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Everything posted by 78Stang

  1. I see just about the same outcome as the last few games played between these teams. Nederland will always put up a good fight and play hard but WO-S just has too much speed and talent.
  2. Everybody please chill out. I know and like Coach Riojas, Landry, Fackler,Moore and Griff. All are great baseball people and human beings. Happy Memorial Day- Fly your flag!
  3. Yes, I have made simular staments in the past. The thing that I want to most impress on parents and players is, if a kid has the GOD given talent and abilty to play the game of baseball then there is no need to go to a person who only benifits from that tallent for profit. Only few kids are given that kind of tallent. There is no reason for a high skilled baseball player that has that kind of tallent to pay someone else to gain the glorry for his hard work. Please be honest, most highly skilled baseball players have a gift given from above and will move on to college or pro baseball because of that. I truely do like both of the instructors mentioned here and want nothing but the best for them but, is it always the best for the kid and their [u]team[/u]?
  4. This entire conversation makes me laugh. The best laugh that I have had was that Sam Moore and Fackler are some of the all time great coaches who have mentored Coach Landry. If you have been around baseball for any time at all and know anything about the game, you would know that it is only a business for these men. All of them are fine people with good knowledge of the game but it is about money only. If there is a true amount of baseball love and desire to teach the game, then why not be a true teacher and be an educator of young men in high school. By doing this they could prove that they have great teaching skiils and also teach kids the more important things in life. It looks to me that they take the easy road by charging huge amounts of money for special classes and then benifit from it by saying "I got "4 Little Johnny's scholorships". A true coach teaches "Little Johnny" on the field, off the field and in the class room for much less profit, and that high school coach loves the kid for much more than monetary profit.
  5. After being around the program for years and seeing what has gone on, I am really just amazed at all of it. Here are facts- The last two head baseball coaches hired at WO-S had NO head coaching experience at all (one fired, and the last-not sure why he was let go). It is very clear how well that has worked out. Now the district goes out and hires the third in a row with no head coaching experience. I like Shea and wish him the best of luck, but you can not tell me that there are NO experienced baseball coaches out there who would not love to have a chance at the job. Why was the job not posted to see if there was other interest. It looks to me like the school has no interest at all in the baseball program and cares none if it is sucessful. That is unfair to the kids.
  6. Yes Rijos has been relieved of the baseball coaching position. He has done a good job considering the state of the program that he took over. Remember that he took over the head coaching job almost half way through the season when the previous coach was terminated. Riojos took over the program with no head coaching experience and did a good job of trying to rebuild the program to where it once was. Yes Coach T. is a baseball guy at heart, he played at McNeese as a catcher back in the day. I feel certain that he does have a big interest in the baseball program as well as all sports since he is now the A.D. I wish Coach Riojas the best of luck in the future, and thanks for the hard work.
  7. I am not the father of any kid that played against this player. I have no kids in high school, they graduated a few years back. So, no, I have no agenda. My point remains the same, he looks like a good athelete but please dont think for one minute that these few highlight clips are what sells a kid to college coaches. I know that for sure. Now if you would please let me see several films of ENTIRE games, then I could make a true judgment of his potential. That is what a college scout will do to grade any high school player.
  8. You are a trouble maker, nothing else. I have lived in Orange my entire life, graduate of WO-S and supporter for over 30 years. There is no split or problem with the choice made to hire Coach T. There is no internal problems in the community, school or coaching staff. Why would you make a totally un-true statement with absolutely no proof or facts. Sounds like you are a WO-S hater trying to bring down a program because of spite. Maybe you need to start writing for the National Enquire since you have such a huge imagination.
  9. I am not trying to put 20-4a down at all but be real, all of those highlights are just that, highlights. Any player, anywhere, can take certain plays from certain games and make a "heisman trophy" type video. I also saw that there were plays against WO-S in the highlight video. As I recall Nederland lost that game to a 3-A school. So, no it is not about 20-4A. Once again, I see a talented young man who is just a Sophmore and has a lot of potential. If you want to make a college scholorship plea for the player (or your son) I think you should do it on a college scouting web site not here.
  10. Pretty impressive. Problem is most of what I saw was because of a line stunt and he happens to be right where the play is run. Wish him the best of luck and he does look like a good athelete. One other thing I would like to add is that most of the competition that I saw him playing against was average at best.
  11. Today Dave Campell Magazine presented Coach Dan Hooks and the Football team with a trophy and annouced them the 2010 3A Football Team of the year.  I am sure that most everyone knows of the tragedy that stuck this team, coaching staff, school and the entire community during the early part of the season when there was a loss of the quarterback, team leader, and a fantastic young man. The coaches, teachers, parents and community pulled together and found a way to help each other through this time and most importantantly help these young kids through it all. The way that the coaching staff handled this situation was absolutely remarkable. They took these young men who were devasted and helped them through something that most of them have never experienced. The love and support given to this Mustang family has been so overwellming.  We pray that no other school or community ever goes through something like this. The football team did have a very good year (win & loss) but the most important thing that we all should remember is that this is only a game. Live each day like it is your last and let everyone that you love know that you love them.
  12. It finally got here. [u][i][b]PLAY BALL[/b][/i][/u]!
  13. I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of the area schools and individuals outside of Orange that have shown their respect for Reggie, his family and the West Orange Stark family. I have been to the football stadium several times the last few days and the nice flowers and items left in memory are so much needed to help these young men, coaches and our community heal. Seeing all of the support actually takes my breath away. Thank You so much for your kindness. Please continue to pray for us.
  14. Great kid and family. I hope and pray all will be OK.
  15. This years field consist of WO-S, Dayton, Vidor, Sheppard, Center and Jasper. Play begins Thursday @ 10:00 a.m.
  16. Looks like it will be great weather Saturday for a day of baseball and fun. Please come out and enjoy the nice day with friends.
  17. Please try to attend! WOS BASEBELL ALUMNI        ODD Verses Even game All former WO Chiefs, Lutcher Stark Tigers, and WOS Mustangs are invited to play. The teams will be divided according to graduation year, either odd or even. The game will be a rag-ball game so even you old guys need to dust off your gloves and come out and play. Come meet the 2010 Mustangs and visit with former players. Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010 Time: 4:00-5:00pm registration and warm-up Game begins at 5:00pm Place: Mustang stadium Cost: $25 which includes a t-shirt Bring your family and friends. The concession stand will be open selling hotdogs, links, and all of your other favorite baseball foods. Admission is FREE! Come and support our WOS Baseball Team!!! Sponsored by: WOS Baseball Booster Club For more information contact: Annely Domas 670-5309, Jesse Riojas 313-1019, or Tony Dallas 882-1943
  18. One comment. Why not move this topic over to the Select/Babe Ruth/Little Leauge Forum? It is obvious to me that most if not all of the posters on the subject have motives and are are pro-select. To be honest, frankly my dear I dont give a damn. This forum is "[u]HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL[/u]". Last thought, the post which has #4 being discussed. That says it all, the High school teams matter. Select teams do not matter to a high school baseball player. All that select teams are about is to live out a dad or moms dream and to make some wanna be, has been coach money while that dream lives. I have seen it too many times!
  19. David I really apreciate your input and honesty. May I say AGAIN, My son did not play select, never wanted to and I have absolutely no problem with any select team, coach or player and no "negative experience". It is a free world and everybody has the choice to do as they like. AGAIN I will remind everyone that this post is about the effect that select baseball has on high school baseball teams. With that being said, let me touch on some of the statments that you have made. Just how many of these ballplayers that these paid coaches have coached that have been signed to play D1 baseball on full scholorships? You did say that is what the main job for which yall are being paid for. Monitoring player conduct and grades- Please explain just how that works. Little Johnny's dad pays you $100 a month and you are going to punish him HOW? Make dad pay $200 for flunking school or misbehaving? Tuitor him after practice since yall are all College and high school coaches?- I dont think so. You know as well as I know that you are being paid and that there is no disipline what ever that you can administer. If you did issue punishment, the players would quit or the dad would make them quit and you would have to go get a real job. I pesonally know several of the coaches that you named and do consider them friends with good baseball knowledge, so it not about all of that. What it IS about, is does any of select baseball help a high school baseball team? I say no. These select coaches cant coach the player in a varsity game, practice or scrimmage. These coaches are not there to talk to school teachers about the kids attitude and grades. They are not there to see that all players on the team mesh, respect each other, teachers and their coaches. They are not there making the tough desission that a high school coach has to make evaluating, disiplining, and monitoring these young men. These coaches get paid by the school district and not paid enough. They are the ones that are doing the real job, usually 12-16 hours every day. Be real- The players that you have now will leave one day and you will recruit another. It does not work that way on a high school baseball team. The coach has to play the hand he is dealt, he cant go and pick up someone else and take their money for the privaledge to play for him. And if the player makes too many errors or strikes out too many times, cut him and get someone else. When we talk about Select baseball and High School Baseball, there really is no connection at all other than a bat and ball.
  20. Well it is very obvious that most if not all of you have kids that play select ball. I want to clear up some of the statments made here. My "little Johnny" had the opportunity and invitation to play select ball, he chose not to join. His and only his decission, I did not care one way or the other. The point that is being missed in all of the post on here is what the post title is all about. "Select Baseball effect on high school Baseball". I state once again that it is a negative effect on the team. My little Johnny has played with most every select player in the area and he has told me (without my input) that some are really good guys and team players but the majority are only out for themselves and bring down the team chemistry. If you cant handle that then you and your little Johnny are  probably in the last catagory.Keep throwing away your money on a hope and a dream and lets talk more after he graduates and is left with no scholorship and you have lots of bills and tuition to pay while you are left feeling like he let you down and you are broke while the select coach laughs all the way to the bank.
  21. Finally somebody who see it the way it really is, thanks hitman. It is all about MONEY, plain and simple. I have the money, I have the time, I can travel but the one thing I will not do is suck-up! Be real and ask yourself how many times you as a parent kissed the select coaches butt? Also be real and ask yourself why, is this super great, all-world coach, coaching a kids select team? Answer- he could not cut it as a high school or college coach so the last resort is taking suckers money and making tons of promises he cant keep. Good luck with all of that suckers.
  22. Wow. I think I touched a few nerves with that post. First of all no it is NOT personal, I am talking about experience, first hand. There seems to be a huge misunderstanding that the non-select players are not playing ball or practicing during the summer and fall. Wrong! They are working just as hard, sometimes harder. No this is not a parent taking up for little Johnny. Little Johnny was a 4 year starter on Varsity and did very well while not playing select. However the select players were given special treatment by coaches while players with the same abilities road pine because of it. The attitudes of some of the select players is the problem I am talking about. Cocky! I watched as it totally tore the team apart and the select players ended up on a lonely island by themselves. NO I am not talking about ALL select players, I am talking about the majority. There are exceptions. As far as the post about select is the only way to get to the next level, that may be true, but that statement is a perfect example of my point. The select player is looking down the road and in most cases the rest of his high school team and buddies pay the price of his future goals not the immediate team goals which should be the most important.
  23. I personally think it is a terrible idea. What I have seen first hand over the years is that a select player is an absolute distraction to a high school baseball team. What happens in most, but not all cases is that the rest of the team sees the select player a prima-donna and most of the time the player thinks of himself as such. He is usually the coach favorite and gets special treatment from the coach. The rest of the team resents that fact and he becomes an out-cast while it ruins the team chemistry from there on. The rest of the team has worked just as hard and put in just as much time practicing but they dont get the credit that select players get for doing the same thing. Select ball has ruined all levels of baseball and most parents are also to blame for getting caught up in it. But to be honest- this is the U.S.A. and money talks!
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