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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. coop, WM 10? hardyz dudleyz? cmon now the dudleyz werent even started good in ecw then and the hardyz were still kids prolly lol.......anyway 1. razor ramon/shawn michaels 2.i believe it was hulk hogan 3.macho man randy savage 4. madison square garden in NYC 5. kane here are all the right answers..........gimme the win right now
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. i do like ariel tho ........anyway nothin really happened except kevin thorn(the vampire) beat al snow and kurt angle beat sabu to become the #1 contender to the ecw title and he will get a shot at summerslam.....thats all that happened really
  4. they will win the world series
  5. ummmmmmmm not sure lol, he may have done drugs, i dunno
  6. yea theres talks of a hardy boyz reunion wen matt hardy comes back from his current suspension
  7. yea everything was amazing this year.......i wanted to buy that xtended ppv but i couldnt, i had to work :twisted:
  8. stan ross from mr. 3000!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. yea bout that, my dad, who is 54, collected baseball cards and he said he had everybody from mickey mantle to roger maris to yogi berra, willie mays, u name it he had it.........wen he moved out to go to college, my grandma threw the cards away, thinking they wouldnt amount to anything.......my dad told me that if he still had his cards, they could easily be worth 10000 dollars right now.......so im taking my baseball cards with me wen i go to college lol
  10. cmon coop lets suit up and go out there!!!
  11. yea he was a friend of mines select team coach not too long ago...
  12. yea his 16th career multi HR game
  13. totally agree with u coop
  14. i wont lol..........the astros might as well be in another state
  15. i still dont think he did it
  16. better than the astros.........at least the rangers have a reliable bullpen
  17. cuz theyre stupid
  18. i agree with piratesoccer6............go rangers!!!
  19. is anybody getting tired of these ecw title match every week, i mean everybody that has sense knows that big show is going to win because it wouldnt make sense for a SD superstar to win the ECW title.........just my opinion, but this is getting old.........bring back the old ecw tv and tag team titles
  20. yea it is haha and it also looks fake......looks like somethin lonestar could do on the computer!!!
  21. sucks for u......better record it.........this is gonna be the 1st one ive seen in 3 weeks, 2 weeks ago i had a wait staff meeting at elijahs and last week i was at the rangers vs. yankees
  22. like i say, quit posting about the losers........lets talk about a good texas team, the rangers!!!!!
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