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El Grande Ned

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Everything posted by El Grande Ned

  1. So he is kinda SouthEast Texas local then?
  2. Scott Rich seems to be the consensus rumored pick. Little that can be found about him online seems to be what was stated as Katy’s QB coach for last few seasons at least. And seems to be involved in Student Leadership activities and FCA. Sounds like a class act individual. if this is the selection will be interesting to see what aspects he brings from Katy program (hopefully structure, discipline, fundamentals, etc). Offensively Katy usually has a run oriented approach with pro sets, i formation, single back, etc and under center. More balanced approach than typical spread. Would be interesting. Would be better if he brought along Katy’s giant OL 🤣 Although, if you haven’t seen the size of some of the middle school linemen coming up in Nederland, would be good to check out some Central middle school games next year. Let’s see if we can keep them on the field in high school. Will be interesting day/evening with announcements. Im sure the lookouts are searching the city to see if the new coach has arrived already and touring around. 🤣 Coach Watch 2024 is on!
  3. Is there still the “Robin Hood” loophole that the district can use funds that would have gone into that system and instead put into the Interest and Sinking Fund? I know it was a tactic used by “wealthy” school districts to avoid losing the money and keeping it in their schools. And I don’t think there were many specifics on what that entailed.
  4. I understand everyone likes to talk of the difference of the approach of the school districts between NISD and PNGISD. Yes, there are definitely differences between them, but I think the elephant in the room is that there is a significant difference in the revenue brought into each school district. Despite the feeling that NISD is equal on everything with their neighbors across the tracks, the reality is NISD is not a “wealthy” school district. Everyone likes to complain that NISD does a horrible job of doing this and doing that, but in a sense they do amazingly well with what resources they have. Could they do better? Yes. Could they be more creative? Yes. But, it’s not as easy as being about mismanagement of the district or poor decisions. And, apparently the people constantly criticizing NISD have caviar dreams on a McD’s budget. NISD does not have the industries that PNGISD has. Its major revenue is on the home properties, and last I checked they are pretty landlocked. Look at a majority of the large successful programs in the state with state of the art facilities who are “wealthy”, and yes, they usually have good programs. However, the game is still played on a field whether the stadium is $100 million or $100,000. What is lacking in NISD currently is the mentality and attitude of a champion. Nederland was down for many years prior to Coach Neuman. What he brought was an attitude and a belief that they were at a championship level and winners. There were many years that Nederland was lacking in talent and still won, beating much more talented teams from PNG. Currently, the mental game is being lost every game because the attitude isn’t there. Yes there needs to be a focus on getting back to the basics of football. Discipline. Skill development. And attitude. But, good grief Charlie Brown, how about people just embrace where NISD is as a district with limited resources and be supportive of the children in the district. I’m sure all the “experts” on this board will pile on and go off on how they have held tickets for x number of years and they have 10 million bulldog shirts. At the end of the day, it’s 15,16,17, year old young men playing football. The Negative Nellys are quite ridiculous. Let’s just see what happens and be supportive and have a little faith instead of just constantly complaining how NISD can’t be trusted and they will screw this up and yada yada. PNGISD made a great hire based on recommendations by TD. And good for them. It turned out well for them. Why don’t we just see what Monday brings and quit complaining? Apologies for the rant. But, there needs to be some reality on here.
  5. Just a question out of curiosity….new district alignments are announced Feb 1st. From my memory, once announced officially, coach/AD begins finalizing non-district schedule. So if no AD/head coach in place by this time, who is left in charge to determine the upcoming season’s schedule until a new coach has been named?
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