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Everything posted by 78Stang

  1. AS a lifetime ASTROS fan, My wish is that the A's stop protecting Mike "Snitching" Fires. He is a total punk and I know the Astros want to face him. Snitches get stitches. He as avoided them all season.
  2. He sure as heck cared a lot about the baseball KIDS at WOS who he left hanging a week before the season started. P.O.S. Carma Baby!
  3. Great season Mustangs. I just hate that it ended like this. What happened to the wide receiver screen that is called 20 times a game until everyone is sick of seeing it but still gaining 5-10 yards a play? Today was the time to use it. Make the big boys run sideline to sideline. Did not call it any. Chaka was scared, let him dump it off to the speedsters.
  4. PLEASE, PLEASE KFDM get another anchor for your sports. Heather Healy is so absolutely terrible. Every broadcast I try to count how many mistakes she makes and I always loose count around 10 or so. Instead I should count how many times she uses her mistake cover phrase "Rather".
  5. Kris Boyd is TERRIBLE at cornerback. He gave up Three touchdowns just by himself by getting toasted and missing tackle after tackle. It was so easy to predict OU's offense when they needed a 3rd or 4th down first down- Find #2 and throw it there.
  6. No debate at all, or even a close call. Anyone who even tries to make an argument that WOS is not by far the top football program regardless of classification in SETX knows nothing at all about high school football. Second place is miles behind them. Come on Man!
  7. I am glad to know that someone else sees the same things I do. This district has a very bad sportsmanship reputation and honestly it is not just one school. Every school has been part of the problem but some schools more than others. If you were an umpire or referee, don't you think that your attitude would be affected when every time you officiated certain teams a parent, fan, coach or player of that team was throwing a fit over every decision that you made if it did not go their way. Usually it is the same people every game.
  8. Very well said but you also must admit that there are many, many more game problems that have occurred than the .08% that I mentioned. Why defend out of control parents, fans, coaches or players. that makes little sence to me. You even state that you had to subdue a parent yourself, don't you see something wrong with that
  9. Whether this topic it is closed or not, please look in the mirror tonight and ask yourself, Did I conduct myself at the football, baseball, softball, basketball, or soccer game in a manner that I am proud of and did I show team spirit while not embarrassing myself, my school, my child or my community.
  10. Close it. I don't care!
  11. Back to my original point in my post. As I was sure would be the case, most parents and homer fans are excusing actions of bad behavior or fighting because of a bad call or bad umpiring as they see it. Everyone needs to get real. Most of us have played a sport or two and been on the wrong side of a bad umpire or bad referee, there is no possible way that what is occurring in this district would ever, ever happen years ago. Coaches, umpires, administrators and parents would never tolerate the behavior back in the day and the player would be lucky to ever get on the field again. Stop making excuses for parents, fans, coaches and players lack of sportsmanship. Remember- I am talking about every sport not just baseball, The lack of a good clean competitive sporting event is hard to find anymore. Every parent, fan or coach is constantly gripping about bad calls or non calls. Let the kids play the game, stay out of it. If you are going to say that one strike call in a 7 inning game made the difference in a win or loss, then look at the score book. There were plenty of errors, walks, runners left on base and questionable balls and strikes for both teams.
  12. Parents, Coaches and fans. It is way past time for everyone to stop the endless, embarrassing support of your team while displaying terrible sportsmanship. District 22-4A is by far one of the very best districts in all of Texas in any sport. But the district has also become to be known as the least disciplined in the state. It is beyond support of your team when Umpires, referees, school administrators and law enforcement are called upon at almost every District sporting event in order to keep players, fans and parents calm and stop any fights. 1) Silsbee/ LCM basketball fight 2) BC racial post of WOS player during football season 3) WOS baseball playoff game with Robinson 4) BC baseball playoff with China Spring These are a few examples of what poor sportsmanship looks like and anyone who is involved should be ashamed of themselves and the example that they are showing these young kids and the black eye that it puts on the school and the District. Remember- It is just a game.
  13. UIL needs to put in a base running rule. After a player has run around the bases to score three times, that player must not score again for three days in order to give his legs rest. If he only scores two times he must rest for two days.
  14. nm
  15. The Silsbee Tigers- State Champions- Basketball WO-S State Champions- Football ?????- State Champions- Baseball Lets show the rest of Texas what amazing athletes are in Southeast Texas and especially in 4A District - 22
  16. Now we need to finish the Trifecta. Bring home a baseball State championship Trophy to our District and we can do what may have never been done before in the State of Texas. State Champions in all three boys major sports from one District. It is very possible. Lets finish the year by showing the rest of Texas what athletes we have in Southeast Texas. Good job Tigers.
  17. Silsbee has a LONG way to go in order to compare their basketball team to WO-S football. Not even close, or even in the same conversation.
  18. Silsbee will Knock em OUT!
  19. Silsbee- 2nd quarter knock out!
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