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Everything posted by coach13

  1. Sabine Drive---Bridge City, Texas HeatherJ Freshman Re: **Hurricane Ike Pictures** « Reply #37 on: Today at 07:20:29 AM » Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My grandmother and great Aunt also live on Sabine Drive. We would appreciate any pictures that anyone has. Thank you. Is this Heather and Mans??? This is Lisa (emma's grand-daughter). The neighborhood I hear was totally submerged with water (about 9 feet).
  2. My parents have received word that their house on Sabine Drive in the Dugas Addition of Bridge City is completely destroyed. Many of the houses in that neighborhood (including theirs) were completely submerged underwater. Their neighbor had stayed behind and was holed up on the 2nd story of a house a few streets over...once the waters subsided a little (he said they were still about 5 feet at the time) they got in a boat and went to see his house and ours. He said there were no windows, no doors, and not even any brick left on the houses. He could see straight through them. any pics of sabine drive, please e-mail them to me at [email protected] My 80 year old grand-father lives on sandy dr. and my great aunt lives on sabine dr. thanks in advance.
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