearly impossible to find. At a high school level you will never play on two grass fields that are equal, and hardly ever a truly good (level, flat, good grass, well maintained) grass field. Especially at smaller schools where you are playing on weeds, dirt spots, crawfish holes, and uneven surface. Turf is best for high school is provides the most consistency across the board. Grass is better at higher levels because it can be maintained to the proper standard.
  9. I would think another title win either this year or within the next 2 or 3 seasons with some semi final/title appearances would be undisputed. Even matching the '53-'55 seasons I would say this is a better era. Ball is way different now.
  10. no after school only work in the athletic periods.
  11. non-spring ball schools started this last Monday. Team that did spring ball start next Monday.
  12. Not a fun travel schedule for Lufkin. Good heavens bless everybody's backs that have to ride the yellow dogs.
  13. I think there are master programs based on coaching or athletic administration. (Could be wrong.) probably more tuned toward handling the responsibilities of being an AD rather than actual coaching. I can see how that could be a factor in a hire, but if you just need a masters in any field to qualify then it doesn't make much sense.
  14. Yeah, people are trying to use this instance to justify other claims of recruiting but NS has documentation of their players and process showing they did it correctly. If any one claims they recruited the kids that came and went through the eligibility process (which would be a violation) They would need hard evidence to oppose the NS reports.
  15. Which is legal. they didn't break eligibility rules. This happens all over even at schools that aren't powerhouses. The report states they played JV, after a calendar year at NS they would earn varsity eligibility even if they announced they moved for athletic purposes.
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