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Everything posted by 78Stang

  1. The topic is ridicules. Are you really going to discuss kids that will not graduate for 2 years. Get a life man.
  2. Close this post.
  3. I am not saying he has not done it, but I never heard him use a curse word while I played for him in my 4 years.
  4. My son is small, But he sure is slow. Relatively speaking. Contrary to what you believe, I do understand everything that you say but, for some reason you must think of yourself as Vince Lombardy, Tom Landry or Bear Bryant. None of your points make any sense at all and are so pointless.
  5. You have got to be kidding, 2018?
  6. Hey Old school, I have a 5'-2" son, 115#, slower than the Bridge City water department fixing drinking water and about as smart as Donald Trump. I need your help improving him so he can play high school football or just be ball boy. " All of those things can be improved". I need your expertise.
  7. And where is that $95,000 a year head coach at LCM from?
  8. Only two questions in this game 1)Will the Longhorns keep The Raiders under triple digits on the score board? 2) Who will Charlie blame this loss on?
  9. I have 4 tickets and will not be able to go to the game. I will sell them for face value. You can contact me Hector at [email protected]
  10. Didn't Oldschool2 not long ago get his feelings hurt and excuse himself from posting any more. If I am correct then please go back to hibernation because your points are so ridicules. You should have run for US President because none of your points make sense or relevant to anything.
  11. After reading all of this post what I don't seem to understand is the definition of EXPOSED. If WOS was truly exposed and Liberty had the ball 37:27 minutes and the final score was 32-7 then IF WOS never got another possession and the game extended 12 more quarters so Liberty had time to score the 25 points that they lost by. At the end of this total EXPOSURE, Time of possession roughly would be Liberty 181:27 Minutes, WOS 10:33. To sum up your definition of "Exposed", Liberty would need three more complete games to score enough points to win while shutting out WOS. Now I understand being exposed.
  12. Every Team has injuries and are young at times, but lots of those teams still win. If Lamar and the fan base is fine with loosing records year after year, then I'm fine with it also. Make excuses for every loss, be proud of beating Sam Houston, Playing close to McNeese, Those are games you should win, aren't you in the same conference and on the same level field. Why bring back football if the product is way bellow average. The same thing applies to the basketball program. It just seems that the AD and president are just fine with loosing athletic programs in almost every single sport. The true fans should speak up and demand better.
  13. Good Bye Charlie. The team is pathetic as well as your coaching. The statement made by the broadcasters several time during the game quoting Strong, "whoever is coaching this team next year will definitely win 10 games" will only happen if the coach is not Charlie Strong.
  14. Can I please have the Football or Basketball head coaching job at Lamar? I have no coaching experience, no experience in judging talent and have never coached a team, much less won a game. BUT I do have a gift of feeding people a line of BS and making them love it. That seems to be all it takes to be a head coach at Lamar. Heck, win a game or two every year and you get a raise and contract extension for life. What a great job.
  15. Yes Coach T has been at WOS since the first year, 1978 except for a short time at Palestine and Huntsville . Before that he coached at Stark beginning in I believe 1975.
  16. I miss Him too. He must be a Church Mouse.
  17. I just wish they would call it whatever they want, play the games, best team wins and SHUT-UP!
  18. Ya'll need to have a MC bowl each year PNG, NED, PAM to settle all of the BS talk. Settle it on the field like they do in Beaumont with the Beaumont Bowl, WB, Ozen, Central.
  19. That sounds right.
  20. Indians in a blow out.
  21. Strange as it seems, the names I posted was the entire football staff. Now they probably have triple that amount.
  22. Looking at yearbook, Byerly was not on the staff. I remember him but he may have come later.
  23. Great job and hopefully more to come.
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